In the northern region of the Tang Dynasty, with the extinction of the Turks by the Tang Emperor Li Xian, the northern region of the Tang Empire was as stable as a mountain without any threat.

But the northeast of the Tang Dynasty has always been difficult to calm down, because the situation in the northeast is much more difficult than imagined.

In the northeast of the Tang Dynasty, there were many different ethnic groups, and there were many high mountains and mountains. Among them, shaohaiwang was the strongest force, supporting 200000 troops, followed by Xinluo, xuantu and Qidan, each supporting about 100000 troops.

Of course, this is only the total force that they can gather. In fact, for these alien tribes, this is almost all the adult men in their tribe.

In fact, this is the essential difference between the alien and the Central Plains dynasties. The Central Plains dynasties paid attention to the civilized country, while the alien such as Shaohai paid attention to the barbaric way of life.

What they want is to attack the Tang Dynasty and snatch food and money.

Now Shaohai king himself is commanding 200000 troops stationed outside Youzhou city. Meanwhile, xuantu also sent 50000 troops to attack Youzhou city of the Tang Empire.

Today, there are 120000 troops in the city, of which 50000 are the legitimate troops of Xue Rengui, the governor of Youzhou, with strong combat effectiveness, while the other 70000 are the soldiers in the northeast of the Tang Empire. The situation in the northeast is unstable. Li Xian ordered the soldiers from the northeast to support Xue Rengui, the governor of Youzhou.

Today, dozens of counties in the north and east of Youzhou city have been lost, but most of the people are also transferred to Youzhou city.

In the governor's office.

Xue Rengui is in white armour, sitting on the handsome seat. There are more than ten generals standing under him. They are all in high spirits. Although Youzhou is in a war, the military and the people of Youzhou are united. In particular, the soldiers are full of confidence. Taiman believes that Tang Dynasty will win in the end if it is lost.

"Generals, our governor has just received the imperial court's orders. Now Li cunxiao, the auxiliary general, has led 200000 troops to Youzhou. I believe they will arrive in less than five days. That's the time for us to fight back."

Xue Rengui, the white tiger general.

"Dudu, it's really great. As soon as the Imperial Army arrives, we will let the enemy know that the prestige of our Tang Empire is something they can compete with as a small alien race."

The other generals all nodded. In their eyes, as long as Li cunxiao, the assistant general, arrived, the Tang army would be able to launch a quick counterattack and make the enemy impossible.

In fact, the army under the command of the king of Shaohai is not easy to underestimate, especially tie Shiwen, the commander of the army of the king of Shaohai, who was able to draw with the governor of Dadu. He is a strong man in the later stage of his innate state.

At the same time, there are many powerful generals in Shaohai. Otherwise, with 50000 elite troops in Youzhou, they will not be able to attack. They can only be forced to defend but not attack.

Xue Rengui nodded. Now Xue Rengui is the same as he was, and he is also a white tiger.

Of course, it was Xue Rengui who ate the congenital pill given by the emperor. He has completely recovered to his prime. At the same time, Xue Rengui's strength is gradually increasing due to his cultivation.

Today, the whole city of Youzhou is in a relatively peaceful state. The common people are not flustered by the attack of other races. They all believe that Xue Rengui, the white tiger General of the Tang Empire, is expected to lead his soldiers to guard the city of Youzhou, and will not threaten their lives.

A camp outside the city, very magnificent, continuous more than ten miles, momentum like a rainbow.

This is the camp of the king's army of Shaohai. 200000 troops are stationed here. At the invitation of Wu Sansi, they came to capture the northeast and Hebei of the Tang Empire.

They agreed that the whole northeast and Hebei should be owned by Shaohai king. However, Shaohai Wang wanwan did not expect that Xue Rengui, the governor of Youzhou, was old and strong, and his ability was even better than that of previous years.

Even tie Shiwen, the most powerful commander under his command, could not defeat Xue Rengui and could only draw with him.

"King, what shall we do now? The news we get is that Wu Sansi has been wiped out for a long time, and the Turks who have dominated for decades have been destroyed by Li Xian, and even the Tang Empire has been basically pacified. Do we want to withdraw our troops? "

"King, you can't consider withdrawing. I will take Youzhou in the shortest time."

"Your Majesty, I think you should return to the capital now. Now you can't live without your majesty."

"King, I think the marshal is right. If we are here, we will be able to conquer Youzhou city."

A black general said.

"Good! Now that you have said that, I will return to the king's city. You must capture Youzhou city as much as possible, and we will herd horses in the Central Plains. "

"Don't worry about it. I'll try my best to win Youzhou city."

Shaohai King nodded and left. What he didn't know was that it was because of his decision that Shaohai was buried with him. ..