Chapter 12 - Pride of the food god

Its been 5 months since our Mc Oscar became a disciple of Lou Gao, and now within the iron compartment there was a loud banging coming from the left wing where Lou Gao and his disciples refine metals for their inventions. However, the person that was in there instead is none other than our Mc, at this moment he had finally created a technique that could refine metal within 10 strokes.

This technique is even better than what the clear sky sect uses, as not only does it refine the metal to 100% but it also makes stronger than before. Imagine if Oscar were to use this technique on an ordinary silver metal not only would the metal become high quality, but it could even rival metals like titanium. Thus, he named it the 10 strokes of pure refinement.

As Oscar finally finished refining those metal pieces, the two long brothers came into the room at the same time. Over the past few months Oscar got to know these two and became friends with them, in fact they shamelessly started calling him big brother. Knowing that they were two years older than Oscar, but that didn't bother Oscar as he really did see these two as his younger brothers.

Long Tian: Hey big brother O its noon and we're hungry

Oscar: Then go get something to eat

I said as I was tired from refining the stack of metals in front of me

Long Yun: But that's the thing we can't

Oscar: Huh?

Long Tian: Big brother nothing in the city is as good as your cooking, please have mercy on us.

They then started begging on their knees and practically kissing his foot.

Oscar: FINE, get off me first

Long Tian/Yun: Alright, thank you big brother, may the heavens bless you with many wives.

(A.N: Yeah not happening, and never going to)

Oscar: ~Sigh~, why did I even cook now look where it's gotten me

Lou Gao: Hahaha, you brats how are you so shameless to ask Little O for this, can't you see that he is tired.

Long Tian/Yun: But old man you were the one that practically begged us to ask him.

Oscar: So old man Lou you were also hungry, huh?

Lou Gao: Yes, I am and as your master you should prepare some food for me, pretty please.

He then tried to make a cute pose while showing a pouting face, oh my god that is just disgusting and disturbing I almost puked my breakfast. I also saw the two brothers grabbing the walls and trying to hold back their breakfast as well. I mean this is fatal blow that could disgust even titled Douluos I then got up and quickly left the fortress without even bringing any money with me and only realized, as I was almost at the market. ~Sigh~ this is exhausting, and I really don't want to go back, huh what's going on over there.

Meanwhile back at the fortress…

As the two brothers finally got over the nausea of seeing their master perform that disgusting pose of his. They realized that they forgot to give Oscar any money to buy the groceries, as they were about to leave they heard a metal piece drop onto the floor and saw their master with a look of shock on his face. He then started laughing while holding his face with his left hand, this scared the brothers and made them moved further away from their master.

Long Tian: Hey Yun you think the old man has finally lost it.

Long Yun: I don't know but this is freaking me out

Lou Gao then turned to look at the two brothers with an infuriated face and caught them both while also pounding their heads with his small hammer.

Lou Gao: You brats are the ones that lost it, when you don't even know why I am in shock

Lou Gao: Because of this

He then showed them one of the metal piece that Oscar had just refined like it was some treasure.

Long Tian: What's so special about it

Lou Gao then hit them in the head again while shouting at them.

Lou Gao: Look at it closely

Long Tian and Long Yun tried but they couldn't even find anything special about it no matter how hard they tried. They then quickly held their heads as to block the hammer from hitting them again.

Lou Gao: You brats are a disappointment

Long Tian/Yun: Okay then tell us what is so special about the metal he refined

Lou Gao: He refined these metal pieces to a 100% high quality and made it even better than the highest quality metal in the city.

Meanwhile back at the market…

It turns out that the market was having a cooking competition and the prize was 10,000 gold coins. To others who were just bystanders this was tough, and none would want to compete in it, however to Oscar the one who is destined to become the food god of this world this is easy. He then saw the announcer who turned out to be Chief chef from the most well-known restaurant in Gengxin city "The Golden metal restaurant".

Chef Yin: Step right up we are having a cooking competition to see if there are any who have the potential of becoming a chef. The prize is 10,000 gold coins and even if you lose you can get a chance of becoming a member for our restaurant.

I then thought that was fair enough and was about to step up and challenge them, I then heard one of bystanders gossiping about this competition.

Bystander 1: This is a lie

Oscar: What do you mean

Bystander 1: Oh, hey there kid what I mean is, they don't want any new members of their restaurant all they want is someone to become their servant. Meaning if you win you get the 10,000 gold coins , but if you lose it will be a debt that you have to pay off. They did this last year and some unlucky fool thought he was making some easy money, however when he lost he was overworked day and night until he finally paid off that 10,000 gold coin.

Oscar: Oh

Bystander 1: That is why no one is going up even if that 10,000-gold coin is really enticing, do you understand now kid.

