I've always admired Panan. I don't mean to be condescending. As a player, I always have vanity when facing NPC, but I, a self proclaimed player, used to spend my time in a daze like the people around me. Life is wonderful. If a hundred years is regarded as a game, anyone can be a player.

But I have awakened that the world is a game, and others are still ignorant.

Maybe I should save them? At first, this idea was just a small pulse current in the neural network, but it soon burned like a flame, burning my heart, making me tongue tied, making me at a loss, making me want to shout and cry again. At this time, I was angry and excited, and I didn't look like myself. I intuitively thought that it could change my life. I have lived for more than 20 years and have never felt this way. A strong sense of mission pierced me like an arrow looking back from the future.

In fact, this idea has taken root in my mind for a long time, but it has been buried by me all the time. Now it suddenly breaks through the ground and seems to release a magnetic storm in the neural network, which makes me almost down.

Maybe I should really save them.

When NPCs realize that they live in the game, what will happen to the game? Will the plot allow this trend?

Think about the air wall of Ganbi building and Jack's amnesia. Can't all this explain the intuitive and strong execution of the plot?

But I'm not convinced. I don't accept it at all. This broken game world is so linear and not open at all. Have you ever thought about our players' feelings.

The false game is like a scam, which makes people not excited, but I must break the iron law of the plot.

"What are you thinking? Look at the expression on your face, it's like you're going to eat the steering wheel. " Johnny asked dryly.

I was driving a sword in stone on the road. I had just left the urban area and entered the evil land. After entering the evil land, the speed was raised.

In such a fast driving process, my brain doesn't care about the road conditions at all.

Johnny reached out and grabbed the steering wheel. "Tell me, what are you thinking?"

"Johnny, you know, we live in lies. The world is false."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I want to tell everyone the truth."

"The last man who shouted the truth in the street died. His name is Gary."

"But he's just a homeless tramp!"

"But the truth in his mouth is not as crazy as you!" Johnny slammed the steering wheel to avoid an oncoming pickup, "look! How disciplined and rigid do they drive? If we don't avoid it, we'll definitely hit it! What does that mean? Explain that these drivers, these boring citizens, they are just some simple procedures, they are not people! "

"But they can be! Fuck, Johnny, did you and I know from the beginning that the world was fake? "

"We are different. We are the protagonists!"

"I don't think so, really, Johnny. I've been watching for so many days. I've been looking for the weakness of the plot. I think I have some eyebrows. This time I happened to go to Panan. I want to test these ideas. Johnny, although the world is false, it is very tight. The plot is not the master of everything, not the creator God. It's more like a stupid manager. What we have to do is not to defeat the plot, but to turn it around and turn it into what we want. "

"V, do you know the natural disaster?"


"I still remember that not long ago, the leader of adcardo was robbed by random knives. You and Panan rushed to the rescue and risked life and death."

"I remember, I picked up a good gun." In the process of rescuing adcardo leader sol, I got a powerful gun. It has a name: Li Da zhuanfei. It is a kinetic submachine gun with extremely fast firing speed. I like it.

"You sneak into the camp together, rescue people, and then run away by car. Behind you, groups of nocturnal ghosts also drive after you, and there is a gunfight in the wilderness. Do you remember the weather? Before departure, I vaguely saw the signs of dust storm in the sky, just like the horizon was lifted and the gray and yellow smoke rolled. When you got on the car, the front end of the storm had passed through. The strong wind mixed with sand and gravel was almost invisible. The world was dirty and black, the air was suffocating, and the sand penetrated through the door, window and any gap to hit your body. It hurts like being stabbed by a small needle. Then you got rid of the pursuers and took shelter in the abandoned farm hut. "

"Yes, the three of us were sweating, dusty, tired and dirty. I went outside and connected the power. Panan repaired the heater. Sol found some rotten magazines and some food. We struggled through the night. "

"The storm kept blowing that night. You hide in a safe place, laugh with your friends, and joke with Panan. She appreciates you. Yes, but she is straight after all... "

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

"I mean, in the face of Panan, who is naturally straight, you can't bend her. When you encounter the storm of evil soil, you have to avoid it. Human nature and natural disasters are the same. You know its existence, tortured by it, traumatized and painful. You can try to avoid it and try to remedy it afterwards, but you can't stop it or make any substantive efforts. Can you turn the sandstorm in a word? Can you trick Panan into bed in a few words? You can't. The plot is such a thing. You feel its existence, you are tortured by it, but you only have to avoid and obey. "

"You're persuading me to give up."“ If you don't give up, it's up to you. I'm just giving you a shot to prevent you from falling down in the face of failure. "“ It's not like you, Johnny. "“ What's not like me? "“ Johnny silver hand, the legend of night city, a bold mercenary, you dare to blow up the Huangban tower. All along, people regard you as the vanguard and example of resistance and the embodiment of punk spirit. Your story has been sung by many people. Your recklessness makes many people see the fragile side of the company and let people re-examine their own value. You've done all this. There's a cocktail named after you in the afterlife nightclub. You're a worthy big man. "“ I'm just a dead man, but thank you very much. "“ dead person? You were not so quiet at first. We choked up the first time we met. You wanted to kill me, and I wanted to format you with one button. But as a result, we have been together all the time. We explore the truth together and experience difficulties together. I don't know what you think of me in your heart, but I regard you as a good comrade in arms. " Johnny put on his sunglasses and looked expressionless. I turned the steering wheel with him and looked at the bad world outside the car. No one spoke for a moment“ You are a silly girl. But you're not a rotten man. I should have brought you many changes, but now it seems that you have changed me more. 5. I have a question for you You say it. "“ Fifty years ago, during the Mexican conflict, when I was a big soldier, I joined the company's army in a muddle headed way. Later, I found that it was a bad debt to call and fight, and it was always the people who were damaged, so I fled, was caught and locked in a room. I lay in bed every day, stared at the ceiling fan, and my mind was like water, In retrospect, I still feel very stuffy, wet and suffocating. I ask you, if one day we fight side by side on the battlefield, will you stop the bullet for me? "“ Hey, I will. "“ thank you. Then we'll change our lives. You can do whatever you want. I'll accompany you to the end. "“ Fuck you, Johnny, what are you talking about? "“ Don't be a bitch, V. "“ If only you were alive, I really want to kiss you. That's it, rock boy. We have an appointment. No one can get rid of anyone on the rest of the way. "" Until death separates us. "