
Li cunxiao roared, and the Hun iron sculpture in his hand instantly picked up more than ten people and rushed forward.


After Li cunxiao's death, the officers and men also came to kill the Yulin guards.

"Order the rear army to stop Li cunxiao."

"At the same time, speed up the attack, we must take the Xuanwu Gate as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang. There are so many people in yulinwei. Even if Li cunxiao has great ability, he can't break through the defense line."

Wujiang North Road.

"According to the king's decree, those who kill Li cunxiao will be rewarded with thousands of gold and granted the title of marquis."

"It's the Lord."

Wujiangbei roared at once.

"His Royal Highness the king of Liang has an order to kill Li cunxiao, reward him with thousands of gold, and seal him as a marquis."

Immediately, the order of Wu Sansi spread all over the battlefield.

In their eyes, Li cunxiao is no longer a person, but a mobile cash cow.

All the officers and soldiers of yulinwei hope that they can kill Li cunxiao and pay homage to him. That's wanhuhou!

Nowadays, there are really few marquis in the world, which is a great temptation for these soldiers!

And Li cunxiao didn't have much pressure to see so many soldiers rushing towards him.


With a roar, Li cunxiao's master state was surging out, and his whole momentum was even more enhanced by more than ten times.

All the people within ten feet around Li cunxiao were in a cold sweat. They were very frightened. The soldiers with low strength were paralyzed and scared to death.


Li cunxiao yells and kills yulinwei directly. This time, he wants yulinwei to pay the price of bleeding.

Li cunxiao's every move with great power, killed the enemy, nearly 100000 troops were instantly killed by Li cunxiao.

For a moment, few enemies dared to attack Li cunxiao. Wu Sansi and others' faces became gloomy.

Li cunxiao is so powerful!

If I have such a general, why worry that the world can not be pacified?

Wu Sansi immediately had the idea that he must accept Li cunxiao.

"Stop it."

Wu Sansi yelled.

Immediately the army of Yulin Wei stopped, and all of them quietly looked at Li cunxiao. The guard was beside Wu Sansi and others.

"General Li, can you listen to me?"

Wu Sansi said sincerely.

"You said

"General Li, how about you and me jointly build the world? As long as you submit to our king, our king will grant you the title of King side by side, and the Grand Marshal of the world's troops and horses, what do you think?"

"Just you?"

"You deserve it, too!"

"Either you or I die today!"

"Li cunxiao, you have such a powerful power. It's your only right choice to submit to the king. Don't make mistakes."

Wu Sansi has not given up.


Li cunxiao told Wu Sansi with his actions that he didn't deserve Wu Sansi. He really didn't deserve Wu Sansi.

Li cunxiao, a strong man of this rank, can be accepted by a shameless man like Wu Sansi. It's a daydream.

"Kill Li cunxiao with all your strength."

"It's the Lord."

Since I can't get you, I will destroy you myself.

However, Li cunxiao was not afraid to use it. One person and one sculpture, he kept fighting forward, all the way to Xuanwu Gate.

Li cunxiao seems to be indefatigable. Although he is not fast, he is definitely not slow.

Gradually, Wu Jiangbei's face became very blue. He found that Li cunxiao's Nanya imperial army had almost broken through the defense line of Yulin guards.

"All will follow me."

Wujiangbei cried out.

"It's the general."

As a general, although they know that Li cunxiao is powerful, they have to work hard.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill

More than ten generals roared and rushed to Li cunxiao.

But how can they be Li cunxiao's opponents.

In an instant, Li cunxiao directly killed half of them, and then Li cunxiao led the Nanya forbidden army to Xuanwu Gate.

And di Guangyuan and others also showed a smile. Li cunxiao was the most powerful auxiliary General of the Zhou Dynasty. ..