Gruesome reaper/Squad leaders: WHO?

Oscar: Nothing, so are we going to stand around here all night or are we going to fight.

The two squadron leaders were baffled by what he said, but they still remained cautious as they still did not want to end up like their last useless and headless companion. They then looked each other in the eyes and seemed to come up with a plan, it seems only these two would be fighting me first.

Oscar: It's better if all of you came at me at one time

The two squadron leaders felt insulted as they did not like the idea of being looked down upon by anyone especially by a child, like Oscar. They ran to the opposite sides of Oscar and slowly approached him while preparing their strongest attacks as they knew Oscar was truly dangerous. Although their pride would not let them show it, they were both terrified of Oscar as he had just killed fifty of their men and still seemed to be full of energy. As well as the fact that the kid himself had 4 Spirit rings just as they did which made them fear him much more.

Gui: NOW!!

Both the men then jumped while Oscar just smiled and stayed where he was, he then activated his cloaks invisibility feature and then dodging their attacks. Both Gui and Fenghuang thought that Oscar's cloak was a treasure that only had a one-time use, but it seems that they were wrong. They then quickly went into a back to back defence position as their enemy is invisible and was now extremely dangerous. In fact, both the gruesome reaper and his first squadron leader were searching for Oscars presence as well just to make sure that he doesn't ambush them.

For the last few seconds all four of them were at the end of their wits, as they could not sense Oscar's presence or even see him. They heard Something drop in front of them, Fenghuang quickly sent an air slash towards the sounds direction. What they saw was just a couple of rats coming out of the darkness and eating the remains of the dead ȧssassins. They were disgusted but they still kept theirs guards up, all of a sudden, two bodies flew towards Gui at an incredible speed. Gui sent his wrecking ball to stop one of the bodies from coming closer while holding his shield to defend himself from the second one.

However, for him to do that, he needed to move slightly forward as to attack Oscar who he thought was in front of him. However, what he did not know was that he was not Oscar's target for the killing, but just those few seconds were enough for Oscar to throw two of his poisoned daggers at Fenghuang who was facing Gui's back. The daggers made their way towards Fenghuang but both were seen by him, he then sent a slash that was made of fire and air. However, were only slightly off target but they still fulfilled their purpose as they were now imbedded in Fenghuangs right thɨġh and left leg.


Gui turned around only to see his partner now on the ground, with both of his feet injured he quickly turned his back in order to help him pull it out. However, Oscar did not miss this opportunity and sent two more poisoned daggers to the back of his neck, however before they could penetrate him it was blocked by a sword. It was the last but strongest squadron leader long the Azure dragon of the east, he released his spirit rings only to reveal 5 instead of 4. Oscar took one look at this man's spirit rings and he could tell that he was going to be a formidable opponent.

Long: Take that useless fool and heal him

Gui: Yes

Gui quickly took Fenghuang who was in excruciating pain to the side and began administrating any healing antidote he had on his legs as he that Oscar's daggers probably contained poison. But before he could, Oscar came out of the darkness and said something to them.

Oscar: It's useless

Gui/Fenghuang: Huh??

Oscar: You see the poison contained inside that dagger is from a toxic spirit beast called the "Venomous purple bull frog". You should know what that means right.

The four remaining people knew what a Venomous purple bull frog was since they were ȧssassins who at least had a considerable amount of knowledge about poison. This included spirit beasts that were considered poison types, and the Venomous purple bull frog was considered the 9th most poisonous creature on the battle continent. This was not only the most dangerous thing about it, the other two facts about it was that its poison found on its back could kill even a spirit douluo within 5 minutes. And it had only 3 known antidotes to stop its venom from quickly spreading and then destroying it completely however none of these people had any of those antidotes.

So, the only thing Fenghuang could do was wait for death, the remaining three knew what they had to do especially Gui.

Fenghuang: Brother Gui you can save me right

Gui did not respond instead he stood up and smashed Fenghuang's head into meat paste with his wrecking ball, he then looked at the lifeless corpse and began to speak.

