Dance room.

The music of the first act of Giselle is playing in the stereo system.

In the light country minor, students majoring in ballet wear stage costumes, play medieval roles, and walk back and forth with music.

As the most classic classical ballet, Giselle, which appeared in the mid-19th century, opened a new era, that is, the era of Romantic Ballet. This play quickly became popular in the world and became a symbol to measure whether a classical ballet is competent or not. Up to now, this play is still not out of date, and has achieved better performance effect under the new technological conditions.

As the top secondary school affiliated to the national art school in China, Su Xiangli's Ballet department at the National Art School Affiliated to Su Xiangli is sure to teach the play, especially "the last duet" in the second act. As a must show of ballet in the world, every student has to be able to dance.

As a kind of body language, dance, like music and words, is expressive, and even has many symbolic actions to express fixed meanings. This kind of symbolic content is especially common in religious dance, including fingerprints, footwork, expression, etc. while stage play is not only dance, but also the content of performance.

Dancing alone is not a good ballerina.

An actor is an actor only if he can act. Otherwise, he can be called a ballerina.

The plot of Giselle is divided into two acts.

The first scene takes place in the quiet countryside of France. Duke of Albrecht (or earl of Albert) disguises himself as a farmer and falls in love with the beautiful girl Giselle. However, there are many clear tragic predictions in their happy love. The arrival of the Duke's fiancee broke Giselle's illusion of love, and she died in agony.

In the second act, the Duke comes to the cemetery to worship Giselle. At this time, Giselle has been transformed into a controlled ghost under the mana of the ghost king Milda. After the Duke's chase and confession, Giselle forgives him. However, the ghost king Milda leads the ghosts in the cemetery to kill the Duke. Giselle gives up his life to save him. There is a fierce fight until dawn, The ghost King's power is declining, which is the only way to escape the disaster. The Duke and Giselle bid farewell at the grave, and then he fell down in front of his fiancee.

In the whole dance drama, the most difficult part to perform is Giselle, which is also the role Su Xiangli wants to play.

In order to interpret it vividly, we must deeply understand the three psychological states of the characters. At the beginning, the country girl was naive, loyal to love, full of illusions about life and love, and desperate for love. After learning the betrayal of her sweetheart, Giselle fell into madness. In the dance of recalling love, she was full of confusion, distortion and neuroticism. She turned into a ghost and was killed When the ghost King controls it, it is mechanical and rigid. Under the bondage of such indifference, it bursts out the flame of love and dedicates everything, including the soul, to his sweetheart.

Strictly speaking, such a play can only be used as practice and assessment for students. If you want to achieve the performance effect, you can't do it without certain life experience.

Su Xiang can't leave either. She plays Giselle just because her dancing skills are up to standard. In Giselle's triple personality, she is good at the first, innocent lover, while the second is crazy. She doesn't quite understand the emotion like fire in the third layer of ice. With her age, it's really hard to understand and put herself in.

The story of Giselle is old-fashioned from today's perspective.

But the old-fashioned things are not necessarily bad. For example, ballet, which has a narrow audience, has great vitality. Naturally, there are many reasons. Nowadays, with the progress of civilization and the promotion of many factors, the level of modern people's artistic accomplishment has been generally improved compared with that of those years. Even the old and boring performance forms such as ballet and Peking Opera, which require a lot of effort, have a considerable number of loyal fans.

When an art form wants to develop, it must cater to the aesthetic of the masses.

Ballet is also constantly bringing forth new ideas, including Giselle. While retaining its romantic core, some contents that do not conform to current people's values have been deleted.

In the first act, Giselle is insane when he learns that the Duke has a fiancee, and then dies heartbroken after a frenzied dance, which is changed to coma.

In the second act, the Duke and Giselle meet in the graveyard, which is changed to meet in a dream. The following stories are all Giselle's dreams, including the ghost king, the ghosts in the graveyard, and even the rest of the characters. In the original work, Giselle is moved by the Duke's true feelings and chooses to forgive. After modification, Giselle recognizes the nature of a heartless man. Her hatred turns into a ghost King personality to kill the Duke who represents the embodiment of the girl's pure love. Giselle chooses to block and help the Duke escape. Then, the comatose Giselle wakes up. The Duke in reality wants to win the heart of beauty again, but Giselle is defeated She turned from an innocent girl to an independent and strong woman who still cherishes love.

To be honest, this kind of modification is actually very unsatisfactory. The original romantic mood of emancipating the mind has been rigidly added to the main melody, which will only make people feel nondescript. However, it is this kind of modification that makes this ancient ballet get a lot of opportunities for public performance and revitalize.Similarly, the location of the second act in the dream is more convenient for the use of modern technology. The use of 3D projection technology to generate a magic color dream world has a higher degree of freedom and play space than a simple cemetery. However, the requirements for actors have been raised to a higher level.

In the first act, in the light rural minor, the young people are swinging together with their arms bent. Su Xiang steps away and shuttles between the young men and women. The boy named Wang Chifu, who plays the Duke, jumps happily in the crowd and pursues Giselle's steps.

As the crowd dispersed, the Duke and Giselle, holding hands and smiling, swam around in a relaxed and lingering dance, like a pair of blue birds. In the joyful love, time and silent laughter disappeared on the silent log floor of the dance room in the form of dance steps.

Then Giselle's mother came to her and warned her, "don't dance so much, it will break your heart, and then turn into those" unfortunate Willie girls "in the graveyard, and dance all the time in the graveyard at night! 】

the situation develops step by step. The hunting nobles come to the countryside. Among them is the Duke's fiancee. They are warmly received by the villagers. Giselle performs a dance for them. Everyone can see her joy. She hides her infinite enthusiasm and sweetness in the dance steps. In the corner of the dance room, the teacher looks at this scene and feels very happy I couldn't help smiling with satisfaction.

