At this time, the night was deep, and it was inconvenient to talk about the demon subduing tomorrow. Liu Shi sent someone to prepare a guest room for Han Lingsha to stay, so he left. Liu Mengli said goodbye to yuntianhe and turned back to the house. Yuntianhe stared at her. The door of the house had been closed, but he still didn't come back.

Han Lingsha was not angry and felt funny. She shook her hand in front of him, "can you see me?"


"Hum, what are you thinking when all the people are gone? I'm sure you like Miss Liu's beautiful appearance very much. "

"... no, no..."

Han Lingsha looked at his insincere appearance, opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but her heart was sour. She didn't know what to say, so she waved her hand and said good night, and then went to the guest room to rest with Lu Zhu and Lu Rong, the maidens of Liu's house.

Now, in such a big backyard, there are only clouds, rivers and running water, peach blossoms and stars in the sky.

Two faces, Ling Sha's and Liu Mengli, the eldest miss of the Liu family, kept popping up in his mind. Their faces hovered in their minds quickly. Yuntianhe just wanted to chase, but chased this one, that one was far away, turned back to chase that one, and the people here disappeared again.

He didn't know why he became like this. He didn't know why his heart was fast and slow, happy and sad.

Gradually, the two faces went far away. He took off the sword box behind him, took out the long sword, walked in the peach blossom forest and danced.

In the past, his sword technique is powerful and sharp. In the past, his sword idea is like the sun flying in the sky and handling the world. In the past, his sword spirit shines thousands of miles and reaches the heaven and the earth.

Now he is just like walking around the peach blossoms in the forest, waving his long sword like ice jade in his hand, just like a child waving a wooden branch in his hand.

Yuntianhe hasn't used this innocent sword dance for a long time. Since he got the inheritance of the divine sword, his heart has been filled with magnificent and profound sword theory all the time. This sword theory can analyze everything, make him omnipotent, and make him spend his whole life without being boring.

But he only used children's sword at this time.

He was a child at this time. He didn't know any divine sword, not a unique Sword Fairy, and there was no mysterious sword meaning and sword technique. The fairy sword in his hand seems to be just a withered branch that can be seen everywhere.

Yuntianhe walked like this. When he was getting better, those two people appeared in front of him, standing at both ends of the peach forest.

"Han Lingsha" waved to him: fool! Come on!

"Liu Mengli" also called from afar: young master Yun, where are you?

Yuntianhe was at a loss. He wanted to open his mouth, but his lips were dead and in one place. He wanted to wave his hands and feet. His hands and feet were as heavy as lead. He looked here and there, and closed his eyes. Their calls became clearer and slower and softer, both close and away.

He seemed to hear another person breathing, so he opened his eyes and was startled by the man standing in front of him.

That's another self, with the same clothes and the same sword.

Yuntianhe heard footsteps behind him. In the depths of peach blossoms, countless yuntianhe came one after another.

He was so frightened that he closed his eyes and heard the voices of Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli. He kept echoing in his ears. When he opened his eyes, he saw hundreds of silent himself.

Yuntianhe understood something. He smiled and "yuntianhe people" smiled.

He waved to himself in front of him. The man turned into an iron sword, flew into yuntianhe's hand, threw it out, fell to the ground, and turned into a peach tree. The peach tree swayed, the residual flowers fell, and produced many sweet fruits, colorful and colorful. There were only a few green buds on the highest note.

All the things that people in the world see are somewhat made by their original heart. Without this lively original heart, everything cannot manifest itself. Yuntianhe misses Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli. It's just missing Han and Liu. How can they suddenly appear in front of him when they are elsewhere?

Since ancient times, the so-called "mind ape and horse" of practitioners has the ability to incarnate thousands of heart apes. What the world sees and thinks, separated from the noumenon of things, is the incarnation of heart apes. The divine intention of yuntianhe can create all things. Except for his excellent talent and wonderful sword, it is also because everyone's original mind has this ability. The so-called heart king in Buddhism and the so-called God in Taoism are these things.

