The kind Mr. Booker slowly took the musket back into the gun bag, then took out a white handkerchief and slowly wiped the spattering blood drops on his face.

There was no gentle smile on his face.

Captain Benjamin, who was crawling on the ground, looked quiet. There was still some mysterious light in his eyes. His lips were bright red and opened gently. It seemed that he had something to say clearly.

Buck DeWitt sighed slowly. He muttered to himself, "how do you feel Every day is like hell. "

He dragged the dead man's legs and pulled the heavy body into the video room. He collected Benjamin's guns and ammunition, and then strode deep into the statue tower.

Breaking into the bottom of the tower, the whole hall here is used to prevent the huge energy siphon device. Booker tries to read the scattered experimental notes and recorded data to roughly understand the purpose of the huge structure in this room. The sample on the tower will release powerful energy, and the whole device is used to siphon this energy to charge the floating device in Colombia and make it into magic salt potion to charge the power user.

The energy released by the sample Elizabeth fluctuates with her age, and the power of the siphon device is also increased for many times, but it is still unable to balance the growth trend of the sample energy, and the whole device is on the verge of overload when the sample is awake.

Booker hasn't seen the lamb himself all the way, but he can't tolerate the sins of Colombia and the hypocrisy of the prophet. What he saw on the memorial island was the imprisonment, brainwashing, monitoring, injury and slavery of the sample himself.

I really don't know what kind of person a pure lamb will become in the face of such cruel reality. If she is a cynical and hateful avenger, Booker is not surprised, and he hopes so. No one should let go of the suffering that has happened to him. He must return blood for blood and let the enemy be completely destroyed.

So Booker anxiously took the elevator to the upper floor.

The elevator did not reach the top of the tower, but stopped halfway. Here is the sample observation room. The observation window can be opened through the pull rod. Behind the window is one-way glass, which can clearly see the life posture of the sample Elizabeth. There is a notice board at the channel to monitor the movement of the sample. At the moment, she is in the dressing room.

Booker felt that his heart was cold and hot. He couldn't say that. When he hurried through the corridor of steel structure and through the airtight doors one after another, he knew that he would see the little girl soon. This time, if he clearly wanted to see her, it would not be from the photos, images or other people's dictation, Not through their own speculation, but clearly want to see her herself.

He hesitated to open the observation window. He knew that Elizabeth was behind the window, but there was a dressing room. Such peeping was extremely despicable, so he was silent and kept watching the sign until Elizabeth's position changed, so he hurried to the next observation room.

He really opened the observation window. The girl in front of him surprised him. She appeared behind the glass and walked around the studio with her heart in her hands. The dance steps were like Calendula rolled in the warm air of spring and the wind. The petals were dense and warm.

Booker stared at her white and happy cheeks, her happy steps, her floating indigo skirt and flashing sea blue sad eyes. Then he keenly noticed that the little girl's right tail finger seemed to be incomplete, wrapped in an iron finger sheath. Seeing the broken finger, Booker's heart suddenly tightened, And didn't relax for the rest of his life.

Elizabeth finally stopped dancing and stopped in front of the portrait. This is her own painting. The little girl was trapped in the tower and learned a lot in the long confinement. She was a bird born in a cage. The world is the size of a tower for her. But since she glimpsed the sky from books, photos and windows, her natural freedom always calls for her to break free from the cage.

Booker was surprised to figure out Elizabeth's temperament, and the more he looked, the happier he was. At this time, he stood behind the window and couldn't help reaching out to stick to the glass. Through such an unspeakable barrier, he gently stroked the girl's back.

Facing the Paris tower she painted, she suddenly stretched out her hand and stabbed into the air. Such a move made Booker's hair stand on end. He saw Elizabeth's fingers stabbing into the crack of time and space, just like tearing a piece of cloth. She stretched out her arms, and the crack of time and space expanded in her hands.

So Elizabeth suddenly earned, her arms spread like a bird's wings, and the black-and-white gap was really torn open by her. A three-dimensional sphere appeared in this space-time. The scene in the sphere was Paris, France, thousands of miles away.

The color and sound in the crack of time and space have emerged. Elizabeth is standing in the crack, which is Paris at the moment. It was night, wet slate Road, neon shops, bright lights of the Eiffel Tower in the distance, and happy night music came. All this is a corner of Paris. Booker has been there and has some impressions of these scenes in the streets.

At this time, he fully understood the magic of the girl in front of him. She is God herself!

The sirens of fire engines came from the streets of Paris. Elizabeth was shocked by the oncoming large vehicles. She quickly opened her hands to pull the crack and suddenly closed it inward. At the moment when the vehicle was about to hit, she closed the crack, no one was injured, and only the wind of Paris was left in the studio. The portrait of the Paris tower had disappeared, and Booker DeWitt behind the wall was stunned. The frightened Elizabeth turned sadly and went out to the library. Booker followed with interest, quickly went out from the outside and strode up the stairs. The library was at the top of the tower, that is, the neck of the statue, and Booker planned to enter the head from the periphery of the statue and then go down to the library. The wind was blowing outside, and the air flow in the air was cold and turbulent. Colombia in the distance was submerged in the clouds, as far as a phantom. Booker carefully grabbed the edge iron rope, walked step by step on the icy, slippery brass Road, and finally returned to the tower from the cheek of the statue. He wanted to go to the stairs. Now he was on the ceiling of the library. However, the ceiling seemed to be in disrepair for a long time, the chain broke, and the whole turned over. Booker directly parachuted to the library. In a hurry, he grabbed the handrail on the second floor to avoid falling. The man from the sky, dressed up as a Colombian policeman, narrowed his eyes and said to the stunned girl, "uh, hello?" Elizabeth screamed and smashed most of the books in her hand into Booker's face“ Oh! " Buck Eagle fell and crashed on the first floor of the library, "Hey! Stop! Stop! I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not even a policeman! " Elizabeth quickly went downstairs, picked up a blue leather book "principles of quantum mechanics" and was about to hit Booker's face. Fortunately, the strong Mr. Booker stopped it in time“ Take it easy. My name is DeWitt. I'm here to help you escape. " Buck stood up and smiled gently at her. "I'll take you out of this sad place." Elizabeth loosened most of her head. She was very surprised. "You, you are real."“ Of course, if it's fake, it's guaranteed. "“ You, where are you from? "“ On the ground, I came up from the ground. " Booker was about to tell the little girl about his experience. The statue of Comstock beside the library wall suddenly started and sent out loud pipe music. Booker felt a little strange to the sound. It was like a flute, a whistle, and a whistle because it was driven by steam. In short, it was a very penetrating sound. Then, the statue vibrated, Outside came a loud bird song, so heavy and sharp that the whole library shook slightly. Elizabeth's face immediately panicked. Buck hurriedly asked, "what's that?"“ It's a nightingale! He is responsible for keeping me here! " Buck shook his head. "No, he can't lock you up. I'll take you out. That's it."