Gu Qian was surprised.

Turn your head again and look at the little girl.

"What do you mean?" she asked

"Lu Yucheng got married a few years ago and even had a child. Don't you know?"

Gu Qian was even more surprised.

Lu Yucheng never told her!

She thinks it's impossible.

Lu Yucheng and her past are basically clear.

Although there was something about her family, she didn't know. However, Lu Yucheng's confession to her, eight years of feelings, is not false after all.

She is really persistent, stubborn, and will stick to the ideas in her mind.

Since she chose to believe Lu Yucheng, she would not easily doubt him.

Moreover, no matter how low her EQ is, she is cheated by Lu Yucheng.

But Sima Xiao's words also confirmed from the side that Lu Yucheng was the one who saved her.

The scar on Lu Yucheng's body is very obvious. She has seen it more than once.

Moreover, in Lu Yucheng's hand, there is her necklace and the gold lock.

In which link will Lu Yucheng cheat her?

He did so many things just to cheat his marriage?

Who is she?

Gu Haifeng's adopted daughter, even Mu Feixue, has said that she is just the daughter of an upstart.

What can Lu Yucheng think of her?

What can he do for her?

The reason why she believes Lu Yucheng's sincerity is that there is a big difference between them. She really doesn't deserve Lu Yucheng in many places.

Therefore, apart from love and sincerity, she can't think of a reason to explain Lu Yucheng's behavior.

She thought for a moment, and let herself face the girl's words as rationally as possible.

"No way. Lu Yucheng won't marry anyone else. "

The little girl said, "I'm kind. You don't believe in pull! He has been married, otherwise, why do you think Mu Feixue hasn't been in the top position for so many years? If he were really single, Mu Feixue would have forced him to get married! "

Gu shallow brow ferocious Cu once.

Heart, also with a click.

She took a deep breath and said in a calmer voice, "I said, she can't get married!"

The little girl widened her eyes: "Why are you so determined?"

Gu Qian bit his lip and tried to hold himself back.

The little girl said to herself, "if you don't believe it, then that little white, Lu Yucheng really treated her very well. What she wanted, what she wanted, what she wanted and what she wanted. She bought several villas for her. Even in the heart of England, there are several apartments.

Ha ha, you are cheated and don't believe it.

Lu Yucheng also gave you a house. As far as I know, it's still an ordinary residential area. It can only be regarded as a medium and high-grade ordinary property. Xiaoliangju, you've suffered a loss! What Lu Yucheng gave you is not as much as that woman!

It's a pity that the baby is not in good health. If you were in good health, you would have married Lu Shao! "

Before that, Gu Qian had to strengthen his belief to defend Lu Yucheng.

But at this time, the girl said "Xiaobai".

Gu Qian felt that he was not breathing well.

She suddenly thought of the previous wechat, the figure of the girl in white, the photo in the crystal photo frame

That "pure white"

She really had a ridiculous time, or there were so many changes in her life that she had no time to think about such a person.

She even subconsciously regarded this person as a nonexistent person.

Her subconscious force herself to forget this person.

Unexpectedly, at this time, someone raised this person again.

Gu shallow suddenly feel at a loss, do not know how to respond.

That "pure white" does exist, and even has a child

She sat there until the little girl's cell phone rang again.

After the little girl answered the phone, she answered twice and impatiently called Gu Qian.

Gu Qian took it over and heard the voice of Simao Xiao yelling: "Gu Qian, where's your HUKOU book?"

Gu Qian sneered: "young master Si, are you sneaking into a private house? Did you go to my house and steal the Hukou book? "

Si Mo Xiao is really in Gu Qian's home. He looks at Shu Wei standing in front of him with deep eyes.

Shu Wei roared: "shallow, where are you!"

She's trying to get Smallshaw's phone.

But Simao Xiao pushes Shuwei away, and Shuwei sits on the ground, "ouch".

When Gu Qian heard this, he was shocked: "what are you doing, smoothie?"

Si Mo Xiao said coldly: "Gu Qian, I'm in your house now, and your good sister is in my hand. You'd better let her give me the household register. Otherwise, you know how I treat her."

Gu Qian was shocked.

Shu Wei sat on the ground and roared: "smoothie, you son of a bitch, I knew you were not a good thing! I shouldn't have let shallowly promise to be with you in those years! Insidious and cunning, and so shameless! Do you have humanity! How can a man like you have the face to live! When a liar, you still have face

Si Mo Xiao ignores Shu Wei and rummages through Gu Qian's house, turning over all the cabinets.

Shu Wei yelled after him.

Si Mo Xiao turned over, couldn't find the registered permanent residence, suddenly turned around.

"Pa" get a, drew a slap on Shu Wei's face.

Shu Wei had never been beaten before, and now she was slapped by Simao Xiao.

Her eyes were round, inconceivable.

"You, you hit me?"

"Go away!" Smooshaw murmured and turned to leave.

Shuwei screams, grabs smooshaw and refuses to let him go.

"You scum! Stop! How dare you beat me, how dare you beat me She grabbed smooshaw's shirt and tugged.

Si Mo Xiao doesn't want to entangle with Shu Wei too much and goes outside.

Shu Wei grabs a little, pulls suddenly, and tears the shirt.

Si Mo Xiao stood still, looking at Shu Wei with deep eyebrows.

Shu Wei came forward and slapped smoothie.

Her fingernails were very long, and she scratched on smoothie's face. There were three blood marks on smoothie's left side.

He bared his teeth, took a breath, and looked at Shu Wei badly.

He hasn't hung up since he argued with Shu Wei just now.

Gu Qian has been listening to Shu Wei's voice scolding Simo Xiao on her mobile phone.

She yelled at the microphone: "smoothie, you dare to bully Shu Wei, I will never let you go in my life!"

There was a lot of noise on the other end of the phone. Gu Qian heard the last sound. After Shu Wei screamed, it was a dull "Dong".

Then, there was no sound.

Gu Qian was shocked.

She yelled, "Shuwei, Shuwei!"

Then, the voice of smoothie came from the phone.

"I said, shallow, your good sister in my hand..." finish, he hung up the phone.

Gu shallow hand a shake, mobile phone decadent fell on the ground.