In this way, the countless clouds and rivers he saw were also the manifestation of mind and spirit, but he inadvertently saw the true meaning because he learned the sword, broke away from the cage, pointed to his nature. Earlier, he realized that non constant changes can control the sky with one heart and internalize it. The most important key is to explore the void and reality. The immeasurable Qi machine in the world changes endlessly and changes rapidly. Some of it is true, some is false, some is real, and some is artificial. All of it is controlled by the mind. The more subtle and pure Kung Fu, the more able it is to integrate everything.

Yuntianhe is straightforward in nature. He has been with Han Lingsha for a long time. He has regarded her as a treasure in his heart. When he first met Liu Mengli, he was fascinated by her unique face and had feelings when he was ignorant. These two people are real. They are not only the Han and Liu in his heart, but also the limited Han and Liu in his heart.

For example, when he danced his sword in the peach forest, the two women suddenly appeared, which was purely made by his heart. Therefore, when they approached, it was yuntianhe's own appearance. He closed his eyes to listen, and heard their voices in his heart. In fact, these countless clouds and rivers are just like a handful of hair pulled out by a heart ape and the separation of changes.

Yuntianhe couldn't tell for a moment because he didn't understand this truth. With this person's excellent understanding, he became aware of it. At this time, the peach tree in front of me suddenly trembled, but there was a bud point about to trigger, and a strange sword technique was about to be born.

After a long silence, yuntianhe suddenly made a sound, waved his fairy sword and cut off the peach tree in front of him!

This sword can only be fast, so it moves like a thunderbolt. This sword can only be sharp, so it criticizes wood like rot. this sword can only be unique, so it suddenly dies.

This sword smashed the artificial tree of Kendo in front of me.

This sword smashed countless clouds and rivers in the forest!

When he stood with his sword, he closed his eyes, and there was only wind and water in his ears.

On the tree in my heart, on the high branches, a full fruit hangs impressively.

Yuntianhe'an listened to the sound of the wind falling petals for a while. Then he took the fairy sword back into the box and went back to the house to have a rest.

The next day, yuntianhe woke up naturally after sleeping. He got up and stretched himself. It was very comfortable. Since ancient times, people who cultivate immortals have been practicing hard day and night and studying hard all the time, but this savage is natural and never understands the truth of hard meditation. When his father was there, he only asked him to take cultivation as a daily homework, and there is no need to be persistent after completion. He is so lazy, but because of his practice of divine sword, his Qi flows all the time, and his internal power is already unfathomable. He benefits more than those friars who practice blindly.

After the savages get up, they have to wash. The servants of the Liu family have prepared warm water and towel cloth, which can be taken at will. The basin containing water is still a fish wash. Gently rubbing the copper basin's ears can make the water surface tremble, the water droplets jump like rain, and the fish patterns at the bottom of the basin seem to live. Beautiful, exquisite and practical fun, let the big fool have fun for a while. If he hadn't remembered that he had business to do, he might have been able to play all day.

After going out, he happened to meet the maid of Liu's house, so he raised his hand and said hello, "hello."

When Lu Rong saw the handsome savage, he said happily, "ah, it's the future uncle. No, no, it's Mr. Yun. Please wake up and go to the front hall. My miss and Miss Han have been waiting there. Lu Rong left first." She said in a hurry, her cheeks flushed, saluted, turned and flew away.

Yuntianhe scratched his head and secretly said that he was so anxious. When he looked around, he vaguely saw the air machine left by Han Lingsha. He strode to the front hall. At this time, the master and wife of the family, Miss Liu and the female snitch were all there. The four people talked orthogonally and heard the savage's silly laughter.

Fools don't say hello when they see people. When they enter the lobby, they just wave to everyone.

Han Lingsha gave him a white look, "slow to death!" Yuntianhe put his outstretched hand in the back of his head. It's really by the way.

