Ganliang road is located in the northwest border of the great Zhou Dynasty. It is the northwest gateway of the great Zhou Dynasty.

Ganliang is also the poorest two counties in Wuzhou.

However, deep in the desert of Ganliang Road, there is a dark mountain. The weather in the mountain is changeable, with deep clouds and fog, lightning and thunder.

According to local legend, the mountain of darkness is not inhabited by people, but omnipotent gods.

These gods are in charge of everything in Ganliang road and the desert, from the changes of the situation to the safety of local people and caravan.

However, no one knows the exact location of the mountain of darkness, and no one has actually seen the mountain of darkness.

Because none of the people who went to the desert to look for the dark mountain came back alive!

all they knew was the name left in the ancient legend.

King in black!!!

Fang Zhe, the general of longwuwei, led three thousand armored forces to escort five million taels of money. He has already left the middle pass and entered Ganliang road. I'm afraid he will arrive at his destination in ten days.

"General Fang, I didn't expect that the imperial court actually prepared five million taels of silver."

"Yes! This escort is also escorted by the most powerful armored army of our longwuwei. I believe we can arrive safely. "

"General, that's for sure."

In addition,

"the armored forces of our longwuwei are famous and powerful."

The rest of the generals all nodded, and the longwuwei army escorted the money for more than ten years, which time did not successfully complete the task.

A woman in black, red and silver stepped out of the carriage and walked to a stone gate.

The woman in black pressed the key.

Boom! Shaohai

with a loud noise, the stone door opens and the woman in black walks in immediately.

What she didn't notice was that she had been followed, and she was a good woman in pink.

After the woman in black entered the stone gate, it closed quickly.

The woman walked up the steps to a big round table.

"See the king."

Eight of them were also dressed in black and silver masks.

We can tell from the voice that there are seven women and one man.

"One is ready. When the king of heaven arrives, the altar will be officially opened."

A woman said.

"Let's go."

The king in black.

"It's the king of heaven."

Then the woman said.

Then the woman pressed a mechanism.

When the woman in pink saw that it was a large toad, she immediately knew that it was a seismograph, which was specially used to test the ground motion. Unexpectedly, there was a seismograph here.

In the shocked eyes of the woman in pink.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

With a sound, the large toad turned at high speed.

All the people in black were staring at the big toad, watching that the copper ball would fall into the mouth of the little toad.

Sure enough, the copper ball fell down.

"Heavenly king, as you predicted, the earth movement will take place deep in the desert."

The woman continued.

"Are you all ready?" The king in black.

"Don't worry, heavenly king. We are all ready. We are safe."

The woman continued.

"This is the best way. We can capture Liangzhou and even the whole Ganliang road right away."

"It's the king of heaven."

"Open the tunnel, we enter the tunnel, and we are carefully examining the whole story."

Nine people immediately put their swords into a sword hole under their round table.


with a sound, after the round table, nine gates appeared, and the king in black and other nine people immediately went in.

When the woman in pink saw this, she knew that it was useless for her to stay any longer. She immediately went out.

She first walked up the steps to the upper position. As long as he walked down the lower steps, he could walk out of the stone gate.

But all of a sudden, the woman in pink seems to have stepped on something she shouldn't.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

In an instant, six sharp arrows shot at the windbreaker. The woman in pink turned around and escaped the five sharp arrows, but the last short arrow shot into her left shoulder.

The woman in pink immediately fell down, and suddenly a fire hit the woman in pink.

The woman in pink dodged quickly. Thanks to her excellent martial arts, otherwise she would not have dodged.

Soon, the woman in pink found that a stone gate was closing. Immediately, she turned out of the stone gate and vomited blood.

At this moment, if the average person, promise will fall, unable to return.But no one knows what strength this woman was relying on, and she escaped the attack of an iron plate full of nails.


at the last moment, with her superhuman perseverance, the woman walked out of the stone gate, but she was pale. ..