After stewing for about an hour and a half, the dried meat finally softened. Lu Zhengkang was attracted by this pot of soup, because water is an important solvent and one of the sacred plots of alchemy. That kind of crazy inspiration constantly attracted him.

The fiber of dried meat is filled with water molecules and becomes plump. The flavor factors are released slowly. The soup becomes yellow and bright. After a while, Lu Zhengkang's appetite gradually exceeds his creative desire.

He made a pair of chopsticks, took off the mask, nibbled carefully, threw the broken bones into the fire and baked the ground black.

Lu Zhengkang's pot of gerbil broth is very full. Before he finishes eating, he leaves it to tutuka. Gray skin is afraid to have a meal with the giant spirit. He is still very honored to enjoy the leftovers.

He continued to make glass. Two hours later, the sound of shouts, gongs and drums came from the north. A group of gray skinned children walked around the side of the forest. There were seven or eight coolies carrying a wooden throne. On the seat lay an extra fat gray skinned child, wearing gold ornaments. The crown of his head was a huge emerald, stained with a piece of jade He is the chief of the largest tribe in Mengqi island.

Lu Zhengkang only took a look and then drew back his eyes. Tutuka took up the spear and was very nervous. The leisurely Wangjia came all the way and scared several clansmen hiding in the forest out. Tutuka called them to come. Finally, he gathered a giant spirit guard and stopped them in front of the chief's Wangjia.

"That man! Turn around The fat grey chief squints his silly eyes and points to the back of Lu Zhengkang.

The soldiers under his command held up their wooden spears inlaid with iron, shining in the sun.

Tutuka exclaimed angrily, "don't be rude to the spirit! Poluna night attack, come down and kneel down

The chief just laughed, "there's no spirit. It's just a momur. How can the spirit be so short! Tutuka, leave quickly. You have also vowed to respect and love boluna forever. Have you forgotten the oath you made in front of the dark sky? "

Tutuka sleepwalk held the blood spear more tightly. "You don't understand. I believe my eyes, poluna, come quickly, get close to the God body respected by the spirit, and look at his great miracles. When you see the great creative power, you will understand that the spirit is real."

Poluna shook his hand, the drudgery slowly put down their shelves, and the fat gray boy stepped on the slave's back and went to the ground, which made him gasp.

Lu Zhengkang turned his back to them and stopped for a moment. He thought that the chief of boluna was his opponent. Even if he was obedient, he would not let him go.

Boluna walked slowly through tutuka's team. He felt the heat around him. Then he went to the side of Lu Zhengkang and saw that he put his hand into the blazing pure green fire with lavender glass bricks piled around him.

He immediately sweating, lying on the ground, "Sir, no, crown, please forgive boluna's ignorance." As soon as he knelt down, the team he brought, those who beat gongs and drums, stopped the noise in a daze, and then knelt down together.

Lu Zhengkang stood up. The molten glass in his hand kept dripping and splashing on boluna's cheek, which made him scream.

No one dares to move.

Lu Zhengkang asked: "you, know the sin?"

"I know sin."

"Therefore, I will punish your whole family."

"No! Please forgive me

"Then you offer your flesh and soul."

Lu Zhengkang pierced boluna with a crystal gun, then took a fire and threw it on his writhing fat body.

Poluna screamed at the night attack. His rich grease ignited the flame completely, turning the white flame into a bright red, which scared the gray skin kids of Cheka rent.

The flame burns all the flesh and blood, and the soul and soul rise and merge into the crystal gun.

On the green wooden pole protrudes the devil's fine lines, the bright Lavender gun head turns into ice blue, and the unquenchable bright red flame sways with the wind like a spear tassel.

Lu Zhengkang yelled: "you, just need to obey!"

The gray aborigines buried their heads deep in the soil. At this moment, they found their destiny, the eternal God in their heart.


Director Jiang looked at the picture, Lu Zhengkang holding the soul burning crystal gun, awe inspiring manner, he could not help clapping, "look, it's in the play, very in the state! That's why the weather, the place and the people are harmonious. This little boy is born to eat this bowl of rice. "

Lin Shangxiao nodded, "indeed, the treatment at this stage is very good. He doesn't need to pay too much attention. Let him develop on his own. The first site has been built."

Counting the time, it's only less than an hour for the internal testers to enter the game. At this stage, there are not many people who can gather a group of subordinates. Lu Zhengkang and Su Xiangli are really successful. Unfortunately, they don't even see half of them, so they just start to live in the wilderness.

As time goes by, the game world is developing rapidly.


The next day in boyue, noon.

Su Xiang stood on the high platform of the central square of boyue town and read out the doctrine of flying face religion.Under the stage were the townspeople summoned up by the Lord. Except for a small number of the sick and the disabled, almost everyone came, including the onlookers.

"The universe was created by the great noodle God after heavy drinking, so everything in the world is flawed." When the first sentence came out, there was an uproar.

"Except the noodle God, all the other gods should be banned because they are false and unreal. They are imaginary and used by the upper class to rule the lower class. Only the noodle God is true and unquestionable."

Some people questioned, "well, how can you prove that the noodle God you mentioned really exists? What good is it for us to believe in him? "

When this sentence came out, everyone was clamoring for all kinds of strange questions.

"Is it really the God of noodles? Is God made of noodles? Is that my breakfast today? "

"Can noodles drink, too?"

"These are all wonderful flowers. Are you here to make fun of them?"

Su Xiangli didn't talk much. He took off the huge sword behind his back and flew gently. The scene was quiet immediately. Baron boyue and his family members, who were standing in front of the crowd, bowed one after another to praise the noodle God Weili.

Su Xiangli continued to read the doctrine in a loud voice: "according to the records of the gospel of feila, one day, the pirate captain Moxi was inspired by the God of Feitian noodles, thus recording eight things that the God of ramen" sincerely hope you don't do ", collectively referred to as the eight commandments of Moxi."

Another person asked, "why can a despicable pirate accept the revelation of God?"

"Because pirates are the embodiment of absolute divinity."

"But pirates are murderers and looters!"

"Real pirates are peace loving explorers and messengers of justice, who distribute candy to children."

"It shouldn't be called pirates. If pirates are good people, why should they be called bandits?"

"For the people of the world are always foolish. They call those who bring blessings evil spirits, and those who enslave themselves and bring disasters as gods. On the way to spread the doctrine of noodle God, don't be afraid to be regarded as a different kind and bandit. As long as you uphold the eight commandments of Moxi in your heart, you can get salvation by living with one heart. "

"What are the eight commandments of Moxi?"

Su Xiangli hesitated for a moment. "First of all, you should know that everything begins with love, selfless, pure love beyond flesh and gender. We should grasp this kind of care and understand each other, so that we can understand the eight commandments of Moxi."

"What if there is no love?"

"Then kill it."