"Wu Sansi, you are so brave. Your majesty is very kind to you. Why do you want to go against the law and commit treason?" Di Guangyuan said harshly.

"Well! My good aunt, originally the crown prince was mine, and the future emperor of Dazhou was mine, but he didn't give me a chance, so I had to take it by myself. " Wu Sansi roared.

"Wu Sansi, you are really a wolf. Without your majesty, can you have today?"

"Your Majesty has promoted you from a petty official to today's Prince Title step by step and become one of the few princes in the great Zhou Dynasty. You still have to rebel. I really don't know that there is shame in this world. You will not come to a good end."

The Phoenix said in a loud voice.

"Well! The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. "

"Di Guangyuan, Phoenix, I will give you a chance. As long as you surrender to me and help me ascend the throne, I am willing to share the glory and wealth with you."

"In a dream, we will defend the palace to the death and want to break through the Xuanwu Gate unless we step on our corpses."

"Opportunity, I have given you. Since you don't cherish it, you can only pay the price of your life."

"General, break the Xuanwu Gate as soon as possible."

"It's the Lord."

"The whole army will follow orders and attack Xuanwu Gate."

"The first soldier who climbed the Xuanwu Gate was rewarded with thousands of gold."

Wujiang North pulled out the sword at his waist and roared loudly.

"It's the general."

Tens of thousands of troops roared.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill

Immediately, nearly 100000 troops of the Yulin guards launched an attack on the Xuanwu Gate. It is their task and mission to win the Xuanwu Gate today. We must win the Xuanwu Gate.

"Listen to the troops, people are in the city, people are dead, so is the city."

"It's the general."

The guard of the prison and the army of qianniuwei all roared.

The soldiers of qianniuwei and qianniuwei are one of the most loyal troops to the emperor. Even if the generals of qianniuwei and qianniuwei want to rebel, they will not agree with them. This is the difference between qianniuwei and qianniuwei soldiers and other armies.

Di Guangyuan immediately ordered the troops to shoot arrows. Fortunately, after he became the general of the prison guard, he also accumulated a lot of military materials such as feather arrows and shields.

The former guard generals thought that it was not easy for the emperor to guard the imperial city. No one made trouble. At most, they were just a few self righteous experts in the Jianghu waiting for an opportunity to sneak into the palace and kill Wu Zetian.

But there are so many absolute things in the world. In history, many wars took place in front of or in the imperial city.

Wujiangbei was also a good fighter. He also ordered the shield hand to come forward and set up a heavy wooden shield to block the bow and arrow of the guard army.

The war between the two sides has already begun. No one knows how long Di Guangyuan can hold on.


Liu Fu.

"My Lord, the Yulin guards have begun to attack the imperial city. What shall we do?"

A master of Qianlong.

"Don't worry, Wu Sansi can't win the Xuanwu Gate tonight. He didn't count Li cunxiao as the assistant general." Liu Bowen said confidently.

Liu Bowen also knows Li cunxiao's strength. If there is a person in Luoyang who can turn the world around with his own efforts at this time, Li cunxiao is the only one.

And tomorrow, when 100000 Bao Taowei troops arrive, Wu Sansi and others will be completely defeated. They have no chance to turn over.

Because Wu Sansi and others can never count the loyalty of Li cunxiao and Shiwan Bao Taowei army to Li Xian, which can not be bought by high officials.

"What shall we do, my lord?"

The master continued to ask.

"Your task tonight is to make sure that those ministers in the court collude with Wu Sansi, Wu Chengsi, Wu Youde and others."

"Yes, my Lord."

That's humane.

Liu Bowen nodded.

In fact, in Liu Bowen's eyes, Wu Sansi and others are just clowns, without much pressure.

In fact, Wu Sansi and others are not wrong in doing so. This is also their wisest choice. Unfortunately, the opponent they meet is Li Xian. Otherwise, they really have a chance to succeed.

In front of Xuanwu Gate.

Blood has been dyed red here, and Wu Sansi and others' faces have become extremely blue. For half an hour, they haven't conquered Xuanwu Gate.

And they can also pay the lives of thousands of soldiers, and the other side also has thousands of soldiers killed.

Di Guangyuan's body is also splashed with a lot of blood, but almost all of them are the enemy's, di Guangyuan's bravery also makes the enemy fear.

At this time, di Guangyuan had only one thought, that is, he must guard Xuanwu Gate and wait for the help of Bao Taowei army.

Because Di Guangyuan knew that as long as he kept the Xuanwu Gate, the Bao Taowei army would arrive to help them.Once Xuanwu Gate is lost, everything will be over.

Ruyan rushes forward in the palace. She will finish the task given by Her Highness tonight. ..