Meanwhile on the stage…

Chef Yin: Oh, we have a challenger and it seems to be a young boy, hello there what is your name kid

Oscar: Oscar

Chef Yin: Oscar are you sure about challenging us the Golden metal restaurant

Oscar: No

Chef Yin: Then I guess you should leave before your mother finds out that you are missing.

Oscar: No, I am not sure of challenging your restaurant, however I am sure of beating it to the ground.

Silence was what filled the stage and around it, as everyone was shocked at what this young buy just said to the most prominent restaurant in Genxin city. The chief chef had veins popping out of his forehead and was slowly trying to regain his calm state before he went ballistic on the kid.

Chef Yin: Tough words Oscar, we will see how tough you are after you battle against our youngest and brightest chef Chu Dong.

Bystander 1: Gasp, isn't that the youngest chef who is known to be the daughter of the owner of the restaurant itself.

Bystander 2: That is the daughter of Chu Feng the man known as the Food Lord Asura

Bystander 3: That kid is a goner for sure

While the crowd was continuously talking, a young girl who had a 5'8 mȧturė figure and bronze hair started walking down the row of stairs and made her way onto the stage. She then continued walking up to Oscar and final looking down on him, she had a look of disdain on her face and started talking to Oscar.

Chu Dong: Who do you think you are

To the audience it looked like a comical scene where a little boy was being scolded by an older woman. However, in Oscar's thoughts he noticed that Chu dongs face almost looked like a live version of Erina Nakiri from shokugeki no soma.

Chu Dong: Hmph you should go home kid this is not a place for you

Oscar: ~Sigh~, you just had to have her arrogant attitude as well

Chu Dong was surprised but then angry at what Oscar just said as she did not get the meaning behind his words.

Oscar: Nothing, let's just start

Chu Dong: Hmph, I am going to enjoy beating you

Oscar heard what she said but just ignored her and continued looking at Chef Yin to listen as to what the theme would be.

Chef Yin: Alright the theme for this competition is none other than noodles, it does not matter what flavour it is. Alright will the competitors go to their stations and you will receive any ingredient you need. Keep in mind that you can only cook for 3 hours and at that time if you do not finish your meal in time then you will be disqualified.

Oscar then made his way to a small kitchen which had all the necessary kitchen items and tools, he then waited for the timer to begin. Once it did they both rushed to the stack of ingredients that were hidden under a white cloth on both of their sides. On Chu dong's side she had already prepared all the necessary ingredient to make her noodle, such as flour, chicken, green onions and more. While on Oscar's side he was shocked to see that the ingredients he received were either rotten or beginning to rot.

He then looked at the people who provided the ingredients, it turns they were also looking back at him with a face full of mockery. He then realised that this was their plan all along and he could not complain, since the crowd themselves were 30 meters away from the stage and they could not see the quality of the ingredients. He could try to complain but to Oscar this would hurt his pride as he would become the future god of food, for Oscar this was a challenge that he could not back down from.

Chief Yins thoughts…


ahaha, lets see this kid try to make anything out of those trash ingredients we gave him, how dare he say that he could beat us into the ground. Does he think that we are going to take this lying down, we will win even if we need cheat. However, I got to make sure that Chu Dong does not know about this as she would probably get mad because she is too prideful of her skills.

Meanwhile on the stage…

It seems I've got to gather all the ingredients that are not rotten yet this way I can be able to make the noodles, broth, and meat.

Let's see green onions, pork, flour, whole onions, carrots, pork bones, eggs, mushrooms, ginger, and all the other ingredients needed to make this noodle. I then decided to make my broth by using the pork bones and some of the vegetables I have, then I will cook the pork I have with the other stove. After that I will just mend and pound my flour to make the noodles I want, however I will add in something special.

Meanwhile in the crowd…

As the two long brothers were busy trying to find Oscar, they suddenly saw a commotion that was next to the market and were surprised to see the person they were looking for. They then made their way into the crowd as they saw Oscar currently focusing on what was in front of him. Then a person next to them started commenting on what was happening on the stage.

Mysterious person: Huh, that kid is going to lose

Long tian: What do you mean

MP: I mean the ingredients that he is using is either rotten or it is rotting.

Long tian/Yun: Oh ok

MP: Huh? What do you mean ok

Long tian: If you think our big brother can be defeated by something like this, then you don't know who he is.

MP: You are related to that kid

Long Yun: I guess you could say that

MP: So then what did you mean that he can't be defeated by this

Long Tian: Just watch

MP: Fine

Meanwhile on the stage Chu Dong was now cooking her chicken as she was already boiling her broth, however when the crowd turned to Oscars side they saw him performing next to the pot he was cooking. All of them except the two brothers shared the same thought at that moment," Why is he making a hand technique"…