"Beef in cold sauce, bean curd with shallot, roasted chicken wings, and braised eggplant in brown sauce, that's all."

Tsang Tai Road.

"My guest, a pot of wine is two Jin and ten liang of silver, and the four dishes are seven liang of silver, so my guest, you have to pay seventeen liang of silver."

The woman in Green said.

"What? It costs seven Liang silver for the four dishes. My Lord, it must be a black shop. "

Li Yuanfang said angrily.

"Here, here are twenty taels of silver."

Zeng Tai took out a ingot of silver.

"My guest, this is your three Liang silver."

The woman in Green said.

"Wait a moment, my guest. I'll bring you wine and food."

The woman in green continued.

About three minutes later.

The woman in green came with a plate.

"My guests, here comes your first dish, bean curd with shallot."

The woman in green put down a dish of green onion and mixed with tofu.

"I'd like to see what's special about this bean curd mixed with chives?"

Li Yuanfang is still angry. If he thinks it's not delicious, I'm afraid it will cost jufulou. This is Li Yuanfang's character.

Li Yuanfang said, picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of tofu and put it in his mouth.

It's fragrant, sweet and refreshing. Li Yuanfang doesn't know how to describe the bean curd mixed with shallots. He just thinks it's very delicious.

Li Yuanfang immediately put another piece into his mouth and chewed it quickly.

Li Yuanfang's chopsticks did not stop. He continued to hold tofu and put it in his mouth.

Piece by piece, Li Yuanfang seems to be very busy, afraid that others will rob him of his tofu.

Suddenly, Li Yuanfang found something wrong. He immediately stopped his chopsticks and looked at the bean curd mixed with shallot, which had been half destroyed by himself. He was really embarrassed.

"My Lord, Yuanfang is impolite."

Li Yuanfang was a little ashamed and said that as a big man, he could not resist the temptation of delicious food.

"Yuanfang is OK. What's the taste like?"

Di Renjie said.

"My Lord, it's worth the money. It's delicious."

Li Yuanfang said.

"Let's have a taste, too."

Di Renjie said.

Immediately Di Renjie and others put a piece of tofu in their mouth.

It seems that at this moment they all forget everything, only bean curd in their eyes.

Di Renjie four fast clip tofu, fast eating.

It's over!

There is still a lot to be desired.

All four of Di Renjie understood why Li Yuanfang was like that just now, and so were he and others.

"My guests, here are the other three dishes."

"It's a jar of inferior genuine immortal wine."

The woman in Green said.

"Yuanfang, open the wine jar and have a look."

Di Renjie said.

"Yes, my Lord."

Li Yuanfang said.

Then Li Yuanfang opened the wine jar.

Di Renjie's five people were numb for a moment.

The aroma of the wine was strong and even spread around.

The fragrance overflowed and flew out of Jufu building.

Six or seven businessmen who hesitated in Jufu building smelled the aroma of the wine and immediately walked into Jufu building. Isn't it just a few taels of silver? They have a lot of silver. They just don't want to be treated as fat sheep.

Now that they are sure that zhenxianniang is a masterpiece, of course they want to drink it.

"My lord? What is it

"My Lord, although I haven't tasted the wine yet, I'm afraid it's more than ten times better than ordinary wine just by its aroma."

Li Yuanfang said.

"Come on, let's try it."

Di Renjie said.

Immediately they drank half a mouthful of zhenxianniang, but they couldn't drink it.

"Good wine, good wine! It's the first time that Di has drunk such good wine after half his life. "

Di Renjie said.

"My Lord, it's really immortal wine. It's the only wine I've ever seen in my humble life. It should be the first."

Li Yuanfang said.

"It's really hard for Yuanfang to be the first, but it's the best wine in Luoyang City and even the best wine in the world."

Tsang Tai Road.

Immediately Di Renjie and others continue to drink, at this moment they seem to have forgotten all, just fine wine.

Drinking, di Chun can't hold on any longer.

"Master, I want to drink more."

"Yuanfang, this wine is not only delicious, but also strong enough."

"My Lord, I'm a little dizzy, too."

Li Yuanfang said.

"Teacher, we can't hold on any longer. Let's come again next time."

Tsang Tai Road."Good!"

Di Renjie nodded.

Li Yuanfang saw that there was almost half a jin of zhenxianjiu left in the wine jar. He took it up and drank it all in one gulp. It was really not a waste.

"Mr. old, I'm the manager of Jufu building. This is a small jar of high-class zhenxianniang. I'll give it to Mr. old." ..