Lu Yucheng was driving all the way. He felt that he was going to lose his breath.

As he drove, he picked up the phone and dialed a number to go out.

It took a long time for the other party to answer the phone.

Lu Yucheng said in a deep voice, "I'll come to your police force right now. Can you find someone for me?"

"Who do you want? I'll give you a call and ask my brother on duty to pick you up. I'm on holiday today!" The other side seems to have some dissatisfaction, and the voice is also tired of not waking up.

Lu Yucheng's voice was full of anger: "you should go there now, don't let me say it again!"

Then he hung up.

After Lu Yucheng hung up, he suddenly felt his heart pulled. He jerked the steering wheel, turned to the side of the road and stopped.

A car in the back almost hit the rear end.

The man was very dissatisfied and stopped the car in front of him. When he got down, he had to argue with Lu Yucheng.

But as soon as he got to Lu Yucheng's car, he held out his hand and pointed to Lu Yucheng. He was about to scold him. Lu Yucheng suddenly raised his head.

His eyes were scarlet, like a seriously ill man, who was sick at the moment.

Seeing Lu Yucheng like this, the man turned around and drove away like a ghost. He didn't dare to trouble Lu Yucheng any more.

Lu Yucheng gasps, takes out the phone and dials it again.

This time it's for Gu Qian.

After ringing for a long time, Lu Yucheng thought that there would still be no answer, but the busy tone of the phone was interrupted.

There was silence.

Lu Yucheng held his breath and yelled, "shallow!"

There was no voice on the other side. Lu Yucheng felt something was wrong and called out, "shallow, where are you? Talk!"

There is still no response.

But also did not give Lu Yucheng the opportunity to continue shouting, the opposite directly hung up the phone.

Lu Yucheng let go and the phone fell on his lap.

He held the steering wheel in both hands, shaking constantly. Suddenly, he raised his hand and hammered it on the steering wheel. In an instant, the back of his hand was bloody.

Without further delay, he turned the steering wheel, stepped on the gas and drove out.

At the moment, Gu Qian is more and more desperate to the phone that has been hung up.

Just now, she saw the bearded man and put him through.

She shouts to the phone, but it seems that Lu Yucheng can't hear her voice at all. She is still asking where she is!

She could hear Lu Yucheng's voice. Why was it like this.

Until bearded man hung up the phone, he said with a smile: "Miss Gu, don't shout."

He pulled out an external chip from Gu Qian's mobile phone and threw it away. "The microphone doesn't work. Your husband can't hear it."

Gu Qian was desperate.

But the bearded man said with a smile: "Miss Gu, I didn't expect that Lu Shao was so devoted to you. I think he is so worried that I really want to kidnap you as a hostage and let Mr. Lu pay for the ransom. "

Gu shallow listen to this person's words, instant alert.

"Since you are not a kidnapper, why did you bind me?"

The man laughed and said, "it's useful to tie you up."

The man made a phone call. Then, he didn't know what he said. He answered and hung up. Then, he grabbed Gu Qian and took her out.

But Gu Qian's phone was left in this box.

Gu Qian's mouth is also stuffed with things. She can't shout, she can only watch the phone on the desk, and the word "husband" flickers on the screen again.

Gu Qian was taken out of the box by the man and blindfolded her. She couldn't see where she was. She only knew that she was sent to a car and was taken down after a while.

After she was taken to a room, the bearded man released the blindfold on her eyes.

Gu shallow eyes can see things, into the eye unexpectedly saw a very unexpected person.

Simoshaw sat in the room and looked at Gu Qian with a smile.

Gu Qian lowered his face and said, "how are you?"

Si Mo Xiao walks over with a smile and unties the rope on Gu Qian's hand. He holds Gu Qian's hand and wants to pull her to the sofa.

Gu Qian shook off his hand.

Si Mo Xiao face with loss: "shallow, I want to show you something."

Gu shallow cold voice way: "division young master, can no longer pester me? I'm not interested in your stuff. "

Gu Qian turned and left, but the bearded man was standing at the door, blocking Gu Qian's way.

Si Mo Xiao sighed and said: "shallow, must it be like this? I'm doing it for you. "

Gu Qian turned back, bit his teeth and said angrily, "for me? Kidnap me for my own good? Smooshaw, is that your logic? I think you have a mental illness, and it's very serious! "

But Simao Xiao picked up a document on the table and raised his hand to Gu Qian. "This is the contract between Sima and Gu. Don't you want it?"

Gu shallow instant complexion a Lin, "what do you mean?"

Si Mo Xiao throws the document on the table, "shallow, you can see for yourself."

Gu Qian went over and picked up the document. After reading it, he was shocked.

Almost as like as two peas, the content of this agreement is almost the same as that of Lu and Gu.

Except for the amount of one billion, it becomes two billion here.

Gu Qian was furious: "have you seen the contract? Si Mo Xiao, that Chen Xiaowen, is your person? Did you let her steal the contract? "

Smoothie frowned. "Shallow, that doesn't matter. The important thing is, as long as Gu Haifeng signs, you will be my person in the future! "

Gu Qian threw the document on Si Mo Xiao's face and said angrily, "who do you think you are! Signing a contract can limit my freedom? Smoothello, you are so conceited

Smooshaw's face held back his anger. "I think I'm right? Shallow, the same contract, the same terms of the agreement, Lu Yucheng give you, you are willing to accept, think he is to save you in the middle of fire and water, I give you, you say I am self righteous? Can't you see my love for you! "

Gu Qian couldn't listen any more. He raised his hand and slapped Si Mo Xiao.

"Si Mo Xiao, don't be shameful. I believe who will love me in this world, but you, I don't believe 100 million of them!"

Si Mo Xiao suddenly gets up, grabs Gu Qian and drags her into the bedroom.

Gu Qian was surprised, "what are you going to do?"

Si Mo Xiao pushes Gu Qian to the bed and pours on him.

He was crazy, kissing Gu Qian. Gu Qian's face kept leaning to both sides, even reached out to beat him and scratched him with his nails.

On the face of Si Mo Xiao, was scratched a few bloodstains.

He grabbed Gu Qian's hand, raised it over his head, grabbed the rope that tied the curtain at the head of the bed, and tied Gu Qian's hand to the head of the bed.

Gu Qian was shocked: "Si Mo Xiao, you let go, what are you going to do?"

Si Mo Xiao bowed his head, touched Gu Qian's lips, and said softly, "I want you to know how much I love you."