Su Xiang left the game. She came fierce and left horribly.

Before coming, the planet was still mellow and beautiful. When we left, the planet had become a hornet's nest.

But its star soul is very good. Thank you for helping it get rid of germs. This group of underground creatures always exploit geothermal energy. When they enter the industrial society, they will inevitably lead to accelerated cooling of the star core. What's wrong?

Su Xiangli is such a strange woman who does good deeds without leaving her name.

After swallowing a lot of creatures, fawn helped her parse out a lot of memory information.

Except for the corpse of the foreign internal examiner who can't analyze the information, the memory of the rest of the green orcs can be extracted. A lot of meaningless nonsense and miscellaneous matters can be deleted. After filtering out a lot of [Waaagh!!], there is not much available information left. These muscle Barbarians are even more stupid before they become bereaved slaves. Instead, their brains full of muscle can record events after they become glia.

Now, Su Xiangli knows that behind the foreign internal examiners, there is a race help named heart grabbing devil.

The internal examiner, who was killed by her as a bug, was not the mastermind. There was another mastermind. The real commander of the ORC was another man, a tall, thin, red haired man with pale skin. In the orc's memory, his face was blurred, but his golden eyes were shining.

Xiaolu's voice was intermittent, and Su Xiangli's consciousness was in another internal examiner's body, so Xiaolu's signal was delayed again.

"Su Su, the special skills we have extracted this time It's amazing. Look I'll pass it on to you. "

[Waaagh!! · Level 2 (EPIC)]: the wonderful idealistic ability originated from the green orcs, which means that we are here, with crazy and magical power.

Effect: when you shout Waaagh, the morale of the whole army will soar; when a large number of friendly troops shout Waaagh, everyone will get a field of force shield; when you launch a big mixed operation with Waaagh, the green orcs under your command will evolve in the battle; when your vehicle is wrapped by Waaagh, you can sail safely and quickly into subspace.

In addition, killing underground creatures has also gained some fragmentary expertise. Su Xiangli doesn't care at all. Now her expertise is over a thousand, and she doesn't care about some expertise that is less than the level of epic legend.

This strange Waaagh! It's really impressive. Su Xiangli thinks about it for a while. He doesn't have green skin under his command.

It seems that we can travel in the sea of stars and catch a batch of green skins.

So, where does the vehicle come from?

Su Xiangli came out of the simulation cabin, and everyone was around, clapping. She looked around and saw Lu girl standing on the edge of the crowd, casting her gentle eyes. Somehow, he was a little girl, standing outside the crowd, looking a little down.

Su Xiang strides over, dodges the warm greetings of the researchers and officers, walks straight through the crowd and embraces Lu Zhengkang.

"What do you do, so many people." Lu Zhengkang has the reserve of some adults and doesn't want to be so intimate in public.

Su Xiangli is now an adult's body. She is a tall female internal examiner who can cover the little deer girl. She smiles to the people around her, "I want a space warship. I'll exchange it with Lu Zhengkang later. I want to go to him tomorrow."

Su Xiangli means to let Lu Zhengkang return to Mengqi island and build a spaceship for his girlfriend.

But what the researchers care more about is whether Su Xiangli gets the key information.

After a brief account, Su Xiangli was asked to submit a 10000 word report to describe the memory information of the green people in as much detail as possible.

It's a tough job.

After exchanging the instrument for his body, Lu Zhengkang held Su Xiangli in his arms for a long time.


"I'm not going to let go, hehe." Lu Zhengkang is smiling. It's the evening of June 9, and he is accompanying her to write the report.

She sat on the boy's lap and worked hard at the desk. Lu Zhengkang crossed her shoulder and watched the end of the fountain pen rotate and move. The girl's handwriting was more beautiful. Her handwriting was good-looking since she was a child, and she was forced to practice by her mother, Ms. Yang Chun. Lu Zhengkang's handwriting was not very outstanding. He wanted to practice calligraphy, but he was always lazy.

"Will you write for me?" Su Xiangli clasped his sour wrist.

"But our handwriting is different."

"Wow, I don't care. Can you help me?" Su Xiang stood up and wanted to run away, but he was caught by Lu Zhengkang and tied to his leg by force. "Write, you write for me."

"Are you Huang Shiren? Wuwuwu... " She pretended to be wronged and began to cry.

Lu Zhengkang chuckled, "why, play the white haired girl with me? I won't agree! I have to oppress you, a common people

It's a rare scene for the two of them to get into the play. The joy in their hearts soon overflows on their faces. Su Xiangli suddenly stops, pours on Lu Zhengkang's shoulder and rubs his neck with his cheek. Lu Zhengkang feels that his sweat is blown by the hot wind. Then he exhales and cools down. Along the gap of the back collar, he scrapes into his back. He gets excited.Su Xiangli was silent for a while and suddenly began to cry.

Lu Zhengkang just felt confused, but he quickly coaxed, "what's the matter?"

"Lu Zhengkang, I feel we will lose."

"I'll never lose if I'm here."

"Puff, brag, you are so powerful. Why don't you help me write the report?"

Lu Zhengkang was helpless. He put his left hand around the girl's waist and his right hand grasped the pen. He learned a [handwriting copy] with 40 savvy points and made it according to the girl's handwriting.

He wrote nonsense. Su Xiangli had finished all he knew, and the rest, even ghost charms, didn't matter, but it was mainly a matter of attitude.

He hates formalism most, and she gradually dislikes it unconsciously.

In the past, there was a nonsense article generator at the beginning of the century, but now there is a rhetorical article generator at the end of the century. It's all used to deal with things, but it's really tiring to copy by hand. Lu Zhengkang opened a report text generator, put it on the table, and then began to copy against the paper.

Su Xiangli slowly stopped choking. "Really, Lu Zhengkang, the universe in the game is so big, and the universe in reality is so big. I'm very happy, but sometimes I'm afraid. Although I'm very strong in the game, no matter how strong a creature is, it can't defeat the universe. If I'm besieged by those foreign internal testers, even if their technology is more developed, I will still die Then the mission fails. What do you do? "

"Don't worry about me."

Lu Zhengkang comforted, "capitulationists are paper tigers. We do not give up the final dignity of human beings. This is the biggest reason for our victory. Without you and me, there will be more citizens coming one after another."


"But don't be afraid of the dark future. The road is tortuous and the future is bright Well, that's good. I'll put it in the report. "

"What, you just fooled me into using a set of words!"

Lu Zhengkang stares at the article in the mobile phone and gives a careless hum.

"Not sincerely! Lu Zhengkang, how fat you are! I'm very worried about it, isn't it? "

Lu Zhengkang perfunctorily patted her on the back with his hand.

"I'm not a child. Don't coax me to sleep, OK?"

"Shh, go to sleep. When you wake up, the report will be finished."

"Then I'll sleep for a while, you go on." When she finished speaking, she immediately made an exaggerated snoring sound, just like a piggy arched trough. The pompous movement amused her. After a while, she was tired after all. She really fell asleep and breathed evenly. The heat hit Lu Zhengkang's shoulder and neck, cooled down and went into her back.

Lu Zhengkang slightly adjusted a comfortable posture, so that she could sleep well.

It's late at night.