Two men and women rolled into a lump, hit the foot of the wall before stopping, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief, "hoo, finally escaped, ah, Sasuke!"

Sasuke was lying under him. Fortunately, she was wearing tortoise shell. Otherwise, she would have broken a few ribs, or suffered soft tissue injury, or organ rupture. But now she just had a concussion.

Tortoise shell complained: "weak Ninja body. Fortunately, I backed up your body data. Just a moment Through the pipeline transmission of nano robots, these small artificial objects will soon repair Sasuke's injury.

When Naruto saw Sasuke fainting, he picked her up and left. At this time, he looked at the black thorn portal behind him and recalled the giant Ankang fish in the thick fog. He shivered and decided to leave the wizard's Mansion from the main gate.

Most areas of the mansion have no lights on. Naruto goes through the dark corridor and carefully avoids the room with light in the crack of the door.

Then he met a blind eye. The old man was guarding the dark living room and sitting facing the front door. In his own words, he was always a loyal dog guarding the door. In the dim light, it was difficult to distinguish the outline of his back from the surrounding furniture.

Naruto crept to his side to see if the old man was asleep. Then he noticed the chaotic light reflected from his eyes.

It turned out to be a blind man. What a pity. I didn't notice that brother a Lu's attendant was blind before, he thought.

Just as he was about to look away, he turned his head and looked at Naruto with his gray eyes.

Naruto was startled. He didn't even think about it, so he took out his knife and cut it.

Moriran's knife light arrived at Naruto's neck before the nerve signal was transmitted from the eyeball to the brain. Before he was about to be cut off his head, the twisted black thorn vines grew from his chakra and protected his neck earlier than the knife light. After the blade cut the wood and made a sonorous sound, Naruto retreated.

He quickly explained, "grandfather, I'm here to take my friends away, not to steal!"

"You can't take her away. She is the vessel of God chosen by Lord Lu Zongping!" His voice was low and hoarse. He stepped back into the darkness and disappeared into Naruto's field of vision.

All the light in the living room seems to have disappeared. Naruto does not dare to burst out his chakra, for fear that the burning fire of Yangdun will burn Sasuke behind him, so he runs to the front door.

"Got it!" Naruto pinches the door handle.

Then a sharp blade came to his wrist. It's still so fast. It's faster than Naruto's reflection speed. It's also the black thorn vine that takes the initiative to protect the body and block the eye's knife.

Naruto is also scared to shrink his hand, "grandfather, I must take Sasuke today!" With that, he uses multiple shadows to divide the body into two groups, making one become Sasuke, lying on the other's back, confusing the real with the fake. In this way, ordinary enemies will be confused.

All Narutos began to run to the door. After all, there was no window here. As long as they could open the door, it was haikuo's diving.

Before Naruto was satisfied, he felt a sharp pain coming from his neck. For a moment, he thought he had been cut his throat, but in fact, it was just the memory left by his separate death. All shadow parts are wiped out in a flash.

In theory, in every world frame, he can make one sword, that is, the number of swords per second is as high as ten to the 43rd power. Of course, this is totally beyond his ability, but a thousand swords per second is still very easy.

In particular, Junyan actually knows where Naruto is. In his opinion, these ninjas are nothing special.

From upstairs came Lu Zongping's voice: "what voice?"

Lu Yan appeared at the stairway and replied in a loud voice: "nothing. It's just a thief. Don't worry. I'll take him down."

"Don't damage my house!" Lu Zongping yelled again. He just woke up. According to the original plan, he was going to his magic research laboratory to study the production technology of magic wand.

He plans to use the black thorn vine as the material of his wand. It takes time to process the material. Lu Zongping is not very good at the steps after burning the magic model. The magic of the magic wands of the Witches of Noel is that they can spontaneously generate magic, which is equivalent to unlimited ammunition. This is a paradox and impossible thing, which is neither scientific nor magic.

Even if magic is about the basic law, magic will not come into being or disappear out of thin air, and magic is just a kind of omnipotent material in essence, just like the mud in Nu Wa's hand. It's no problem to shape a person or a universe, but this kind of mud must follow certain rules. It doesn't exist everywhere, and it doesn't grow spontaneously, otherwise it will grow It's completely idealistic - when it comes to idealistic universe, Lu Zongping wants to see a world like that.

The magic in the wand is really generated spontaneously, not borrowed from somewhere, or sucked from the surrounding. This is a bug like thing. The production process is really like sabotage.

Destroy the balance between form and material, so that they constantly generate new material in the conflict. This part of the material is like redundant data, self replicating virus, sealed in a magic wand. Once it overflows, it will become SCPThat is to say, once this kind of noel wand is broken, it will become a dangerous material of stress radiation random magic. That's really anything that can happen.

Lu Zongping is also a great mage. He is proficient in all kinds of magic on the ground and underground. In fact, there is no need to do such dangerous things, that is, the damned curiosity and the infinite pursuit of truth.

Immediately, a magic wand made entirely by him will succeed. Lu Zongping saw that the magic light really burst out from the short staff of black thorn wood, and everything seemed very appropriate until he realized that the light was getting stronger and stronger and could not be controlled.

Bang Bang -

he knocked on the door outside and said, "my Lord, I have captured the thief, please..."

"There's no time to explain. Run!"

With a bang, the mage's mansion was blown up.

The only one who died in the accident was Lu Zongping.

He was dead, but soon came back to reality.

At this time, it was just dawn. Lu Zongping sighed and went back to the original explosion point.

"Failed again Why

The grass below the original explosion point was scorched by the fire of magic, but the wand still lay on the ground. Lu Zongping was so surprised and happy that he succeeded, but he didn't understand why he succeeded. This thing was born in an accident.

"Let me see how the magic model is burned Huh? What kind of magic is that? " Lu Zongping hesitated to use his wand, so a white hole erupted from the head of the wand. It existed for almost two Planck days and disappeared. No one could see the white hole clearly, but there was one more person in place.

A short man, very vicissitudes of life, holding a knife, looked around, "this is, where?" Then he was stunned, "Long Yin It's cut off... "