The excitement always passed. After the blood color on Nezha's face faded, he sat down quietly again. Green deer bead jumped in front of him, quite complacent. Nezha had a headache for this little brother.

Qingningzi quickly reprimanded, "don't tease people like this in the future."

Small bead son still dare not quarrel with mother, have to shrink back green rather son's pocket, shut the door not to be born dark gas.

Nezha asked in a low voice, "speaking up, how did qingningzi get together with Master Lu Wang?"

"Ah, because I like it, I'm together."

"It's still a little strange." Nezha scratched his head. It seems that he really took a lot of trouble. The lotus came out of his head. He was the incarnation of lotus root. He had a strange body and often used his body parts to wash the pot.

"What's so strange? If you say it's a Bodhisattva, you don't know what kind of Bodhisattva it is. He is not as serious as Guanyin. You should treat him as an ordinary person. "

Nezha muttered, "stingy, not generous at all." He turned his head and asked, "has qingningzi ever ridden a deer? I see pictures on the Internet. "

Green rather son a face happiness ground bubble, "of course."

Nezha's face was expressionless: he was so envious. JPG

Lu Zhengkang didn't wait for qingningzi after all. When they went out from the Dragon Palace, they saw the two guys looking at the stars and called them to go.

However, they still plan to catch the train back to the non-human city overnight. When they go there are three people, and when they come back, there are four people and a bead. One advantage is that qingluzhu doesn't have to buy tickets.

In this train, in addition to the majority of human beings, there are also many monsters in shape, and everyone is at peace. In the middle of the night, the train is running in the dark field. Under the dim light inside, people lying on their faces are falling asleep. In the humid and hazy air, everything is like the intestines of giant worms. People are undigested food residues, but they also seem to be immersed in full gastric juice. One by one, they seem to be suspended. People are on the ground, under tables and chairs, in compartments, dreaming But sitting on the top of the train, facing the night wind, toward the distance.

The train was slow and had to change stations. At last, it turned out that it was a day and a night to take the bus back to the non-human city. It was still dark when we left the station, a few hours before sunrise. First, he sent Nezha back to Guanyin's home. This guy pretended to be tired and said he couldn't go to school, so he had to catch up on sleep. He simply asked Guanyin to take a long time off, which made it difficult for Nezha to perform expressionless.

Qingningzi and other outsiders are scattered, holding the green deer bead in his hand, muttering a lesson to it.

Lu Zhengkang brings in the Buddha powered car, and qingningzi is on the back seat. They are still facing the breeze, so they won't go to work today. Lu Zhengkang plans to tell qingningzi about some changes in the world of heaven.

When he said what he had done to the old clan, qingningzi couldn't help laughing. She sat behind Lu Zhengkang, and there was no pedestrian around her. Only the thin river water under the bridge covered her peeping eyes, she laughed freely, and didn't need to cover her sleeve. She not only laughed, but also patted Lu Zhengkang on the back with her palm, "you, you, really, you said At the beginning, you should have come to our Qinglian sword sect directly. I'm afraid that you will be stigmatized for bullying your master and destroying your ancestors! Well, I also know that my dear gentleman is a heresy! "

Lu Zhengkang was so angry that he twisted the accelerator hard. Qingningzi was taken backward. Lu Zhengkang loosened the accelerator again, so she threw herself on his back like spring catkins. She was as soft as a Manying dancing on the dome of a theater. She still laughed at the day when he would be angry. At this time, the end of the street where Chaoyang hit the gap between high-rise buildings in the city rose. Car moving in the light and shadow slant long and wide road, as if from the piano on the black and white keys across, again and again.

Lu Zhengkang is not without depression, "I am also with a lot of psychological pressure, good, I this group of fellow teachers, one by one are hard bones."

"You didn't tell them clearly that you are plotting the way of heaven?" Qingningzi whispered in his ear.

Lu Zhengkang was surprised. He had never told Qing ningzi about these things. For a moment, he was too slow to speak. Indeed, for the practitioners, Lu Zhengkang's actions undoubtedly cut off the immortal road. If anyone wants to ascend in the future, doesn't he have to get the consent of his red sky demon lord first? What is this? It's the first evil robbery.

Qingningzi vomited a mouthful of air and leaned back against the trunk of the car. "Ah Lu, why do you think I practice Taoism?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know it's normal. If someone joins Qinglian Jianzong and accompanies me day and night, day and night, these little things of the past must be known more clearly."

Lu Zhengkang's head is big, "what. Why do you always say that we are not together day and night, day and night? "

"Ah Lu, where do you think the end of the world can be your hometown? You and I have to go back to the old world after all

"Qing Ning'er, then I say, we won't go back in the future. We'll just travel around and see the scenery of the universe. How about that?"

"It's up to you, but you can't hurt anyone's life by attacking Qinglian sword clan."

"Before the winter solstice peak dark plan, your Master Sheng Yan real person did a good job to deal with it?""That's an old story. It's hard to say."

"If it's hard to say, don't say." Lu Zhengkang doesn't care.

"It's not easy to talk with others. If I talk with you, I may let someone take a warning." Qingningzi's words are always narrow.

"Then tell me." Lu Zhengkang stops his car by the side of the road. From the road down, it can lead to the beach park with yellow grass fields on the river bank. There are stone tables, stone chairs and many fitness equipment. At this time, the city is not awake, and the world is sleepy. It's a refreshing and pleasant time, "go to the park and chat. Now there's nothing to do when you go back."

Lu Zhengkang sits on the stone bench, and Qing ningzi is on his right hand, holding the round stone table and looking at the quiet river. Lu Zhengkang was behind qingningzi. Tired of the scenery, he looked at her. The dark green hair was a little loose after bumping. It was like the branches hanging from the dense canopy of banyan tree. The sun was bright behind her. The morning glow was like a thick loquat paste. The golden red and sweet halo was on the back neck of qingningzi. Lu Zhengkang came up and gently licked it. She raised her hand to push it He said, "don't be like a child."

"Lime is delicious. Do you know my favorite drink is lime Kumquat Tea?"

"Now I know. Let's get down to business. You won't be proud if you stop for a moment. "