"Brother Li, Xiaoyu's side is not particularly safe now. Can you find a way to help Xiaoyu and let Xiaoyu stop being followed by others? Xiaoyu is very sensitive. If anything happens again, we may not be able to bear the consequences."

Ren Jun thinks that since there is no other way to deal with this matter, he can only think about what Xiaoyu should do. When they arrive, they have nothing to do. They are followed by others.

But Xiaoyu is hard to say, because Xiaoyu had some stimulation before, so now they all hope that Xiaoli can live a peaceful life and never get into any trouble again.

Li Xian originally wanted to have a good rest after talking about today's affairs, but now he suddenly heard his good brother say that, so he thought of Xiaoyu's situation, so he quickly made a phone call and called Xiaoyu to his home. First of all, he should tell Xiaoyu some matters that should be paid attention to recently.

"Xiaoyu, I know you don't seem to have anything else to do now. Come to my home as soon as possible. There are some things I need to tell you. After all, the environment is not so same now, so I hope you can pass this pass safely."

Li Xian knew that Xiaoyu didn't go to work during this period of time, so it was very boring to stay at home, so he planned to let Xiaoyu come to his home for a visit.

After Xiaoyu received his call, he hung up the phone, came out of his home and came directly to Li Xian's home.

"Brother Li, it's so late. You specially called me from home. Is there something important to tell me?"

After Xiaoyu saw him, he felt very happy, but when we met, we had to ask him why he specially called him over. After all, this matter is really important.

"In fact, there's nothing wrong. I think the environment we are in is not the same during this period. After all, we have found the security. If there's something wrong with the security, it's very likely that we will also have problems. Moreover, I don't think the environment we are in is particularly safe.

We must be followed by others now, so you should pay attention to whether you are followed by others, and you must pay attention to whether the person who follows you is strong. If you are strong, don't try to resist. Just as nothing happened, you should find a place to escape, or see if you can escape from him Let's get away with it. "

Li Xian thought that it was so late that Xiaoyu would not come here alone, but he never thought that Xiaoyu actually came here from home alone, so he told Xiaoyu what should be paid attention to, hoping that Xiaoyu could pay attention to it in her daily life.

After knowing what Li Xian is going to tell her, Xiao Yu thinks that these things are not a problem at all. She is a young lady with a lot of money. If she doesn't go out, there should be nothing wrong. Anyway, he can support himself at home, so he immediately tells Li Xian that he will stay at home for a long time Yeah, I'm not going to hang out.

With Xiaoyu's guarantee, he felt much more relieved. For a long time, he was worried about his own situation and Xiaoyu's situation. However, once Xiaoyu didn't leave the gate, he would not have to worry so much. At that time, he just had to do his own thing wholeheartedly.

Xiaoyu saw that he had finished all the things he should say, so he said that there were still some things at home, so he went home quickly.

After seeing Xiaoyu leave home, he quickly went up, hoping to send Xiaoyu back. After sending Xiaoyu back, the two of them quickly went home and made some delicious food. After all, they had been thinking about the person who was following others, so they didn't have a good meal.

The next day, after waking up from bed, Li Xian suddenly remembered that there were still some things to talk about with his two partners today. After all, what he had talked about with Jiang guitao before was his own idea, so I must tell them today, hoping that they can support his own practice.

Because he wanted to meet two partners in the company, when he got up this morning, he quickly dressed himself up. The suit he didn't like to wear was also on his body, and the bow tie he didn't like to wear was also on his neck. He just wanted to leave some good impression on the two partners. In this way, he was very simple when talking about problems Single.

When he finished cleaning himself up, he immediately asked his good brother to send him to the company. When he came to the company and saw boss Lin and boss he, he suddenly felt constrained and didn't know what to say.

"I said boss he, we usually see Mr. Li, but we have never seen Mr. Li wearing a suit and tie. Since it's so formal, there must be something important to tell us. We're here to listen. You should speak quickly. If you don't speak, you'll be suffocated."Lin Guofu suddenly saw that he was dressed so formally. He felt that there must be something hidden from him, so he quickly called him to the central government and said to boss he next to him.

After boss he heard what boss Lin said, he took a look at Li Xian. Sure enough, he found that Li Xian's clothes were too formal today, but he was also embarrassed to say anything. Because he had his own principles in doing things before, which must be for the benefit of the company, so he waited quietly, hoping that Mr. Li could help himself I hope Mr. Li can tell me the purpose of his visit.

Originally, he made himself so formal that he hoped that the two bosses could ask about him. However, seeing that the two bosses were looking at him so happily, he was embarrassed to say anything more. He went straight to the front and expressed his idea of cooperation with Jiang guitao. He hoped that the two of them could support him. After all, this matter matters a lot, Without the support of both of them, he was really worried that he would not be able to do it alone. ..