Lu Zongping looked at the underground river, so wide, undulating waves did not make a sound, the gurgling sound, also like an illusion. The boy felt the natural breathing, and his mood calmed down.

From the quietness of the ruins to the bustle of the snow town, Lu Zongping goes on to enter a new empty world. Looking at the snow covered road, he doesn't know whether it's an illusion or a contrast. When the warm light leaves, the darkness in front of him is very deep. Even if there are magic street lights, the light is so thin that it's dark, just like the thick snow dust on the lampshade . The creaking of the soft snow under my feet was so dull.

In the dark ahead, deep in the thin frost color, a small figure stood, as if it had been waiting for him for a long time.

Lu Zong's feet were flat, and his figure in the dark came slowly into the light.

The comer showed a big smile, "Hey, you're here." Although hoarse, but also milky.

It is the monster child who has been peeping at Lu Zongping.

Lu Zongping slowly put down his hand holding the bone nail, holding his chest with both hands, and his face was expressionless.

"Roar monster, I heard that you are going to leave. I came to see you off."

"I don't remember we talked."

"Yes, you're so cool. I haven't dared to talk to you, but now that you're leaving, I think it's too late to talk to you. So, roaring monster, do you, um, like the gift I gave you?"

Lu Zongping tone arrogant, "so rustic things, who would like!"

The light in the little monster's eyes dimmed.

The underground world is dark and oppressive. The monsters here have never seen the sun, have they? Maybe on TV. The path, illuminated by the light, is still ignorant, just like the way ahead for monsters.

Lu Zongping went to the little monster and patted him on tiptoe. "However, since it's from a lovely child like you, I'm sure I like it."

The little monster raised his head in surprise. The boy in front of him seemed to radiate warm sunshine.

"Growler, you're really cool, just like andein. I see your cries outside the woods every day. They're really fierce and loud. Now my hearing is getting worse, but it's OK. It's all worth it. I didn't expect you to like the gift I gave you. I think you're about my age, so I'll give you my cleanest dress. "

Lu Zongping Leng for a while, "your ear is damaged, how not to treat it?"

Little monster also Leng for a while, "what do you say?"

Is Lu Zongping so effective? Isn't this selective deafness?

The little monster was still very happy, hopping and excited, "you know andein? Chief of the Royal Guard, if you continue to go east, you will meet her. You are all as cool. I think you will make friends. "

Lu Zongping shook his head. "A warrior like me doesn't need friends."

"What did you say?"


Now he's absolutely certain that this guy's deafness is selective. Lu Zongping waved to the little monster and went on. After a few steps, although it was quiet behind him, there was a kind of gaze. He turned his head, and the little monster whistled with his back to him. Lu Zongping went on for two steps, turned his head, and the little monster was squatting on the ground rubbing snow to play.

Lu Zongping stepped forward quickly, then suddenly turned around. The little monster was lying on the ground doing push ups.

Lu Zongping began to run wildly. All the way forward, he also kept going deep underground. The air around him slowly warmed up, and the snow on the ground was no longer there. The scattered fluorescent veins are more dense, but the magic street lamps nearby are also very rare, and the shadows are very strong. Although the temperature is warm, Lu Zongping feels strange and cold. The underground world is a little scary.

Terror, but peace. Lu Zongping looks back - the little monster is pulling up.

"Where's the horizontal bar?"!!! And don't follow me any more

"What did you say?"

Lu Zongping sighed. He grabbed the little monster's left paw and forcibly took it back to the snow town. The little monster exclaimed in surprise: "Wow, you met me! I'll never wash my hands again

"You don't have to. It's bad for your health not to wash your hands." Lu Zongping asked repeatedly before leaving, "don't follow me."

Lu Zongping got rid of the monster child, and then turned to the East. As soon as he saw the turning back road, his heart was so blocked that he couldn't say a word - it's not a waste of time, money and life!

He ran all the way with his eyes closed. And then he hit someone.

The high-speed movement suddenly stopped, he fell a big horse, opened his eyes, in front of the ground scattered bones.

Lu Zongping's eyes widened. "Did I kill someone? I killed someone?! I broke a man to bone? "

The skull rolled twice in the snow and turned to the plane of Luzong. "It's me, papyris! I've come to you! "

"Don't you mind?" Lu Zongping found that he still had half a rib, a pair of hip bones, a pair of leg bones, and a pile of clothes under his body. It was papyris.Lu Zongping helps to collect the bones of Paris And watch him put himself together. "Your skeletons are quite convenient."

"Fortunately, there is no fracture, otherwise it will be very troublesome." Papyris scratched his skull. "By the way, I've heard that you're leaving. I've come to see you off, but if it's not as good, you'd better not go? It's dangerous ahead. "

Lu Zong was expressionless. "So, you came to remind me to pay attention to safety?"

Papyris looked around and dodged. "Well, yeah, I don't think you're good. Even adeine, she won't be able to deal with it so easily. She's cooler and better than me. Moreover, once you fight, it's hard not to get hurt. You are all my friends. Er, you and I are not for the time being, but one day they will be. Human, I know you want to go home... "

Lu Zongping raised his hand and interrupted, "OK."

Papyris rubbed his hands. He was a little chatty. A cool man like him was so careful that he didn't want to hurt the boy's self-esteem. If this human is defeated by adein, he will be very sad, won't he?

Lu Zongping came forward and gently hugged papyris's spine, "I recognize you, papyris, you are my friend of Lu Zongping. In the name of my father, and in my own name, I wish you well

There was a thin layer of nine colors on the surface of papyris's body, which disappeared immediately. And this skeleton is just immersed in the ecstasy of making friends, "ah! I finally have a friend for Paris No, I mean, human beings, you finally realize, great papyris, that you are a faithful partner! hey! Ever since I saw you for the first time, I decided! Would you like to visit my house? Come and have a look

Lu Zongping let go of the interesting tall skeleton and said, "next time, my friend, it's time for me to move on. The pace of my dream won't stop waiting for me!"

"What are you talking about? But it sounds cool. "

Boys look at the skeleton, is more and more pleasing to the eye, the skeleton brothers, are very eye-catching! It's not bad, it's a qualified supporting role, just to set off his great posture as a hero, hehe.