The guy from Zhucun is also a driver. He's a roadster.

At least more reliable than my friends. The red haired man was obviously in a semi coma state and was pulled on the co pilot by Takemura, while our Japanese couldn't help complaining: "you stink like shit!"

Johnny and I are sitting in the back of the car. It's quite spacious.

Zhucun starts the car.

If I'm right, there's going to be an Osaka ninja.

Taking advantage of this time, I looked at the red haired man in the co pilot's seat.

The last world, the other me.

What a mess.

My good friend died in front of me. When I thought everything was over, I was betrayed and turned into garbage. My body smelled worse than the septic tank that had been retting for seven days.

In a way, it's not your fault.

"Johnny, you should know what it's like to be free."

"Yes, like the wind from the coast, like the breasts of Mexican beauties, like having a barbecue party on the beach, you can do all these things, because you have both the idea and the ability."

"I like your metaphor, especially the Mexican beauty part."

"Do you have any idea? Are you going to see these two idiots cut off? "

"No matter what we think, there's nothing we can do about it."

"Yes, it's the most damned thing."

"Oh, I'm sorry again? I don't think you should call it Johnny silverhand, but Johnny sweetheart instead

"You don't understand." Johnny pointed to the red haired man. "It's like eating a century old canned luncheon meat. It's disgusting, but I have to admit that it works."

"I understand. Don't forget, this is the other me. I'm just like him, just stinking in the garbage. It's like a scrapped home appliance. Do you know, Johnny, the first time in my life that I had an intuitive feeling of death was when I was a child, I saw a man driving a truck on the side of the road, carrying a load of junk, with a damaged server, wires and sockets exposed. At that time, I was thinking, are we covered with modified prosthetics the same way after death, with skin falling off, wires broken and motionless

"It sounds vivid. Shit, I think of one thing


Before Johnny could answer, the Ninjas from Osaka came. They drove their motorcycles and shot at Takemura on the highway.

The man named Zhucun is very strong, just like the protagonist in the secret agent movie. He can't be hit when others beat him, but he can take an enemy with three or two strokes.

Sitting in the car he drove, we felt like riding an angry orca, swinging from side to side, inertia constantly trying to throw us out. It was Johnny who gave me a hand.

Thank you for your concern, old man.

The red haired man was a little sober in such a fierce chase. Takemura handed him a pneumatic syringe and asked him to help shoot the enemy.

Oh, the scene is wonderful. It's a pity that I can't convey the experience of the client to you. I see the red haired man's unnatural excitement after the injection - he still has bullet holes in his head. It should be said that he has definitely died once, just like me.

The last one of them was crazy. He was waving a mantis knife, like a flying bird. He took off one second before the car exploded and landed on the hood in front of the car. It was hard to do for him. He yelled at the traitor and waved at Zhucun and the red haired man.

Takemura tried his best to get rid of this crazy ninja. If I felt like riding killer whales just now, it's like standing on the horns of a bullfight.

We were thrown away, and so was the ninja. He was thrown to the edge of the front of the car, and his lower body fell outside, so he was pushed all the way by the car and hit the concrete pillar on the side of the road.

It's a huge battle, explosion, red flames, smoke, blood and splashing machine parts, burning debris and tired actors. What else do you want?

Johnny and I were both lying on the road, breathing.

The sky, clean and cloudless, was a little gloomy. The light faded.

We came to old Victor's clinic. He was trying to help the red haired man. Zhucun helped, and draeman, an unexpected friend, was also helping. He just brought Zhucun and the red haired man to the clinic.

Johnny and I were two bystanders who couldn't help. We watched Victor open the red haired man's skull cavity, exposing organs and prosthetic bodies. Blood, tissue fluid and coolant oozed out and became sticky. I didn't dare look at it, and Johnny was serious.

"Hello, are you sick? What's good about the human brain? "

"I don't know, but I just want to see it."

"It's said that when people are going crazy, they will do some boring things to relieve their nerves. Are you the same?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe."

The rescue process lasted a long time, which was a torment for all.In my experience, Jonas just patted my forehead and cured my injury. But here, everything was very complicated. When Victor took out the bullet from the red haired man's head, everyone breathed, including Johnny.

"What do you sigh for? You didn't help

"Empathy, you know what, chick."

"Come on."

"I wonder what the next scene is."

To tell you the truth, I am also curious, because what happened to him is destined to happen to me.

The operation was very successful, but soon after, the man with red hair developed nervous shock again, so he was rescued again

After a busy day, as onlookers, we are very aware of the efforts made by Lao Wei, Zhucun and draeman to cure the red haired man.

Finally, he woke up.

I just can't speak yet.

At least the eyes are open.

Takemura came to see him again. After a while, he went to sleep again.

Time flies, all this is under my cold eye.

When he really woke up and had the strength to speak, Johnny and I were listening carefully to the next conversation.

"V, how do you feel when you wake up?"

“…… Well, in my head, there are all kinds of hallucinations. "

"Can you tell me?"

"There was a dazzling light and there was a lot of noise around me. I stood on the stage and could hardly breathe. My heart was full of Hate. Then I grabbed the microphone to vent, but it didn't work I also dream of taking a bomb to blow up Huangban tower... "

Johnny and I sighed.

"V, it's not a dream, it's a memory. There is someone's personality consciousness on this chip, and what you dream about is his past You don't have much time This chip is like a bomb. Now that the lead is on, you have a few weeks at most, and the consciousness of the silver hand is covering your consciousness. You will gradually occupy your body, and one day, you will disappear completely. Do you understand? "

Damn it!

Not only the client but also the audience.

I grabbed silver hand by the neck and pressed him against the wall. "Get the hell out of my head!"