With Zhuge Liang leading over ten thousand disabled soldiers back to Chengdu, the whole city of Chengdu was very frightened.

Before that, no one would have thought that Prime Minister Zhuge would fail one day. Countless officials and people were very worried. Although they were the people of Liu Bei, they also understood that Zhuge Liang contributed a lot to the success of Shu.

Without Zhuge Liang, maybe now Liu Bei and his two brothers are wandering around?

"Have you heard? The prime minister failed. "

"Yes! I didn't expect that the prime minister was defeated. This is something that has never happened before. "

"What is to be done? Once Datang comes, what shall we do? "

"Don't worry! It is not so easy for Shu to perish the Tang army. "


Comments can be heard almost everywhere in Chengdu, but many people also believe in Liu Bei and his generals. They think that even if the Tang army hits Chengdu, they can't destroy the kingdom of Shu.

After Zhuge Liang returned to the prime minister's residence, he gradually woke up, but Zhuge Liang's face didn't look very natural.

"Prime minister, are you ok?"

Jiang Wei is concerned.

"I'm fine."

Zhuge Liang was a little tired.

"Prime minister, what shall we do next? Although we haven't received the news of the Tang army's attack yet, we can't wait like this! "

Jiang Wei is a student of Zhuge Liang and has learned many of his skills.

Even in history, Jiang Wei was the only general in the later period of Shu, and he was also known as the guardian of Shu.

"Boyo! I also have the Eight Diagrams array. If you give me 200000 troops, I can set up the Eight Diagrams array. Once the Eight Diagrams array is launched, there is no rival in the world. "

Zhuge Liang was very confident.


Zhuge Liang's eight diagrams array is not only Zhuge Liang's trump card, but also Zhuge Liang's most proud thing.

Zhuge Liang believed that once he set out the Eight Diagrams array, no one in the world could crack it.

"Bagua array, prime minister, is it really that powerful?"

Jiang Wei didn't understand.

"Don't worry! The eight trigrams array is the result of my research for many years, and it is also a collection of the achievements of three famous masters in Jingzhou. "

Zhuge Liang said confidently.

Yes! The Eight Diagrams array is really powerful.

In history, Zhuge Liang sent troops to the Northern Expedition and met Sima Yi, the biggest enemy in his life.

Even at the end, Sima Yi failed to let Zhuge Liang enter the Central Plains.

But in the middle, once Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi agreed to break the battle.

As long as Zhuge Liang sets out the eight trigrams array, if Sima Yi can crack the eight trigrams array, Zhuge Liang will not attack the state of Wei in this life.

But Sima Yi is also extremely excited to agree, but the result is unexpected.

Sima Yi sent 200000 troops into the Eight Diagrams array, but the whole army was annihilated. Sima Yi was even more scared to sit on the ground.

After that, Sima Yi entered the city and could not get out. Even if Zhuge Liang sent women's clothes, Sima Yi also made the same choice.

In the final Northern Expedition, the Shu army withdrew because of lack of food and grass.

"Prime minister, what do we need to do now?"

Jiang Wei asked.

"I'll go into the Palace tomorrow and face the Holy One."

Zhuge Liang knew that he must give an account to Liu Bei, otherwise Liu Bei's heart would not be stable.

Immediately the next day came, Zhuge Liang walked directly to Huang Zhong.

In the state of Shu, Liu Bei was able to make a big decision, but before he made any big decision, he would ask Zhuge Liang for his opinions.

In the palace, Liu Bei was also very excited to hear that Zhuge Liang wanted to see him. Liu Bei believed that Zhuge Liang would give the best advice.

"Quick announcement."

Liu Bei said immediately.

Then Zhuge Liang walked into the palace.

"Chen Zhuge Liang, long live your majesty."

Zhuge Liang said respectfully.

"Kong Ming doesn't have to be polite. Please get up quickly."

Liu Bei said with a smile.

"Thank you, sir."

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, your majesty! I let Shu lose so much! "

"Kong Ming, let him go of the past. What do you think of the present?"

Liu Beidao.

"Your Majesty, this time we can say that our strength is greatly damaged. We must prevent the state of Wei from taking the opportunity to attack Jingzhou, and at the same time we must prevent the eastern expedition of the Tang Dynasty."

"Chen suggested sending envoys to Soochow to persuade Sun Quan that once we are attacked by the state of Wei, the state of Wu must help us."

"Good! I will immediately revise a copy and send envoys to Soochow. "

Liu Bei is right.For Zhuge Liang's opinion, Liu Bei will certainly choose to agree, because Liu Bei knows that this is the best suggestion.

At the same time, Liu Bei also has an intuitive understanding of the Tang Dynasty. It's better for Shu not to have any ideas about the Tang Dynasty.

However, neither Liu Bei nor Zhuge Liang thought that Guan Yu had made a big deal in Jingzhou. ..