11 Not Your Average Playboy

Name:Brother-in-Law and I Author:bandade
As the two walked out the door, Lyra went back to arranging her flowers. However, she didn't skip on the opportunity to take secret peeks at his back as he walked alongside Rose.

How could he just pop in like that with no warning? What's more, he had to show up looking so sharp that her heart almost leapt out of her chest to chase him back down for lunch. She didn't know if she should curse him for looking so breath-taking or thank him for gracing her eyes.

Lyra could tell Kurtis was only be kind, inviting her out to lunch because he was on his way there. However, if there were any flaws in his character, one would definitely be his blatant disregard of her feelings. Did he really not sense that he could send the thing in her chest going crazy just by looking at her?

[What am I doing?] The lovestruck girl wondered when she found herself walking towards the front of the store pretending to be fixing the display, but was actually just staring out the window.

Around then, two female customers walked in to browse. Quite often there were customers like them, walking into her shop only to browse and chat after lunch or coffee. Still, Lyra offered her assistance only to be waved off before picking up her watering pot to care for her plants.

Lyra doesn't normally intend to eavesdrop, but it's hard not to overhear their conversation when they were simply conversing next to her.

"Damn it's blurry!" the blonde one said and pouted at the zoomed in photo on her phone.

Her brunette friend leaned over to see the fuzzy image of a man in a dark suit. "Are you sure it's him?"

"I don't know but he looked so much hotter in real life," the blonde said in pity. "I gotta get this blurry photo fixed."

Lyra could only assume who they were talking about. [Is Kurtis famous or something?] she wondered but paid it no mind as she continued to water the tulips in the corner until called upon by her customers.

"Was it really Kurtis Wellington who came out of this shop?" the brunette asked eagerly.

[From their questioning, it didn't seem like they knew him personally.]

"This guy…" Taking her confused look as a sign of cluelessness, the blonde pointed to a google image of her sister's boyfriend. "Did you see this guy?"

"Yes! He came to place an order," the florist marketed and pointed at the blue iris white lily yellow tulip bouquet wrapped nicely in gold frosted paper.

The girls seemed excited and placed an order for the exact duplicate of the flowers that Mr. Wellington personally selected. As they waited for Lyra to gather the flowers, they warmed up to her and began asking more questions.

"Was he nice?"

"Very friendly." [Overly friendly if you ask me…]

"Was that short-hair girl his girlfriend?"

"No. I don't believe so," Lyra answered, smiling while cutting the wrapping paper.

"Did you ask for a picture or autograph?"

The shop owner shook her head. "Is he famous or something?"

The blonde gasped and the brunette placed her hand on the wrapping paper to stop Lyra from working.

"Don't tell me you haven't at least heard of Kurtis Wellington."

[They sound like Angela now…]

Seeing the clueless look on their florist's face, they both took a seat and began explaining while they waited for their order.

Apparently, Kurtis wasn't just an average wealthy, car-loving, playboy hunk. He was also a few many other things but limiting it down to most impressive. One being that he was a pro NASCAR racer, two-time champion and fan favorite. And second, he was the sole heir to the Wellington Empire!

As under-informed one may be of celebrities and news, the Wellington name must still ring a bell. Lyra just didn't expect Kurtis to be from THAT Wellington group.

The Wellington Empire was a private investment group that boasted a diverse portfolio ranging from real estates, software development, natural resources, etc. Everything someone could possibly need or use, the Wellingtons had a part in owning.

Lyra's paused and her eyes grew big at the realization that she actually knew such a big shot and he was going to marry her sister very soon.

"Why doesn't he do more endorsements with a face like that?" the brunette sighed.

The blonde one sighed with her. "There's no need since he's loaded either way."

When the florist handed them the finished bouquet, the two girls were pleased.

"You should ask for a picture next time! It can really attract more customers!" they advised before walking out.

Lyra waved back. If not for them, she wouldn't even know who her future brother-in-law really was.

Him having the money to buy an entire island was daunting enough, but now, he owned billions of dollars worth of assets? That was just crazy.

He practically owned the whole street her store was on and the entire street across from it.

And they say money doesn't change a person.

Mr. Kurtis Wellington just became ten times more intimidating, a hundred times more attractive and infinitely more dangerous.

"Good thing I turned down lunch," Lyra mumbled to herself as she began snipping away the thorns on the freshly delivered roses.

[I have to be more careful around him in the future.]