Liu Shifeng nodded with a smile, "ha ha, don't be slow, good nephew, it's just in time. We are about to tell Miss Han about nvluoyan. Listen to it. "

The chubby old man nagged and started from the beginning. In addition, when he first came to Shouyang to work, the people here had no surplus wealth and failed in all industries. He still didn't improve after years of careful management. Thanks to Liu Mengli's dexterity and ingenuity, he made a kind of "livanilla" from the mountains outside the city into incense. It was of excellent quality and good effect, which made Jia merchants compete to buy it. Since then, it became famous in the capital and sold continuously. This incense making technology forms an industry, so that the people of Shouyang can make profits, gather merchants and make Shouyang City prosperous day by day. This is the grand occasion today.

After listening to him for a long time without talking about the key points, Yun Tianhe went to the table to eat cakes. The rest patiently listened to Liu Shifeng's speech, but his eyes didn't leave the table for a moment.

Han Lingsha turned her head and looked at his spineless appearance. She was so angry that her teeth itched, "Hey! It's polite to just listen and put down the cakes. "

The old lady Ruan CI hurriedly helped the audience, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The walnut cake on this table was originally reserved for Tianhe. Eat slowly and be careful not to choke. "

Yuntianhe nodded his head, "well, this is delicious, this is delicious."

Han Lingsha angrily doesn't turn her head and thinks she doesn't know this shameful thing.

Liu Mengli went on to explain for Liu Shifeng that nvluoyan in the northwest of Shouyang was rich in herbs, and people in the city went there to pick them. However, in recent half a month, demons often hurt people, so no one dared to go again. Just in this way, it affected the incense industry.

Knowing the reason for this, yuntianhe and Liu Shifeng were ready to go. Liu Shifeng was reluctant to give up his daughter, but he didn't want to go against her will. Finally, he had to ask some children to bring the snacks prepared by the cook to facilitate eating on the road.

Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli both refused on the grounds of inconvenience. It was a big fan. Yuntianhe was elated when he heard the dessert, but he was scolded by Han Lingsha and didn't dare to mention it again.

After saying goodbye to the second elder of the Liu family, the three left the city. Han Lingsha was angry with yuntianhe all the way, so she didn't let him go with the imperial sword. Although Liu Mengli looked at a delicate woman, she seemed to have high martial arts, long Qi pulse and excellent physical strength. She was quite organized during her jump and didn't fall behind for a moment. As for the big fool yuntianhe, he was in a good mood as always. When he went out, he went wild and looked east and West. When he didn't stop to rest, he could catch up with them no matter how far he went.

There are two roads at the south foot of Bagong mountain, one extending to the northwest and the other extending to the northeast. Nvluoyan is in the northwest, but the other side leads to the Huainan royal tomb. Liu An, the king of Huainan, is the master of the so-called story of a man gaining the Tao and a chicken and a dog ascending to heaven. It is said that he has many disciples. Eight strange people, collectively known as Bagong, gather on the mountain to refine pills. The pills are made. Liu An swallows the pills and goes to heaven with Bagong, and the rest of the pills are eaten by chickens and dogs. The mountain is named after Bagong. The myth of "a man gaining the Tao and a chicken and a dog ascending to heaven" has also spread to this day.

When it comes to the mausoleum, Feng Shui robber Han Lingsha has something to say. She speaks slowly and leisurely. "Bagong mountain has a good mountain situation. It has both" green dragon "and" white tiger "in the" four potentials ". The two-phase arch can protect the cave from the external wind. Unfortunately, there is only Shouyang moat in front of the mountain. It would be better if it could gather water to form a marsh."

Yuntianhe giggled, "Lingsha, you know a lot."

Han Lingsha glanced at him, wrinkled her nose proudly and snorted. It seemed that she was still angry.

Liu Mengli made a big difference to the female snitch. "I heard from my father that the art of geomantic omen and geomancy is obscure and difficult to understand. It often takes ten or twenty years to achieve a little success. Miss Han is really not simple."

Han Lingsha is very nice to Liu Mengli. She likes such a beautiful girl when she sees it. Han Lingsha is just angry with yuntianhe Huaxin, but she won't complain about the natural beauty of Liu Mengli, "ah, it's nothing. If I don't understand this in my hometown, I'll be laughed at all my life. By the way, we know each other now. Just call me Lingsha. Don't be so outspoken, or I'll call you 'Miss Liu'. "

"... I see, Lingsha." Liu Mengli bowed his head, but a faint smile came out on his face.

