Gu Ting came over. Gu Qian didn't know what she was going to do. She was a little nervous.

Gu Ting grabs the wine bottle from her hand, glares at her and walks to Lu Yucheng with a smile.

"Yucheng, I've come to compensate you."

Lu Yucheng raised one eyebrow and showed indifference.

"I made you angry before. I'll pour you this wine. Don't be angry, OK?"

Gu Ting said, poured a glass of wine for Lu Yucheng, twisted her body and rubbed against the table, and gave the wine to Lu Yucheng.

Lu Yucheng did not answer.

He did not look at Gu Ting, light mouth: "you know, I am angry. Do you think Lu Yucheng is so talkative that a glass of wine will kill him? "

Lu Yucheng finished, this just saw Gu Ting one eye, in the eye light refuses the person in the thousands of miles away cold idea, let Gu Ting can't help but hit a shiver.

Originally, she wanted to take the opportunity to give Lu Yucheng a treat, but she didn't expect Lu Yucheng to be so unkind in front of her father.

Gu Haifeng cold face, rebuked: "Tingting, sit back in their position, now it's not your turn to toast, do not understand the rules."

Gu Ting grits her teeth and goes back to her position. She looks at Gu Qian.

Lu Yucheng drank Gu Qian's wine, but didn't pick her up!

Gu Qianzheng, holding the table, wanted to go around the round table and sit opposite Lu Yucheng, far away from him.

Lu Yucheng narrowed his eyes and said, "why don't you sit down?"

Gu Haifeng quickly said: "shallow, feet inconvenient, sit down quickly."

Gu Qian lowered his head. He was angry, but he had no choice but to sit down beside Lu Yucheng.

Lu Yucheng just let her sit beside him, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

She didn't know what Lu Yucheng meant. She was silent and sat there with a mouthful of vegetables.

Gu Haifeng chats with Lu Yucheng. Lu Yucheng doesn't talk much. He listens and nods from time to time.

Seeing that Lu Yucheng seemed to be in a good mood, Gu Haifeng asked, "Yucheng, I heard that you are looking for an interior engineering company for this Yujing phase II project?"

Lu Yucheng nodded slightly, "among the enterprises participating in Lu's exhibition this time, they will select and invite tenders."

Gu Haifeng said with a smile: "Gu has always been in this field, which you should also know."

Lu Yucheng nodded slightly: "I know."

Just should be a, no below.

Gu Ting said: "Yucheng, this project, or give it to Gu. Gu has done a lot of successful cases..."

Lu Yu Cheng light glanced at her one eye, Gu Ting wanted to say of words, again hold back to go back.

Gu Haifeng is no longer asked, said with a smile: "eat vegetables, eat vegetables." There was no mention of project cooperation during the dinner.

At this time, up a sweet bean, Gu shallow can't help but look more.

Gu Ting is surprised, "how on such a dish?"

Gu Haifeng and Gu Ting, no one ordered sweet bean curd.

One after another, they are suspicious.

Lu Yucheng reached out and turned the turntable, turning the bean flower to Gu Qian.

Gu Qian felt a thump in his heart.

She couldn't help glancing at Lu Yucheng, but saw that he picked up his chopsticks, put a piece of fish in front of him in his mouth, chewed it slowly, and even nodded, as if very satisfied.

Gu Qian was relieved that it was a coincidence. Otherwise, how could he know that she liked sweet bean curd?

Lu Yucheng has been fishing, so no one dares to move the turntable on the table. Gu Qian quietly eats up a bowl of bean curd!

She was so satisfied that she couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly, Gu Haifeng called her: "shallow, go and buy two bottles of wine."

Gu Qian looked up and saw Gu Haifeng smiling. She was surprised and didn't understand Gu Haifeng's meaning.

Shouldn't we just let the waiter deliver the wine directly? Do you still need to go to the front desk to buy wine?

But Gu Qian nodded and limped out.

Gu Haifeng and Lu Yucheng said with a smile, "my daughter is very good." It seems to be a casual chat.

"Is it?" Lu Yucheng raised his eyebrows and said nothing more.

Looking at clever, actually long a body of thorn son, want to give her Shun hair, still need to spend some effort.


Gu Qian went to the front desk of the hotel and asked for two bottles of wine they had just drunk. Then he asked about the price of all kinds of wine and delayed the time.

There was enough wine in the room for them to drink for a while, and it was useless for her to go back. And it's too much pressure to sit there. Just stand here.

But Gu Haifeng called her. Gu Qian immediately said, "Dad, I've bought it. I'll go up now."

Gu Haifeng said: "you don't have to come here, just send the wine to the presidential suite upstairs."

From the first floor to the fifth floor of Haiyan Qinghe, it's a hotel.

From the sixth floor up, there are hotel rooms.

"Why send it to where?" Gu Qian was surprised.

"I'll be there later. I'll meet a client. You can deliver it first and wait there. I'll go up when it's over. Don't delay, hurry up

Gu Qian is suspicious.

She doesn't trust Gu Haifeng. She sits in the room and calls out Shu Wei's phone number so that she can call for help at any time.

After waiting for a long time, I heard the sound of the room card at the door.

Startled, she quickly stood up with the phone in her hand.

When the door was pushed open, Lu Yucheng staggered in. Seeing Gu Qian, he couldn't help picking his eyebrows.

Gu Qian was even more surprised: "how are you?"

"Why can't it be me?"

Gu Qian tilted his head and looked behind Lu Yucheng. He didn't see Gu Haifeng.

She was not surprised at all.

Lu Yucheng instantly understood Gu Haifeng's meaning and said with a low smile, "it seems that Gu Haifeng really wants to flatter me."

Gu Qian was extremely angry.

She understood Gu Haifeng's intention.

Gu Haifeng wants to give her to Lu Yucheng.

No wonder he is not afraid to offend Xie shaozong. If Lu Yucheng takes over her and asks her to make a small one for him, he will give more alms to his family than the Xie family.

Gu Qian was so angry that he wanted to smash Lu Yucheng's head with a wine bottle.

Lu Yucheng took Gu Qian's hand and said, "don't be angry. When you are angry, you are more lovely than usual. I'm afraid I can't help it."

Gu Qian wants to get rid of him, but Lu Yucheng doesn't let go. After drinking, he seems to be more paranoid than usual.

He has very strong arms and sits on the sofa with Gu Qian in his arms.

"Lu Yucheng, you bastard, you shameless, you

"Shh..." Lu Yucheng held out his index finger on Gu Qian's lips and didn't let her make a sound.

Surprisingly, he didn't look down on Gu Qian. Instead, he looked around for a while and made a phone call to he an.

Soon, he an came with several people. After checking the room, he found a pinhole camera at the head of the bed.

Gu shallow see, a burst of panic.

Lu Yucheng took the camera, narrowed his eyes and couldn't help sneering.