Dance is like this. There is no sound except music in dance drama, including words. So an excellent dancer should integrate his lines into his expression and action. Su Xiangli is undoubtedly qualified to show the posture of a girl in love.

The rehearsal of "Giselle" is to participate in the International Youth Ballet Competition held in Fujian and Guangdong. It is said that it is an international competition, but now only Chinese participate in it. Although it is embarrassing compared with previous years, the specifications of the competition are still enough. The winning dance company can add points in the college entrance examination, but this is already a reason worth fighting for. Top students of national arts attached middle school At the time of the college entrance examination, all kinds of awards add up. If there are no extra points in their early twenties, it means that their three years of high school are in vain.

The Duke's fiancee loves Giselle's innocence and beauty, and gives her her her gold necklace. Then, the fiancee recognizes the Duke and tells the truth. Giselle falls into the madness of collapse.

Su Xiangli's mind is blank. She doesn't know how to express this feeling. In her experience, the closest moment to collapse is in the game of "Three Worlds", and the magical and treacherous adventures she experienced there are actually so divorced from reality that she can't draw appropriate emotions from it. Su Xiangli learns from the classic Giselle dance drama and imitates their psychological treatment of the characters.

Su Xiangli makes a sad expression and runs around like a madman, just like a stray goose. Giselle rushes to her friends, who are all in a tight face. She rushes to the Duke. The Duke has a strange look, and she rushes to her mother. The classmates who play her mother can't help laughing.

With this smile, the atmosphere of tragedy immediately broke, and everyone covered their stomachs and began to laugh.

Su Xiangli was very tired.

Indeed, dance is a very profound art, just like recitation. If readers can bring it into context, they will be brilliant, and if listeners can also understand it, it would be better. Otherwise, if readers don't understand the meaning, they will stumble, and the listeners will be embarrassed to death.

When the teacher stopped the music, the students were relieved. They kept dancing for more than half an hour. They were all tired and sat on the ground chatting.

"Fragrant pear, you were so funny just now." Female students began to tease Giselle, "the expression is so exaggerated, like a mime."

Su Xiangli was so angry that he stretched out his hand to pull their faces and made the lovely girls squeak.

Duke Wang Chifu's classmate lay on the ground, lying on his back, wriggling to the side of the girls' team and staring at Su Xiangli, "Hello, Su Xiangli, I'm so sorry for you."

Su Xiangli waved his hand, "you are also very tired."

"Can this play work? Is it a little too hard? But we only play the first few quarters of the game Wang Chifu is a green boy. He is 100% sure that he is infatuated with Su Xiangli, but this kind of emotion can only stay in his mind. In front of Su Xiangli, he is not even a spare tire. He can only look funny and warm, hoping that he will not be hated.

Su Xiang left her head askew. Her long hair curled up and piled up a black hill behind her head, which was in sharp contrast to her white face. After exercise, her side face was covered with a layer of sweat, which gathered tiny drops of water on the tip of the thin and transparent villi on the cheek surface, dripping down on her shoulder.

Wang Chifu made eye contact with Su Xiangli. Her sweat seemed to spread on her eyes. It was wet and moist, like a blue lake at noon in summer. He did not dare to look at it more. He just moved his eyes slightly unnaturally. In the air, the dull smell of the dance room had been replaced by young people's breath. It was a warm and pleasant smell, like the sun had been in the sun The thick quilt is not fragrant, but it has the charm of letting people stay in it and yearn for a few more mouthfuls.

The instructor clapped his hands, let the students stand up, don't lie down after the exercise."Su Xiangli's dancing skills have made rapid progress, which is very good. However, this time Giselle is really a little difficult. Original and adapted plays can be used in the competition. I didn't expect that you could perform the first act of Giselle completely. The second act may be more difficult. The arrangement time is only half an hour. In the youth competition, there are usually some new plays and duets, such as Swan Lake and fairy, which few dare to choose. Only the students in our school dare to choose Giselle.

"The level of your seniors and sisters is weaker than that of your class. If they can perform well, you can also perform well. The youth group is still looking at basic skills. As long as you have enough dancing skills, you can't laugh like just now, and you will surely win the prize. "

Wang Chifu raised his hand. "Teacher, I think it would be better to adapt Giselle."

"What do you think?"

"In the first act of the story, didn't Giselle dream that abrehite married a noble woman? Otherwise, just bring up the second act. "

"Interesting. What do you want to do with this plot?" The teacher encourages students to think independently.

"That is, Giselle saw in her dream that Albrecht and princess bajilda met in the palace, and then her evil personality, Milda, ran to kill the Duke. Giselle had no time to be sad, so she rushed to save the Duke, and then she won, and then she woke up and didn't love Albrecht any more, and finally she and Hilary Aung, who had been secretly in love with her Live together. "

Wang Chifu finished the knitting in one breath, and his face turned red. He looked at Su Xiangli with a smile of interest, and his heart was full of unspeakable joy.

On the stage, he is the elegant and charming Duke of Albrecht, but in reality, he is only the forest ranger Hilary ang. Wang Chifu admits that he finally added to the story, but he has more empathy with Hilary ang. If only Su Xiangli could abandon the Duke?

Wang Chifu's eyes were vaguely tired. Su Xiangli turned his head to look at him, woke him up from his absence, and quickly gave her a silly smile.

The teacher also laughed, "it's really good, but it's not very reliable to change one's character just by a dream. Dreams will soon be forgotten after waking up."

Dreams will soon be forgotten.

Wang Chifu stopped talking.

The rest of the students are very interested, have made suggestions, and finally, the context of the story has become a new look.