Gui: I just did

Oscar felt torn by what he had just witnessed but he felt guilty knowing that it was him that killed Fenghuang not Gui. He then looked towards the three remaing ȧssassins and waited for the first one to make a move, unsurprisingly it was Gui as the giant was now angry at the loss of one of his own. He roared and swung his wrecking ball that contained violent spirit essence at Oscar, who quickly dodged under it and jumped towards him. As he was about to land on his head, Gui attacked with his shield, Oscar knew he could not dodge it but instead he punched it.

What happened next was a sight that made the enemies jaws drop, not only had Oscar actually punch Gui's shield but he also managed to push him ten steps backwards. Oscar was actually surprisesd since he had only tested his strength against rocks and spirit beasts, but he never once imagined that it would be too much for a human. He then quickly gained his confidence and made his way towards Gui who had yet to recover from his shock. As he had almost reached him the last squadron leader attacked him with sword full of spirit essence.

Oscar: SO, you're working together now

Long: It would seem so

Gui: Long what are you doing he is mine…I can take care of him myself

Long did not say anything yet, but he slowly rotated his head to face Gui and said 4 words while releasing his full pressure.

Long: Shut the fuċk up…

Gui could only shut his mouth as he knew that if he opened it he might just get killed, Oscar was now on full alert as this man was far more dangerous than the others. He then saw that the 3rd squadron leader had now calmed down and was planning to work together with the first squadron leader.

Oscar: Let begin

Gui: You will regret killing Fenghuang

Oscar then quickly ran towards the two with his cloak in invisibility mode, he then quickly threw his other 4 poison daggers at the 3rd squadron leader. However, they were all blocked and avoided by the 2 squadron leaders, he then saw them both using their strongest attack infused with spirit essence against him. Oscar was hit by the shockwaves and sent flying towards wooden walls and breaking it in the process while coughing up blood.

Gui: Hah…hah…haaah… is he dead

Long: Do you think he can just die from that

Gui: WHAT!!!

Gui was shocked as that was probably the strongest attack he had ever made using 85% of his full power. But before he could say another word he saw the first squadron leader turning his head to the same direction Oscar had just been sent flying towards.

Oscar: Haah… it seems I need to get serious now huh? I

Long: Sure go ahead

Gui was already shocked by what he just said as he thought Oscar was out of spirit essence and was probably bluffing to buy himself some time. However, he and the other two then saw Oscar taking off his cloak and revealing a mask that seemed to have the teeth of some Wolf spirit beast. He then took off his mask and revealed a handsome and young face of a child that seemed to make look less dangerous. But what shocked the three ȧssassins was that he them made the mask and cloak disappear in a small white flash of light.

Gui: Who are you

All of the three ȧssassins were wondering the same thing but before they could say something they then saw Oscar performing a hand technique with both hands. Then a few seconds later two sausages appeared in his hands as he took both of them and ate it. They then saw his skin turning red and felt that his power and spirit essence was rising, they knew that they had to kill him before he finished whatever he was doing. However, they were too late as Oscar only needed five seconds to consume and power up from those two sausages.

The two sausages he had just consumed were called the spicy pepper sausage which he got from his third spirit ring ability that could raise his attack power by 50%, and now his current prowess could almost compete with that of a rank 60 spirit emperor but had a limit of ten minutes. Oscar then got behind the 3rd squad leader Gui and punched him in his left side ribs which sent him flying and crashing into the wooden walls and braking all of his left ribs and piercing his internal organs and heart.

Long: Haah… haaah… haah… how?

Long asked with a look of disbelief on his face and a voice full of despair and fear

Oscar: I trained myself until the point where I was almost bal-… I mean where I can now fight against an entire rank above my own cultivation.

Long knew that it was the end so he tried to turn and run as he did not want to die but before he could his head was sent flying. Long thought it was Oscar, but Oscar still stood where he was that could only mean that it was his…


He said as he cleaned his sword and put it into its scabbard while kicking Longs body onto the side while facing Oscar.

Gruesome reaper: So it seems that it's just you and me

Oscar: ….

Gruesome reaper: What cat got your tongue

Gruesome reaper: Hahahahaha… you've got a mouth on you, I like it, listen why don't we forget about this and you come work for me, I could even forget about this incident of ours and the pay is not as bad.

Oscar: No

Oscar said with disgust in his eyes as he took his stance and held his swords to kill the Gruesome reaper with.