Yang Feng first came to Li Xian's company and planned to see if he could meet him in the company. As long as he could meet him, he would have a good chat with him and be able to write more and more novel things.

However, I never thought that after I came to the company and asked about it, I found that Li Xiangen didn't like to come to the company, so he felt very disappointed. When he got to Li Xianjia's address, he wanted to visit Li Xianjia.

At the beginning, people in the company saw a reporter come to them and ask them about Mr. Li. They didn't want to disclose anything about Mr. Li, but when they heard that he was the one who wrote the praise article for Mr. Li, they thought that this person was very credible, so they quickly gave him the address of Mr. Li, hoping that he could write something better for Mr. Li, Let netizens have a new understanding of Li Xian.

"Hello, does Li Xian live here?"

Yang Feng came to the community where Li Xian lived, but he didn't expect that he would be stopped by the elder brother of the security guard. So he asked Li Xian about his situation to see if he could take this opportunity to get familiar with the security guard and let the security guard put him in. In this way, he would save a lot of trouble.

But I didn't expect that the order of the security was very good, and the quality of the security was also very high. No matter what he said, he just didn't want to let him in.

"I have just told you that he lives in this community, but we will never let you in. What I want to tell you is that he has just driven to the hospital. It seems that something terrible has happened in the hospital. You'd better go to the hospital and have a look. Maybe you can find him in the hospital, and I want to sue him What I'm telling you is that no matter what method you use, we will never let you in, so next time you come, you must call in advance and get the consent of the owner before we can let you in. "

The elder brother of security wanted to get rid of him, but he didn't expect that this man was too difficult, so he could only tell him his whereabouts. The purpose was to let him leave here quickly and stop bothering himself, because he had other things to do. If he had been delayed here, the leader would certainly criticize him at that time Comment on your own.

After getting the news from the mouth of elder brother security, he didn't stop for any time. He took a taxi to the hospital to see what he had done in the hospital before. After a careful inquiry in the hospital, he found out that Li Xian was in the experimenter's ward, so he rushed to the hospital.

"Li Xian, since you can improve his health from sub-health state to healthy state, we think that you will be able to save our family members, so as long as you can save our family members, then we will help you to clarify this matter, and will definitely make you on the news headlines. This matter is very important to you It's just a small thing, but it's a very important thing for our whole family. "

The patient's family members were very happy to see Li Xian's ability. They wanted him to help their family members have a good treatment. After all, this matter is really important, so they kept begging him, hoping that he would agree.

"It's not that I don't help you, but our company also has its own regulations, and the drugs I make only improve people's health, and can't cure the so-called cancer. Since you have cancer, I have nothing to do, so we can only continue our experiments, and can't help you here If you want to make your family happy, let them have chemotherapy as soon as possible. If you don't cooperate with the treatment in the hospital, we have no way to help you

Li Xian thought that as long as it was a small matter, he was very willing to help, but when he heard that the other party was suffering from cancer, he felt that he had no choice but to persuade others to go to the hospital for treatment, and now he is in the hospital, so he hoped that the patient's family members could understand their feelings.

He thought that the family members of the patients would understand themselves and never embarrass themselves again. However, he never thought that the family members of the patients were more sinister than he thought. After hearing that, he was really angry and said that he would break the contract with them and would not be his test object again.

"It's said on the Internet that you are a VIP now. I think you have certain ability to treat cancer, so we still hope you can help us. If you don't, we will break the contract with you directly and don't intend to be your test object. I see how you can explain to the public at that time. If you don't do it now, we will break the contract with you directly Without a stable and clear evidence, it is estimated that those people on the Internet only think that people who write articles by others are writing nonsense and will not take this matter to heart. "

The patient's family members were very difficult to deal with. After hearing what he said, they quickly put forward their own theory and felt that he must have the ability to do it well, so they kept putting pressure on him. The purpose was to hope that he could give in to this matter. It was really too difficult to deal with, so the guidance of the patient's family members could only find hope from him There's no way for those doctors to treat cancer at all.At the beginning, I still had a certain degree of hope for the family members of these patients, because I felt that no one had conquered cancer at present, and I had no way to guarantee treatment for others, so I still hoped that these family members could understand themselves, but now after hearing what the family members said, I feel that these people are too stupid No matter how much he said, it was useless. He felt very disappointed.

"I have already told you that I really don't have any way to remove cancer. If you don't believe me, I don't have any way. Now I just hope his body can recover as soon as possible, and also hope your family members can receive good treatment. Don't think about taking those crooked paths any more."

After Li Xian finished speaking to them, he wanted to go out of the ward. ..