Yuntianhe looked at Liu Mengli's smile and unconsciously didn't turn his head. He didn't know what to like, but he couldn't help it.

The journey up the mountain is not difficult. Liu Shifeng once led the people to open up mountain roads to facilitate the communication of incense collectors. Because of the monster hurting people, there is no pedestrian on the mountain road now. Only wild animals and spirits come and go in the mountains. Yuntianhe is ahead and always drives them away with three fists and two feet. This person will not kill and always has a common view of everything.

Nvluoyan is a set of multi-storey caves in the mountain. The entrance is close to the top of the mountain. You can climb the vines to go down. There is a unique cave in the cave. It is actually a very wide place. The light in the cave is dim, but the scenery is magnificent. It is rich in Zhilan herbs. It can be regarded as a treasure land.

Yuntianhe looked at his feet and suddenly said, "someone is fighting."

Han Lingsha hurriedly asked him what he saw. Yuntianhe pointed to the ground, "there is a hole below. A man fought with a group of monsters, but he is still very powerful. Those monsters can't beat him."

Liu Mengli has a keen sense of spirit, and can also vaguely perceive that there is a strong sword in the rock under her feet. She frowned and said: "we're here to investigate the reason why demons hurt people, not necessarily to eliminate demons. The locust demons here have always been gentle, and there should always be some reason... Childe Yun and Lingsha, why don't we go down quickly? We'd better mediate the struggle first and let's talk together, There is something to discuss. "

Yuntianhe answered, stretched out his finger and pointed around. He didn't see any extraordinary action. The deep rock layer at the feet of the three people was cut out a circle by invisible sword Qi and fell straight down.

Han Lingsha exclaimed, "I'm dying!"

Yuntianhe smiled foolishly, but the heavy stones under their feet fell at a slow speed. Finally, they hung in the air and stopped on the battlefield.

Below is an immortal who is using his flying sword to attack a group of locust demons. His sword technique is fierce, and the country demons are embarrassed to resist. Several have died, and the rest are just trying to support.

"Hello! Stop fighting and stop! " Yuntianhe shouted.

The man took his sword in his hand and looked at the hanging stone platform. He looked at yuntianhe. Suddenly he was shocked and felt that the sword in his hand was almost ready to get out of his hand. It is the power of the sword sect, which can attract thousands of swords.

"Who, sir? I'm a disciple of Kunlun Qionghua sect. I'm here to subdue demons and eliminate demons. What do you want? "

The three of yuntianhe jumped off the stone platform, and the savage pointed his hand. The stone platform flew back to its original place and pasted it tightly. Such means are frightening. When Liu Mengli saw the tragedy of the little demon, he couldn't bear it, so he applied a spiritual skill to cure the wounded. This made the man doubt, "are you the helpers of these monsters?"

Han Lingsha came out to make a round, "this friend, we are ordered by Shouyang County Magistrate to explore the wounding of nvluoyan monsters."

The little demons hid behind Liu Mengli, and they all faced the Qionghua disciple. Then they looked at him carefully.

He is a self proclaimed disciple of Qionghua. He looks handsome and full of moral integrity. He wears a long crown and carries a sword box. He is a feather immortal. He is just a beautiful childe in the world. His face is very elegant. Only one-third of the sword air between his eyebrows is colder than frost and snow. He looks solemn and his face is like solid ice. People will know that he is not a good person.

"Since you are entrusted by others, you have the responsibility of subduing demons. Why do you stop me here?"

