"Mr. Li, I take back what I said to hurt you. I thought you didn't care about the company at all, but I didn't expect that you have been studying these formulas these days. I really feel very happy in my heart."

After Zhou Lei finished speaking to him, he quickly couldn't help but hold him again. He felt as if only this hug could express his excitement.

Seeing Zhou Lei in front of him, he was so excited that he didn't have much to say before. He just did what he should do, and it's no big deal. So he quickly took him to the living room and had a good chat with him.

After all, it's really a good thing for their company to have a new formula now, but some details still need to be paid attention to, because now there are many eyes on them in the market. If something is not well done, it is likely to be picked out by the big companies. When it comes to the news, it will be harmful to their company Ah.

"Although we have some new formulas now, they have not been tested by the people in the laboratory. You should take them to the people in the laboratory and ask them to go to the R & D department to test them. If there is no problem in the test, they can be put into production. By then, the production of these drugs will be helpful to us Our company has brought huge benefits, but I think if you go there alone, it seems that you are not particularly at ease. Well, I'll go there with you. We'll go to the R & D department together and do all these things, because these problems really involve the development of the company. "

Li Xian thinks that this problem is the biggest one they need to solve at present, so I hope you can pay attention to it. And once this formula is leaked, their company will have no room to turn over. It's hard to make use of this period of time and develop this formula, and we can't let this formula fall into other people's hands again Go to China.

After discussing with each other, the two of them planned to set out. However, they never thought that there was another person at home who directly stopped them and said that they wanted to go with them, because they both looked like Wenwen was weak. With their own protection, Ren Jun felt that there was still some hope, so he quickly cleaned up For a moment, they left with them, but they just opened the door, unexpectedly they received a call.

Li Xian saw that the call was from Xiaoyu. He thought there was something important about Xiaoyu, so he picked up the phone to pick it up and wanted to see what happened to Xiaoyu.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, it's like this. We are at home now, and we are going to rush to the company. Because I have just developed a new formula, I want to let the R & D Department of the company test it. If the test result is not any problem, we plan to put it into use directly, and we will be able to let the company know by then After all, our company has experienced such things because of one person. I still feel guilty in my heart. "

After receiving Xiaoyu's phone call, Li Xian doesn't ask her what's the matter, but quickly tells her current situation, hoping that Xiaoyu can be happy for herself, because all along he knows that Xiaoyu has been quietly paying attention to himself and supporting himself, so he hopes to share some good news with Xiaoyu Next.

After seeing the news on TV, Xiaoyu was really nervous. He called him at once and asked him if he had any solution at present, because this matter is too big. If it is not solved, it will only do harm to their company, but not any advantage.

"Brother Li, I tell you, don't worry about going to the company now, and don't put your formula into production for the time being, because there is a bigger crisis in your company now. If this crisis can't be solved, your company will be so finished, and there will never be a comeback It's your company. Even you will be hunted down by people all over the world. What I said is absolutely not alarmist. "

After hearing that he has developed a new thing, Xiaoyu is happy for him, but at the same time, he thinks it's really big. I hope he can draw attention to it, and I hope all the people in his company can take time to deal with the crisis, because if it doesn't go well, their company will be finished.

Li Xian was originally in a happy mood to go to the company and quickly solve the problem. But now when he heard Xiaoyu say so, he suddenly felt that something big had happened. Otherwise, Xiaoyu would not have said so seriously.

"Xiaoyu, what happened in our company? What you must has the best is to tell me, never be alarmed, I hear you say so, we always feel that we can't solve the problems inside the company. Anyway, no matter what happens, we will face the two people together. The things inside the company are not what I has the final say of a person, so all the people in the company will come forward with us.Zhou Lei has been listening to him on the phone, suddenly saw him so happy, high mood, now become so low, always feel something wrong, so quickly approached him a few steps, want to get some information about the company from the phone. Because as soon as the company is finished, all of them will be finished, and then they will have little place to live in the industry. So I want to know what's going on in the company.

Xiaoyu felt that they were so nervous. Originally, she wanted to delay telling them for a few days, but she felt that it was really urgent, so she immediately called them and told them, hoping that they could pay attention to it.

"Brother Li, do you remember your own experiment at the press conference? The name of the test object is sun Yangzhao. Now sun Yangzhao has an accident. " ..