"It's OK. Don't be afraid. If she bullies you, shout. I'll get there."

"Well! Thank you, sister Xia! I'm going back. "

Late at night, the whole dream castle in the suburbs all fell asleep.

Xia Yihan kept running in his dream, shouting: "Xiaojun, come back! Come back

She seemed to have caught him in the corner of his clothes blown by the wind. After a strong wind, she could never see him again, even if it was just a figure.

She woke up with tears on her face. She looked up at the dark room and couldn't sleep any more.

Tomorrow, she must work harder than today!

At 5:30 in the morning, Xia Yihan got up and took a cold bath in the bathroom. After washing, Zhao Tianai got up with difficulty.

Gather at the gate of the working area at six o'clock. The housekeeper leads them straight to the gym. Ye Zimo has been doing morning exercises on the treadmill for half an hour.

At the end of the run, he sat down on the fitness equipment and began to expand his chest.

Xia Yihan and other maids stand three meters away from ye Zimo, holding a tray with clean towels on it.

In addition to Xia Yihan, other girls always quietly look up at Ye Zimo.

He exercises all the year round. His strong muscles and sweat flow down the wheat skin. The girls are longing for him.

Fang Lina really can't resist the impulse to approach Ye Zimo. She turns her big eyes a few times, twists her waist and buttocks with a tray, stops in front of him, squats down, and says: "Mr. Ye, you sweat too much, I'll wipe your sweat."

Ye Zimo turns his head, looks like a thousand years of frost in his eyes, only glances at it lightly, and Fang Lina repeatedly apologizes.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Mr. Ye

The housekeeper just came back from the job. As soon as he walked into the gym, he saw this scene.

He walked to Fang Lina in three steps and two steps, raised his voice and yelled: "Mr. Ye hates being disturbed, don't you remember? Not yet... "

The housekeeper's words only said half, ye Zimo stopped the hand movement, said gently: "nothing, don't blame her." With that, he reached out and picked up a towel from Fang Lina's tray. After wiping his sweat, he put the towel back.

Fang Lina thought that she would be scolded and punished by the housekeeper like Xia Yihan. I didn't expect that the prince would plead with her.

If he was right, he seemed to smile at her.

My God? The prince laughed at her!

Fang Lina was elated and secretly congratulated that she had taken the right step and successfully attracted the attention of the prince.

There are more than 20 maids in the room, almost all of them are envious and envious of each other's Lina. Xia Yihan always stands quietly and doesn't look in the direction of Ye Zimo.

He did not trace to look at her, so quiet self-sustaining? Good. He lifted his lips coldly.

Ye Zimo had breakfast. After they sent him away, the housekeeper began to arrange other jobs.

This evening, ye Zimo came back very late. It's stipulated by the Ye family that if he doesn't come back after ten o'clock, all the servants can have a rest and don't have to wait for him.

After ten o'clock, Xia Yihan was punished and left alone in the hall, kneeling on his knees to wipe the marble floor with a pure white rag.

The housekeeper said, wipe until there is no dust on the white rag.

I do not know how long, she heard footsteps approaching her, very steady pace.

She knew that he was coming, but she didn't want to offend him. She pretended that she didn't know he was coming and continued to wipe the floor seriously.

Ye Zimo squats down in front of her, and the tall shadow completely covers her.

Damned woman! No woman ever dares to turn a blind eye to him!

She should take the initiative to seduce him like Fang Lina. She shouldn't see him alone and be so indifferent.