In fact, there are not many young people like Li Xian and Xue Rengui who are so open-minded and eager to learn. Therefore, Uncle Li is very willing to tell them that Li Xian and Xue Rengui are so open-minded and eager to learn. After all, Li Xian and Xue Rengui have known him for a long time.

They have a lot of intersection, and they get along well with each other, so it's understandable for them to tell their business stories at that time to tell Uncle Li.

Therefore, Uncle Li began to tell Li Xian and Xue Rengui his entrepreneurial story. Mr. Li said: "at the beginning, I was on my own. At that time, I didn't have anything, and I didn't know very good investors. At the beginning, I made a good friend. He said that he was very interested in my creativity, so we decided to cooperate. At that time, I was very happy to hear that he was willing to cooperate with me. After all, I didn't get any investment for such a long time. I just had some ambition. So at that time, I met someone who was finally willing to cooperate with me. "

When he said that, Uncle Li's face was a bit ashamed. At this time, Li Xian replied to Uncle Li, "what happened later?"

Uncle Li nodded at this time, and then said, "yes, maybe it was because he was too young at that time, and he was very easy to trust others. And the most important reason is that I didn't find a partner at the beginning, so when I got a partner, I gave him everything. As a result, he originally agreed to invest in me, and we started a company together. As a result, after he took my idea, he went away directly. "

Hearing this, Li Xian and Xue Rengui were a little unhappy. Although this incident did not happen to them, they were a little personally when listening to it. Naturally, they thought whether they would face the same situation.

So at this time, the expressions on Li Xian's and Xue Rengui's faces immediately changed, some melancholy, some at a loss. After all, the two of them are about to start a business, which is a turning point in their lives. If the two of them really succeed, then they are likely to rise to the top. But if this time like Uncle Li. Because of their carelessness or unexpected things, their business failed.

So at this time, Li Xian sighed carelessly. At this time, Xue Rengui began to speak up: "we haven't started yet, so don't let ourselves out. Isn't it that Uncle Li has already told us so much? We can learn from it and ask others. Maybe we will succeed if we are lucky. "

In fact, it's hard for you to trust yourself in this way. It's even more difficult to persuade others to start a business. But there is one thing to be thankful for: "Li Xian and Xue Rengui already have sister Wang, the major shareholder, and sister Wang has also given them the funds they need to start a business. The two of them don't have to worry about this matter, and they don't have to think about so many things. If there is no accident, they can finish it smoothly. "

So at this point, Li Xian and Xue Rengui are much luckier than Uncle Li when they were young. Then Uncle Li said to Xue Rengui: "maybe I didn't know anything at that time, and I didn't have any sense of safeguarding rights. I wanted to take a cut and gain wisdom, and I didn't want to have so many things in the past. I look at you two as if you can make a big difference. And you two are so steady in your work that you are sure to succeed. "

After listening to Uncle Li's encouragement, Li Xiancai was a little relieved, so that he would not put so much pressure on himself.

Then Li Xian said to Uncle Li: "there are a lot of things in the past two days, so the business of starting a business has been shelved. It's hard to solve them. Now I suddenly think that I have to face many difficulties, and I don't know whether I can succeed or not. I seem to have lost a lot of courage to move forward. I started to be afraid of failure, and I didn't know what the consequences would be. "

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Li Xian considering so much. After all, middle-aged people have a great influence on them. But if you don't choose to start a business, that's the way. Little security guards like the two of them don't know when they can make it. There is no possibility at all. Maybe they have to wait for more than ten years.

Therefore, this venture is undoubtedly a very good opportunity for them. If we let the opportunity pass in vain, we don't know when the world will fall such a pie that hits both of them again.

Unexpectedly, after hearing these difficulties, Xue Rengui didn't plan to give up. Instead, he strengthened his heart. Perhaps, at that moment, he was not willing to be ordinary and wanted to create a new world in another world.

Looking at Li Xian's melancholy eyes and Xue Rengui's face full of firmness, Uncle Li patted them on the shoulder, and then said to them: "young man, don't be so flustered when you do things, you must think twice before you act. And if you two have any questions, maybe you can find someone you can trust and ask your predecessors. In this way, maybe you will avoid many detours, and success will be relatively easy. "Uncle Li has already made it very clear to Li Xian and Xue Rengui about the problems they may encounter and the measures to deal with them. As for the extent to which they can achieve, it is their business. After all, everyone's execution ability and completion ability are different. However, in this regard, Uncle Li still believes that Xue Rengui and Li Xian can do a good job. Mr. Li, he has a strong ability to know people well and be good at their duties.

Then Li Xian and Xue Rengui said to Uncle Li, "well, it's not too early to be godfather. Please go back and have a rest! It's cool at night, so don't stay out all the time. Thank you so much for telling us so much tonight. "

After three people finished talking, Uncle Li went back to his apartment alone. At this time, Li Xian and Xue Rengui are not in the mood. They are as light as they were when they first came out. On the contrary, they have a heavy heart. Now, they are a little suspicious of their own ability about what will happen in their entrepreneurship. ..