Chapter 57 - Running back to Shrek...

General Pov...

As Oscar quickly left to catch up with the others a five individuals had arrived not long after, one of those individuals was a Titled Douluo, "Hmm... it seems that everyone within the fortress is dead!" The Titled Douluo said while observing the fortress that had fire spreading around it, until he spotted an individual who wore armor.

As the Titled Douluo walked towards the individual he saw that it was none other than one of Yu Long's personal student, Meng Li. "Master is that-" One of the individuals behind the Titled douluo asked as he saw the corpse lying with a gaping hole in her throat as her eyes were closed.

The Titled Douluo seemed not to care as to who the woman was as he saw track marks leading into the forest. He then looked towards the other individuals and said, "Follow those track marks."

The Titled Douluo pointed towards the track marks left by the prisoners as they escaped into the forest, the four other individuals understood that whoever had destroyed the fortress could not have gotten too far.

The individuals then decided to follow whoever the perpetrators were and avenge their fallen comrades by killing them along with the prisoners that escaped.

They then quickly left thinking that if they did not act now their target would have escaped, but as they left, the Titled Douluo stood there wondering to himself, "Where is Yu Long?"

Meanwhile within the forest, after setting up a few traps along the way, Oscar had finally caught up with the others and saw that there nearly two hundred clansmen, but continued running towards two certain people whom he had not seen in a while.

As he saw Tang san standing next to Ma Hongjun who looked slightly worried, Oscar stopped running and walked towards them and saw his father whom he had not seen in years lying next to his mother who looked like she had lost all complexion in her face.

Oscar immediately ran up to her as he took his mask off and called her out from her sleep, "Mom..."

He then ċȧrėssed her once beautiful white hair that shined under the sun's ray but at this moment his mother's hair no longer held the same beauty that it once did.

Now her hair had been covered in dirt and was rough as it was no longer smooth as silk, but Oscar did not care as tears formed up in his eyes.

However, as he continued looking at his mother he slowly examined her condition as he noticed that her Dantian had been damaged preventing her body from gathering any spirit essence to heal herself with.

Oscar quickly went to work as he gathered Spirit essence into his own body and tried to implant it into his mother's Dantian, but as he did he heard a voice coming from his side asking, "Oscar is that you?"

Oscar then looked to the side and saw his father looking at him in shock, Oscar smiled while looking at his father and saying, "Hello father."

His father couldn't believe his eyes as he used his left hand to reach for Oscar's shoulder, but as he touched him he gasped and said, "It really is you."

Oscar's father then started crying as tears fell his eyes, Oscar then held his fathers hands and said, "It's ok father, you're going to be ok."

Oscar then touched his fathers head and knocked him unconscious without hurting him, as his father rested his head, Oscar checked his condition and found out that he was fine but was drained of energy.

As he Oscar looked closely at his fathers body he noticed bruises all over his upper body, along with a few bruises that covered his face.

Oscar quickly gathered a vast amount of spirit essence into his Dantian as he managed to create a vortex around him that suck nearly the life force of the things around him.

Oscar then saw color coming back to his mother's face as she began smiling, whereas his fathers injuries were slowly healing.

As he finished transferring all of the spirit essence he gathered Oscar checked his mother's condition first and saw that her dantian was still damaged but was in a much better condition than before as her body was slowly gathering spirit essence on it's own.

But as Oscar thoroughly checked on her condition he found out that she was now a rank 78 she was a spirit sage, and from what he could tell, she was on the verge of breaking through but was unable to find a suitable spirit beast to help her breakthrough.

He then smiled and turned to check on his father but before he could Oscar heard an explosion coming from the direction of the fortress.

Realizing that they were now being pursued Oscar quickly stood up and told the others to run in the direction of the runes that would take them back to Shrek.

Oscar then found Ao ren who had been looking at him with shock written on his face, but Oscar did not have time to talk to him as he asked him, "If it's not too much can you help me once more?"

Ao ren was shocked that the person whom had saved them would personally ask him a favor, and not only was this person a stranger but was also the son of their clan leader who had been missing for years.

Without asking anything else Ao ren nodded and walked towards Oscar's father, from there he carried him with all his strength as he looked towards Oscar to say he was ready to move.

Oscar then looked towards Ma Hongjun and asked, "Brother, would you please help carry my mother to the runes?"

Ma Hongjun nodded and asked, "But what about you?"

Oscar looked towards Tang san and said "Tang san, and I will hold them off while you guys run towards the runes."

Ma Hongjun wanted to object and say that he wanted to stay and help, but looking at Oscar's eyes he saw that he was calm, Ma Hongjun then nodded and said, "We'll be waiting."

Oscar smiled while patting Ma Hongjun's left shoulder and said, "Now go."

Ma Hongjun then carried Oscar's mother and left with the remaining two hundred Ling clan members.

As they left Oscar looked towards Tang san and asked, "Are you ready?"

Tang san raised both of his shoulders and responded saying, "Not really, but I guess I might as well."

As Tang san said that a second explosion had went off which seemed closer to them due to the explosion being louder than before, Oscar then smiled and said, "Lets go!"

The two then ran towards the location of the second explosion went off, but as they were making their way towards the spirit members.

Back at Shrek, Zhao wuji who had been waiting felt uneasy as he whispered, "It's almost been six hours, Oscar you better hurry up otherwise that devil of a woman will."