Liu Mengli looked around at the fallen little demons around. They had not yet turned into human shapes. They were simple minded and lack of ability. They were just slightly civilized wild animals. Moreover, these demons had clear Qi and were not evil creatures who killed and caused chaos. They were free to live here, but they suffered such a disaster. Why didn't she feel sad, she replied in a solemn voice: "you are indiscriminate, It should be noted that demons are not all evil. These locust demons have never been gentle and avoided the world. Now there must be a reason for being angry and hurting people. How can they fight without distinguishing right from wrong? "

The man sneered, "demons are demons. As a disciple of Qionghua, it's destiny to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Since these demons are gentle, why do they hurt people? By virtue of their strong skills, they maim mortals. I don't see their innocence. " The little demon hiding behind Liu Mengli yelled and explained the reason. It turned out that in recent years, Shouyang people often came to nvluoyan to pick Lixiang, which is the food of these locust demons. They can't hide on weekdays. They are picked by human beings. They only come out to pick food late at night. But with the development of Shouyang incense industry, incense pickers come in an endless stream and ask for it, These little demons were short of food, so they had to drive them away. Their original intention was not to harm others. Liu Mengli looked sad. She also studied the preparation technology of Lixiang, but in the end, the innocent demons here suffered a disaster. People want to eat, and Demons also want to eat. Both sides count on Lixiang, but the natural resources are limited. Now the evolution of the situation seems to be a dead knot. After listening to these little demons' explanations, Han Lingsha and Yun Tianhe felt sympathy, but the disciple of Qionghua sect refused to let go, "no matter what, demons that hurt people will make trouble in the future. When their cultivation becomes a climate in the future, who can stop them? Don't make a big mistake because of a moment of weakness. " Han Lingsha persuasively said, "the prejudice in people's hearts is a mountain. Why can't you think about these little demons? They are also born with spirit, can speak, have joys and sorrows. Everyone can get along well, but why do they have to kill each other? "“ Hum, it's useless to talk too much. Please leave quickly. Don't stop me from subduing demons. " Yuntianhe frowned and sensed the murderous spirit. He had been silent before. When there was danger, he immediately stood up and protected his companions behind him. Han Lingsha knew that he had extraordinary skills, but he saw that Qionghua disciple opposite also had the ability to resist the sword. He was very worried. He immediately took out his double swords and stood beside yuntianhe. Liu Mengli refused to give way and was bound to fight side by side“ Since you want to protect these little demons, you have to do one! " Qing Zha, the disciple of Qionghua, said that the fairy sword in his palm divided into several sword shadows, and the three stabbed at the cloud and Tianhe. It was like a thunderbolt in the sky. Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli had not seen the shape of the sword shadow yet, and immediately lost the trace of the sword shadow with a flash of cold light in front of them. Suddenly, hearing the clang sound, the people followed the prestige and were surprised. However, they saw that yuntianhe stretched out two fingers of his right hand and was clamping a long and narrow sword. The sword hummed and trembled like a dragon. Immediately, the light disappeared and fell quietly into his hand. Disciple Qionghua frowned and knew that he had met a strong enemy. I'm afraid he would die this time. However, he consciously acted aboveboard all his life, so he was able to face danger with emotion and without fear. Yun Tianhe took the sword in his hand and looked at it. He looked up and smiled at the Qionghua disciple and said, "your sword technique is a little stupid, but it's very interesting. I'll try it, too. " After that, he turned the sword in his hand and pointed the sword tip at the Qionghua disciple. Several invisible and colorless sword Qi came out of thin air and suddenly pierced the man's shoulder blade. The sword Qi ran along the meridians and sealed his body. His cultivation was completely imprisoned. He fought with lightning flint here. With yuntianhe's slow speech, before ten seconds, the previously aggressive Qionghua disciple fell straight to the ground and couldn't move any more. Han Lingsha immediately cheered, Liu Mengli also looked at yuntianhe with new eyes, and the little demons were chirping“ hey! Sure enough, Tianhe, you are the best! Worthy of being a peerless expert I cheated down from the mountain! "“ Childe Yun, uncle Yun must be very pleased that you can have such a unique skill. "“ Wow, what a powerful human! Thank you for helping us bring down the bad guys! " A big fool only scratches his head and giggles. The Qionghua disciple tried to struggle to no avail, and said coldly, "I'm not as skilled as others, but I won't admit defeat. If you have any advice, you might as well say it all. If you want to kill or cut, you're welcome!" Han Lingsha asked, "Hello! What's your name I am Murong Ziying. "