"Everybody back up, or I'll kill him!"

Flash out loud.

"Let go of the general."


All the sergeants around yelled.

"Back off, all of you, or I'll kill him."

Flash out loud.

Everyone looked at the flash and kept retreating. A general, the third grade Military General of the imperial court, was much better than the life of an assassin.

"General sun, don't worry about me. Order all the troops to come forward and kill the thief."

Cried Huan bin.


With a sneer, she escorts Huan bin forward.

"The army dispersed."

General sun ordered.

The soldiers around all quickly get out of the way to let the flash out.

"What do you want?"

General sun retreated.

"Nothing, just want to ask general Huan to accompany me out of the temple."

Flash way.

"Let go of general Huan. I'll let you out of the temple."

General Sun said.

"Well! Do I believe you? "

Flash way.

"Up the arrow!"

General sun ordered directly.

Brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush

In an instant, hundreds of bows and arrows were staring at the flash.

"Let go of the general."

General Sun said.

"Do it! I'm not at all in a loss to have general Huan to die with me. "

Flash way.

"General sun, leave me alone and order the troops to shoot arrows."

"Come on! General sun, order the troops to shoot arrows. "

"General sun, even if you let him out of the temple, he will certainly be killed. He is dead on the left and right. He is hesitant. Shoot an arrow! Shoot the arrow

Huan bin roared.

"General Huan, don't shout. Let general sun think about it for himself."

Flash way.

"General sun, don't hesitate. Let the assassin go. How can you explain to the emperor?"

"Shoot the arrow! Shoot the arrow

Huan bin continued to shout.

Li Xian stood aside quietly, watching the two sing a song. Huan bin wanted to die so much. Why didn't he commit suicide directly? Instead, he kept yelling for general sun to shoot.

In fact, Huan bin knew that it was impossible for general sun to order the arrow to be fired for a while. If the time delayed a little, di Renjie would arrive immediately. With di Renjie's character, he would not order the troops to fire the arrow. At that time, he and Shanling were saved.

No one can find Li Xian wearing shadowless clothes, which makes Li Xian be able to see these interesting things. Moreover, shadowless clothes consume very little Qi, almost as fast as the emperor's self absorption.

As the most powerful skill in the universe, the supreme emperor's decision will automatically work every moment. Once you concentrate on practicing, the speed of the supreme emperor's decision will increase dozens of times. This is the most terrible place.

"Shoot! Shoot the arrow! Shoot the arrow! Come on!... "

Huan bin kept shouting.

General sun suddenly stopped. He seemed to understand that once he released the assassin, even for the sake of general qianniuwei, it would be a dead end. The emperor is dignified and can not be profaned.

General sun's right hand slowly raised up and stopped at the top of his head. His eyes were very firm at this moment.

And Huan bin is very nervous, this round of bows and arrows shot down, no doubt he will die, di Renjie how not?

General sun is about to order the arrow to be fired.

All of a sudden, a voice came, all of them subconsciously stopped their hands.

"Stop it

Di Renjie said in a loud voice.

Huan bin breathed a sigh of relief, as expected and his guess.

"Old man."

General Sun said at once.

Di Renjie nodded, and he wanted to walk in the direction of Shanling and huanbin.

Suddenly, Ruyan grabs Di Renjie.

"My Lord, that's a flash!"

"Don't go there, my Lord! Danger

Zhang Huandao.

"My Lord, go and stay away. Go back, go back."

Huan Bin said aloud.


The flashing bamboo long knife was a step closer, and Huan bin couldn't speak for a moment.

"Don't worry!"

Di Renjie said. It's going on.

"Protect my Lord."

Zhang Huan immediately drew the Dao, and at the same time, hundreds of Niu Wei also drew the Dao instantaneously.

"The troops retreat."

Di Renjie said.

"My Lord, this thief is extremely fierce. Don't come here. General sun, give the order to shoot the arrowHuan Bin said aloud.

But how can general sun listen to him now? Huan bin is really good at acting.

Li Xian really doesn't believe that this is what Huan Bin said. According to the most reliable information he got, Huan bin, the great general of qianniuwei, is the leader of snake spirit hall. Would such a person be willing to use his own life to replace other people's death?

Huan bin watched Di Renjie step by step toward himself and Shanling.

"My Lord, go back quickly, go back quickly, I beg you, please, go back quickly, go back!"

All the people are staring at all this, for fear that once they close their eyes, something terrible will happen.

"General Huan, be calm and calm. Let me have a good talk with him."

Di Renjie said.

"At this time, the person who dares to approach me must be di Renjie."

Flash way.

"Ha ha ha Accurate judgment, although we have not met, but I know who you are? "

"I don't think so? Take the knife away from the neck of general Huan and put it on my neck. I think it's better to hold a prime minister than a general. " ..