"No, I would have been the commander-in-chief of the Jieyun army, but now that such a big thing happened, I would have to find water for the army myself."

"General, let's go to the end."

"Ben will have to do it himself." Fang Zhe is right.

"General, the general is willing to be with him."


Immediately Fang zhe went to the middle of the army and selected 50 soldiers with the best physical quality.

"All the troops were told that they would not have returned to the army within ten hours, so they killed the camel and drank blood, waiting for rescue."

"It's the general."

Immediately Fang zhe left on foot with 50 people.

Outside Liangzhou city.

Zeng Tai led Shi libing, the Liangzhou governor, four officials, and more than ten city defense battalions to wait outside the city for the arrival of the liberation army.

Zeng Tai was also very anxious. Normally, at this time, the scouts should have received the Jieyun army, and they should have arrived!

But why is there no movement?

Suddenly, a cloud of dust rises in the distance. Zeng Tai and others immediately judge that someone has come back from the desert.

After all, the north gate of Liangzhou city leads to the desert, and the north gate is full of wild mountains.

Drive! Drive! Drive! Drive! Drive! Drive! Drive

A fast horse came from afar.

"See you, my Lord."

One of the soldiers from the patrol battalion who followed the scouts came back.

"How's it going? Any news from the army? "

Zeng Tai worried.

"Three hours ago, the scouts led 200 soldiers into the desert. Every half an hour, they would send people to send messages."

"My Lord, they have been deep into the desert for 30 miles, but they have not met the Jieyun army."

"No! It's only a hundred miles from the desert to Liangzhou. Is the army really lost? "

Zeng Tai was a little worried.

Gradually, with the passage of time, Fang zhe led the 50 teams of the 3000 armored forces of longwuwei, but he did not find any water.

At the same time, Fang Zhe and others are far away from the desert and come to the rainbow canyon on the edge of the desert.

Rainbow Canyon is the most mysterious place in the desert. It is said that there are gods living here.

Finally, this team is also unable to walk, the team is not a bit of formation, procrastination.

Almost all the people are shouting.


"Give me water!

"I want water."

"Where is the water?"


"General, I can't do it."

A soldier said, then fell to the ground.

Fang zhe immediately went to the soldier, opened his water bag and let him drink.

After drinking some water, the soldier got better immediately.

Fang Zhe and Liao Wenqing sit down by a stone.

"Where is this?"

"According to the map and compass, this road should lead to Liangzhou."

"Wenqing, it's six or seven hours since we left the army."

"Yes! General

"I feel a little uneasy about leaving the army and the money in the desert."

"General, without drinking water, the army can't move forward in the desert. Besides, we have to find our way and water."

"General, there is a armored army to guard the payment. I don't think there will be any problem."

"Before leaving, Ben will order that if we can't go back, the troops will kill camels and drink blood and wait for rescue."

"Look, general."

Suddenly a soldier's voice came.



"What's going on?"


The soldiers were all in a bit of a panic.

Fang Zhe and Liao Wenqing also stood up.

They saw ten people in black standing on the top of the hill in front of them.

"The king in black."

"Yes, the king in black."

"Yes, it must be the king in black."


The soldiers said.

"What is the king in black?"

"According to local people's legend, there is a dark mountain nearby, in which live the heavenly king in black. They are in charge of everything in the desert, from the change of wind and cloud to the life and death of business travel."

"Did, did we meet?" Liao Wenqing was surprised.

Just as Liao Wenqing explains to Fang Zhe, dozens of people in black have come less than 30 steps away.

"Ah! Prepare to fight. "

Fang zhe said after seeing the man in black.


Instantly, they all pulled out their weapons and glared at the man in black."General, if you are really the king in black, it's useless to resist. It's better to wait and see what happens."

Fang zhe nodded.

Suddenly, a woman in black at the head looks at Fang Zhe and others, reaches out her right hand and draws a circle in the air. A shocking scene happens. ..