Although Lu Haoran was young, he was very smart. He could see that what Lu Yucheng said didn't want Gu Qian to hear.

He said to Gu Qian with a smile, "Auntie, would you like to help me go to the ladies' room? We men don't know the needs of your women. Would you please go in and see what needs to be improved? "

Gu Qian took a look at Lu Yucheng, who encouraged him to raise his head.

Gu Qian nodded, followed a waiter and went to the women's bathroom.

Lu Yucheng took out his cigarette box and drew out a cigarette.

Lu Haoran immediately took the lighter and lit it for Lu Yucheng.

Lu Yucheng's face is not as good-looking as it was just now. He looks at Lu Haoran with cold exploration.

Lu Haoran was a little afraid: "uncle, don't do this, you scare me like this!"

"If I ask you something, say it quickly!"

"Qin Yiyang is the one who wants to cooperate with me."


"Uncle, uncle, don't get excited! I'm a sole proprietorship, so it's impossible for him to participate in the shares. "

Lu Haoran quickly explained: "today, an old classmate of mine introduced me to a friend of his sister who wanted to invest in a restaurant in Lujing city. I was just about to open a restaurant when my old classmates introduced me and said that I was learning from the classics.

After coming, I knew it was Qin Yiyang. He didn't seem to know who I was and said that he would cooperate with me and open another branch. I know uncle you don't deal with this Qin Yiyang. How can I cooperate with him? "

Lu Haoran, fearing that Lu Yucheng might suspect him, was loyal.

Lu Yucheng still didn't trust him. "You haven't officially opened your restaurant yet. How can he see that business will be booming in the future? How can you be willing to invest in a branch store? Lu Haoran, you think I have no brain! "

Lu Haoran glared, a little unconvinced, "uncle, you also saw that the menu of the restaurant was designed by me, and the ingredients were all transported by air from all over the world. Design and decoration are also invited by famous foreign experts, which you have just praised. Why don't you look up to me now? "

"Who is your old classmate?"

"You know, Mu Dongyang..."

Lu Haoran finished, Lu Yucheng cold hum a: "Mu Dongyang don't know you are my nephew? I didn't know you were the Lu family? "

"I said Qin Yiyang didn't know, not mu Dongyang didn't know!"

"Do you think Mu Dongyang will not tell Qin Yiyang? Do you think Qin Yiyang is a fool and can't find out that you are the Lu family? "

Lu Haoran is wilting.

Lu Yucheng's nose was full of smoke. Lu Haoran lowered his head and muttered: "when you called and said you wanted to come, I said, not today. You have to come. I'm afraid you will not be happy to see Qin Yiyang.

When I received Qin Yiyang, I also thought that they were brothers with Mu Dongyang, and the brothers also meant well. I can't embarrass Qin Yiyang. Uncle, I really didn't rebel. I am loyal to you... "

"All right, all right!" When Lu Yucheng heard the sound of opening the door in the women's bathroom, he didn't let Lu Haoran go on.

"Remember, even if there are difficulties, try to overcome them. Don't look for any help. Otherwise... "

"Uncle, Lu Jing City has your big backing. How can I find someone else? Don't worry, I will be loyal and not rebel. Would you like to give me some more project funds? You know, it takes at least two years to open a restaurant to earn money.... "

Lu Yucheng didn't want to talk to him. He watched Gu Qian come out and took her away.

Lu Haoran followed them out.

All the way to the car, he gave Gu a VIP card and said with a smile, "aunt often comes here, bringing beautiful friends here! Give me a hand! Then you and uncle drive slowly. It's late. Be safe

Gu Qian takes over, Lu Yucheng has already driven out, she can only give Lu Haoran wave hand, hastily said: "goodbye."

Gu Qian held the VIP card and asked with a smile, "how can you have such a big nephew?"

"This is my elder brother's son. He has been in poor health and seldom shows up. He died ten years ago, and the child went abroad with his mother. But if you don't learn well, your family will squander money.

A few years ago, he played truant and went to France to learn how to cook and become a Michelin chef. Once I had a fight with my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law had no choice but to take him back to the Lu family.

My dad doesn't have the energy. I don't have the time. So I indulged the child again. Later, he failed in the college entrance examination and was given money to send him abroad. He didn't want to go to school, but he had to learn how to cook. My father has no choice but to let him... "

Gu shallow listen, some surprised.

In her heart, the Lu family is rich and expensive. Even if they are ignorant, extravagant and corrupt, there will be no such strange people. They will learn how to cook, and they are all fresh.

Lu Yucheng went on to say: "he thought that one is one. He had such an experience before. He said he wanted to be a singer. He played drums for two days and left a braid that he didn't wash for several months. It's almost smelly. I took him and asked the barber to shave him bald.

Later, I want to be a racing driver. One luxury car after another. But he was conceited and thought he was very good, but he overturned on the field. Limping for more than three months.

Then my dad said, let him stay at home, and then go out, break his legs. He can't go out in the wild! "

The more Gu Qian listened, the more he found Lu Haoran interesting.

"Then why did your father allow him to learn cooking again?"

Lu Yucheng shook his head: "he learned by himself, only I know. My dad doesn't know. "

Gu Qian was shocked.

"I helped him cover for four years of cooking in France. However, if conditions permit, he must learn to be famous. He can't be hot for three minutes. If I change my hobby for another three or two days this time, I'll stay at home forever. I'm not allowed to go anywhere or do anything. My Lu family has a few idle people, but I'm still rich.

However, Haoran is still satisfied. He insisted for a long time this time. In order to prove his ability to me, he is going to open a restaurant in his hometown. The plan has been in preparation for a year. But now my father doesn't know, he still thinks he is studying abroad. "

Gu Qian looked at Lu Yucheng unexpectedly: "I didn't expect..."

"What didn't you think of?" Lu Yucheng raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't expect you to be such an open-minded person!"

"Oh? What kind of person am I in your heart? Is he a tyrant? "

Gu shallow pursed lips, did not speak, Lu Yucheng in her heart, even now a lot better impression, is still a person who will be authoritarian.

What's more, children from Lu's family can tolerate Lu Haoran to be a cook. It's rare!

Gu Qian felt more and more that Lu Yucheng was a very thoughtful person, not unkind.

He is so open-minded to the younger generation of his family that he should be very good to his own children in the future.

Gu shallow thought, suddenly thought of a thing, shouting: "stop!"