Damn, I fell asleep at the counter last night. When I got up today, I felt sore all over. I really have no conscience.

I muttered in my heart, and the bartender looked at me as if he could hear what I was saying. "Don't say I have no conscience. I checked the virus infected by your prosthetic body. You should be grateful."

"Well, well, thank you, can't you?" I want to pinch the bartender's cheek. He's cold and warm-hearted. He's really inhuman. In fact, he's a role like an old lady.

The bartender stepped back and dodged. The person with no expression on his face and no reaction was the most boring.

Jack on the other end of the phone is in a hurry. I was going to take time to go home to wash, but it's not easy to hang Jack downstairs.

Take the central elevator all the way down to the street, through the towering shadow of high buildings, to the sunny boundary, Jack sat on the seat of a snack stand, saw me, said the first sentence is so happy: "Yo, the girl of heaven is coming! Why is it so slow? I'm starving! "

"Blame the old deer."

"Why, it shouldn't be difficult for a man of his character. Are you quarreling with him so much?"

"There was no quarrel. I went to his place for a drink on my way home last night, but I fell asleep until just now. He didn't even cover me with a blanket. I'm so tired now. Look at me, I haven't washed my face."

Jack was talking about the fried noodles in his hand. It seemed that he was really hungry. There was an indescribable excitement in his expression. I sat down on the stool beside him, and my arm touched the greasy glass cover of the snack stand to relax.

"After such a big job yesterday, you are in the mood to drink. I have to say, V, you have a big heart. By the way, remember the surprise I said? Today I translate to you, surprise is that I get a lot of work for us! Big fat

Big work, well, big work means big money, and of course it also means high risk.

"Well, I'm listening."

While we were chatting, a car on the street hit a concrete road block when it turned a corner. With a loud bang, the flying parts fell to the ground. It's no surprise to see that. Later, it hit several other cars, and some unfortunate people knocked the doors off. It seems that a sign "dangerous road, drive carefully" should be put here in the future.

"In fact, it's not a big deal," said Jack, poking his chopsticks into the lunch box. He waved his chopsticks and threw out the remnants. For a moment, I thought he had four chopsticks in his hand. In fact, he was so excited that he could hardly eat. "Someone sent a job Dexter de Shawn, the most damned middleman in the night city! The black skinned and fat Jesus of the next life nightclub, 300 Jin, big gold arm, if it's fake, the brand is absolutely hard! "

I have a talk with Jack about whether it's long or short. But if I repeat it completely, it's redundant. After my personal technical summary, it's just like this: Jack takes work from Dexter, the middleman, and then asks me to contact the middleman.

It's nothing. Our team consists of three people, I, Jack and t-bug. I'm always in charge of negotiation when I'm working. Jack is stupid. T-bug is a hacker. She looks clean and tidy, but she's afraid.

I'm not in a hurry about negotiation. I'm going to go to Lao Wei's today to get some new equipment for myself.

Lao Wei is a very good prosthetic doctor in Watson district. He has excellent skills and excellent character. In the days of working hard in the city, he can't do without his help. Today, I'm going to trouble him again.

It's not far away. It's two or three intersections away. If you drive there, you'll get there without sitting hot.

His shop is in the basement of the back alley of misty's psychic hall. It's a little too far. There's no way. He's not the kind of "good doctor" with regular license plate and good access. Night city is just like this. If you want to climb up, you can easily get your hands dirty by following an oil pole. People like Victor, who are far away from disputes, have to hide in places where the sun can't shine.

I'm not saying that all decent and righteous doctors are not good people. It's too much to say that they are evil. But if we want to say whether they have done anything shameful, we can pick 11 out of 10.

The more I see the world, the more I feel that people like Lao Wei are really valuable. Whenever I feel that the night city is rotten, when I see Lao Wei, I always feel that there is hope. Did I say that before?

's girl without rhyme or reason, she is not a veteran gypsy woman. She is a young girl with dark hair and dark eye. She can use witchcraft in a shop full of electronic equipment, or the world is totally lost. By the way, she and Jack grew up. They are friends and lovers. Sometimes they are worried about Jack.

Jack and I came into the room together. She was right behind the pink lit counter and said, "Hey, V, Dr. Victor can see you now."

Jack couldn't say anything when he saw misty. He turned to look at me and told me to go to old Wei. He wanted to have a private conversation with misty.

It's so inhuman. Jack, I deliberately stay where I am. Jack turns around and winks at me frequently. Misty laughs but doesn't say a word. She holds her face with her hands and watches the play.Misty is charming.

It's time for me to go. If I don't, Jack's pigtails will be up.

Out of the back door of the psychic house, in the dark alley, the day is also gloomy. There are cardboard and magazines in the corner, children playing with their fingers, and women drinking on the steps with foam bowls and plastic bags.

The young men behind the iron gate at the entrance of the alley were smoking. The light blue smoke was mixed with the steam from the city buildings in the distance, and they could not tell the distance. The bottom noise of the city is always very strong, pipeline lines, internal combustion engines, air breathing and human noise.

It's said that there are more and more cyber psychosis in the city. I think this city is driving me crazy. It's not just that people in the city are attacking each other, but that the city itself is drinking human blood.

"Meow, meow." The hairless cat in the corner of the steps barked twice, calling me out of the philosopher mode. Ah, whenever I think this city is rotten, I always feel that there is hope when I see the cat. In other words, what bad thoughts can the cat have!

Another advantage of coming to laowei's shop is that it can suck cats.

But today the cat is not obedient, told me to roll two to escape, hiding in the corner, side with its faint luminous eyes staring at me.

The Japs say cats are bad, so it is!

When I met old Wei, he was still watching the fight. This man watched the fight 25 hours a day and gambled with Jack.

"Hey, old Wei! I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm still so strong! "

"Oh, look who's here. It's not the famous v. why, you don't have to go to the three treasures hall. This time you're here to pay back the money?"

Ah, I forget this. It's really my fault to say that I owe money. But when the people of the river and the lake go out, they are always short of money. Now I'm a thousand euro, and I'm barely able to eat. I didn't get the money for yesterday's order.

So I said that if I owe you first, I will do it next time. So did Lao Wei, who always said that I would never do it again.

There are more than one cases to be taken as an example. With the installation of the Qilu artificial eye and the ballistic synergist today, I owe someone two thousand.

It's like going to the dentist, lying on the operating table, listening to all kinds of creepy movements, the smell in the nose is a strange smell of medicine. Lao Wei is very skilled. When I get off the stage, he says with a smile, "go, kid, let them see what you can do!"