"Tell me where you want to go."

Booker prepared a plaid spun cotton blanket to give Elizabeth a clean seat, while he sat cross legged on his newly bought suitcase. Now they are still in the battleship Bay. They can see the sky in the distance and the collapse of the bronze lamb angel. People on vacation on the beach are exclaiming. They are asking: where has the Nightingale gone.

——The answer is that he went back to his old nest to recuperate!

Booker squinted at the people around him, then nodded to Elizabeth, "don't worry, we have plenty of time to think on the road."

"Mr. Booker, I want to go to Paris."

"Paris, Paris is a good place, but anyway, I think we should go back to New York. Most of my money is there. We can't go to Paris without money. " Booker noticed that Elizabeth dropped her eyelids and immediately changed her mouth, "well, it's no problem to go directly. It's no big deal. I also have an industry in Paris."

"Great, I mean, thank you, Mr. Booker."

The kind Booker DeWitt pointed to the luxurious airship in the sky. "You see, Booker came forward with an alert mood, but Elizabeth hesitated in surprise," Mr. DeWitt! Come and help me see. Which one looks good? Is it this bird or this cage? "

One badge is in the shape of a bird and the other is in the shape of an iron cage. Booker was not. That's what he did. Elizabeth wore her badge on her silk collar. The girl's aesthetic is like this. A ribbon tied around her neck and a tight waist make them look tall and slender, and her neck is like a swan. Booker didn't like her dressed like this. The birds in exquisite dress could only appear in the cage. Elizabeth should be more relaxed and more comfortable. She can dress like a man, but don't pretend to be such a noble lady.

Booker thought so, and he suggested, "Elizabeth, let's go and change. Dress up. "

At this time, the men and women turned and left. Booker wanted to chase them, but failed again. There seemed to be an invisible thick barrier between them, which made Booker inaccessible no matter how.

Elizabeth was slightly interested in Booker's proposal. She understood his idea. The more cautious the way to escape, the better.

So they changed into sailor's clothes. Elizabeth wrapped her hair and stuffed it into the sailor's hat. Her beautiful eyebrows and pink ears became eye-catching. A mature man like Booker is a reliable sailor when he changes this set, which will not be doubted. But Elizabeth is too obvious. Although her figure is not different from that of a thin man, her appearance is a full girl.

The owner of the clothing store smiled and said, little girl, you will cause a new trend in Colombia. Buck shook his head. "Change her into a men's suit, just a camel." He chose a black bowler hat for Elizabeth to wear, and bought her a pair of gloves to cover her broken fingers.

They walked out of the clothing store. Booker looked up and down at Elizabeth. Now she looked like a young and handsome gentleman with a bird badge on her chest and a shell string on her left wrist hidden in her long sleeve. "Well, it's very nice. Now remember, you're a boy. Follow me and don't run around."

"Listen to you, dear boatswain!" When Elizabeth saluted, she also flew her hat. The hat swirled in the Sunny Street in the afternoon. She gave a small laugh and bent down to pick up the hat.

Booker gave the suitcase to Elizabeth, and he bought a high-quality canvas backpack to put important items in the bag. The suitcase was stuffed with their laundry and daily necessities. So far, all the preparations for the trip have been completed.

Elizabeth plays a leisurely rich businessman, and Booker is her faithful errand runner. Their acting skills were excellent, and Elizabeth was pleased with this deception, so her face was always red.

Colombia has begun martial law, radio prompts people to be careful of pseudo shepherds, and patrol guards are particularly sensitive. The collapse of the statue of the lamb undoubtedly made the rulers of the city feel a crisis. Booker knew that his situation was getting worse and worse. Previously, he bought a bandage to wrap his right hand and pretend to be injured. In fact, he just wanted to cover the scar on the back of his hand.

Maybe their disguise was very successful, and they didn't arouse vigilance when they bought tickets and boarded the ship all the way. So they went to hijack the plane as planned. Booker stunned the guards and seized the guns. Then he put the gun against the pilot and asked him to change the navigation coordinates. These behaviors caused the panic of the passengers. Elizabeth quickly comforted them with the radio. She was not good at speaking and said stumbling: "we're going to Paris. No one will be hurt. After all, we're going to Paris! Don't panic, wait in your seats... "

The more she comforted, the more excited the passengers were. Booker knocked out the uncooperative driver and threatened the microphone: "listen, I'll just say it once. If you can't shut up in ten seconds, I'll hit the airship into the main urban area of Colombia."

The crowd was quiet.

Booker smiled proudly at Elizabeth.

Twenty minutes later, a nightingale came from Colombia in the distance. He was not well, but he still came quickly.

The fleeing first lady was torn to pieces by the monster.

The passengers were falling, the wind was blowing in their ears, and Booker tried to catch Elizabeth's hand, but he could only watch her be taken away by the nightingale. He fell towards finkton and shouted with his last strength, "wait for me! Be sure to wait for me! " Booker DeWitt fell. He landed on the air bag of an airship and finally didn't break to pieces. He grabbed the cable on the air bag and looked into the distance. The monster with black wings disappeared into the clouds with the sea like girl. He wanted to do something, and finally just repeated it in a low voice: wait for me... Don't despair... Wait for me!