Li Xian saw that all the employees were so confident in themselves, and there was some comfort in his heart. He felt that the company must be well managed.

"In fact, Li Xian, have you ever thought that once your formula is taken out, it will involve the issue of intellectual property rights. I suggest you apply for a property right first, so that it will be beneficial to protect the interests of our company."

Although he Chang said that he wanted to get his formula, he would not use some improper means. Therefore, they both have common interests in this matter. They think that the interests of the company are the most important, so they will come forward to give him a better suggestion at this critical time.

Li Xian has also checked the intellectual property problems of some apartments before. Once these problems are involved, it can take at least three months and at most half a year to solve the problem of intellectual property application. Therefore, when he is facing this problem, he really doesn't know what to do. If three months or half a year have passed and he hasn't applied for the intellectual property, what can he do It means that there is no way to keep the secret of his family's recipe.

"He Chang, I haven't thought about what you said, but it takes too long. I don't know if we can wait for the relevant departments to follow us. I'm really worried that it will be too late."

Li Xian also expressed his doubts and hoped that the people in front of him could help him. He knew that the two people in front of him were by no means ordinary people. He was likely to introduce certain resources and contacts to himself. It would be a very good thing for him to speed up the handling of intellectual property rights at that time.

He Chang frowned when he heard what he said, because it was a difficult thing for everyone. After all, no matter what they did, there was a certain procedure, and they could not sell it to do things. But then he suddenly thought of himself. A classmate was a consultant in the intellectual property office. I don't know if he could speed it up Let's see how fast we can handle it..

"Li Xian, don't worry about this. I'd better ask my classmate, because one of my classmates works as a consultant in the intellectual property office. If you ask him, it's likely to reduce unnecessary procedures and save time."

He Chang thinks that they are very passive now and can't do anything. They can only see if they can register their intellectual property rights.

Seeing that all the words have been said, Li Xian felt that if he didn't make a statement again, it didn't seem very good. He just expressed his own opinions.

"Now that we've agreed, I'd like to make it clear. I think I can take out a part of the formula, but this part of the formula can only be some relatively low-end formula, but the relatively high-end formula can not be taken out for intellectual property rights. "

Lin Guofu and he Chang knew that he also wanted to protect their rights and interests, so they agreed to this request. After all, they were only able to come up with some recipes, which was the biggest concession they could make.

"OK, Li Xian, as long as you are willing to come up with a part of the formula, then I will find someone in the intellectual property office to register an intellectual property for us, and then we can protect the rights and interests of our company. If there is nothing wrong with today's meeting, we will be here."

He Chang is a businessman. Knowing that he has made some concessions, he thinks that his company should make some concessions, so he agrees to it.

Seeing that there was nothing more to do in the company, he felt that there was no need for him to stay in the company any longer, so he wanted to hurry back home, and he didn't know how Xiaoyu was doing at home.

In fact, he also knows that if you don't take out this part of the formula, I'm afraid the people in the company will not agree, and I'm afraid those relevant departments will not agree. If you can make an intellectual property right for your own things, you can get the corresponding protection, and also make a guarantee for authentic pills. This is a very good thing for everyone Love, although he did not feel to keep his formula, but now there is no way.

Since Li Xian left, Xiaoyu tried to practice at home again and again according to the method given by Li Xian, hoping to practice what she wanted as soon as possible. Although she has become like this now, seeing that her beloved is full of hope for herself, Xiaoyu feels that she is motivated to do things.

Li Xian suddenly thought about it. He felt that the things at home were not enough, so he went to the market to buy some daily necessities and put them at home. After all, there is a lot of Xiaoyu at home, so he felt that he still needed to buy more things at home.

When he came to the supermarket, he didn't know what kind of goods to buy. In the end, he chose some expensive things, because in his opinion, expensive things should always be better. After all, it's worth the money. After selecting the things, he left the supermarket immediately.

As soon as he got to the door of the supermarket, Li Xian found that an old man fainted in front of him. At first, he thought it was porcelain bumping, so he didn't think too much about it. He wanted to go around it directly. But later, he saw that the old man didn't really respond. He began to worry and squatted down to help the old man check the situation.Li Xian saw that there were a lot of people around the scene, but no one was willing to lend a helping hand. He knew that at this time, everyone was worried that the old people were stealing money, so no one was willing to meddle in their business, otherwise it would really cost a lot. After seeing this situation, he felt that he should stand up bravely, so he quickly stood up and told everyone Make it clear.

"Friends present, you must pay a little attention to it. The old people here have nothing to do with me. I'm just a passer-by, so I feel very sad after seeing the situation of the old people. Now I'll call the old people, and you must give me a certificate."

After Li Xian finished speaking to the people present, he quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a video, which is equivalent to correcting himself. After all this, he picked up his mobile phone and made a call to 120. ..