Lu Zhengkang knew that he had been tricked by shergra.

But he didn't care.

The stag slowly stood up and became deer Zhengkang. The DOE also stood up and became Serena.

"Thank you so much."

"I'll be the only one you love in the future!"


Sergra came out from one side, dressed in a black clergyman's robe, with an exaggerated expression.

"Powerful, powerful, touching!"

Lu Zhengkang asked him, "enough of playing. Is it time to tell me where nadian is?"

"No, you said you'd have enough? I said, "not enough!" Sergra waved, "let me see your memory later, hehe!"

Sergra quickly browsed through her memory until she saw a god man with the first antler, a brilliant flower spinning in his palm, and the mad God was sucked in, followed by Lu Zhengkang and serana.

The happy crazy god suddenly became unhappy, "eh, why, here is yours..."

Lu Zhengkang appeared behind him, gently hugged the old man's shoulder, and looked with him at the dark green wheat field, the bright white iceberg in the distance, the cloudy blue ghost, and the golden sky.

"Is it good? Welcome to my field, the land of peace. "

Shelgella smacked, "different, different. Hey, your field is really different! I can't see the shivering island. " The shivering island in his mouth is his annihilation field, his noumenon. When a DIDRA King says that he can't feel his own field, it means the separation of the Godhead and the kingdom of God, which is very fatal. Sergra will die a little weak, and the shivering island will continue to collapse because of the lack of the LORD God.

Lu Zhengkang: "you are too impulsive. It's really hard for me to do it."

Sergra peeped at Lu Zhengkang's memory, which is a very difficult problem.

"Children, I have to say," crazy God's tone is as low as ever. It's as deep as a long whale's whisper, with a thundering echo. His usual crazy face is very peaceful and kind. It seems that he wants to turn into a reclusive God of order, kigalag. Lu Zhengkang can't help but be solemn, intending to listen to the powerful man's teachings.

But the next second, joy erupted from sergra's face. Bang, Hoo long, it seemed that he could hear the silent burst of cheers. He opened his mouth wide, as if he could insert an apple. His gray eyes fluttered, as if a restless little animal was about to break its shell. This strange, crazy and strange face could make anyone look directly at him People are crazy, and even some dudelas are not immune to such pollution.

Lu Zhengkang made a speechless expression. He was in the pure land and would not be hurt by any form of attack. Sergra was not trying to confuse him with the same old technique, but was really ecstatic.

"Ah, ah, ah!!! Great Like a free child, he broke away from Lu Zhengkang's arm, carried a small suitcase, and rushed to the natural fields. The cheers of surprise came from afar.

Lu Zhengkang frowned. The pure land was shaking and annihilating in the void. An island full of vegetation flew rapidly, bumped into Epiphyllum, and burst into pieces.

What has always been hidden in the deep of the pure land appears - it is an Indra net, that is, a Yuanling district. All souls who died in the pure land will rise into it and become one. At this moment, the Indra net gathers up the fragments of the shivering Island, such as the hard-working fishermen, picks up the harvest, and then leaves the sea by boat.

The pure land has swallowed up the territory of sergra.

The whole process did not cause waves, so that the fish in the sea did not notice their companions disappear.

Lu Zhengkang was the only onlooker, but he didn't see any specific scenes. He only realized afterwards that he didn't understand much.

Now, with the copper umbrella blessing, he can only reach the third level, and the world of the second level is too far away from him.

Looking at sergra's carefree appearance, Lu Zhengkang suddenly felt guilty. Although you were wrong to read my diary secretly, I can't say it because I accidentally occupied your family.

After a while of guilt, Lu Zhengkang forgot about it and planned to ask shelgera if he knew the whereabouts of nadian. If not, he planned to ask his old boss, Helsing.

Lu Zhengkang smiles at sergra, who waves to him in the distance. He strides hundreds of feet and comes to crazy God. "You seem very happy?"

"Of course! I'm so happy I can't see kigalag any more - high! Oh, Pai Da Xing, let's catch the jellyfish

Lu Zhengkang: "my memory is so rich, how do you like a" SpongeBob "

Mad God is very powerful. He is the only one who can see the memory of Lu Zhengkang up to now. To some extent, he really inherits the divinity of Lockhart Khan and is a higher God close to the first level.

"Don't you think it's a great work? Yes, yes, and this, you see, "crazy God is like an Amway movie fan. He has changed into a blue haired Mediterranean old man in a dirty white coat, full of wine, mouth salivating, a horse face drooping, dead fish eyes staring at Lu Zhengkang.Lu Zhengkang hesitated, "this is..."

"Yes! Yeah! It's me! Wubbalubbadubdub! "He raised his hand, laughed and swayed, like a coquettish tumbler. This image comes from Rick and Morty, and shergra disguised himself as a mad scientist like Rick.

"Well, then Master Rick? Can you tell me where nadian is? "

"In Midas, a star, you have to fly out of Nain to find it."

Lu Zhengkang nodded, "yes."


In 4e201, the leader of windhelm City, ufrik storm cloak, assassinated the supreme king toyig, and launched a civil war, breaking with the Empire. For a time, the world was in turmoil.

This is the third civil war in the sky in history.

On the tundra of dongbaoling, there is warm fire in the resting place of wolves.

Lu Zhengkang lives here for a long time. He goes to Dongbao three times a week to run his food shop. The rest of the time, he still chooses to spend the night in the stone nest shed. This place is far away from people and very quiet.

His human form has grown into an adult, and he will also use human form when he lives in seclusion. When he meets his old friends, he will still use the image of troll.

In human form, he is a tall, cold blonde Nord man, seven feet tall, with skin as white as cream. His sea blue pupils are always shining with bright light. He is very vivid, reflecting the vast green tundra. When he stands on the hill, he looks like a snow shirt.

It's a busy season recently.

The fourth generation spaceship he named Leviathan is undergoing final assembly, and at the same time, it has to prepare for a large number of magic experiments.

The numbered dead are already very powerful. Lu Zhengkang plans to carry out the Lich transformation ceremony for them. For this reason, he also makes a set of exophytic armor for each dead, which is used as a life box.

Now the exophytic armor is the sixth generation. It has been improved many times and finally developed a large semi mechanical and semi biological mecha that can deform and repair itself.

It's easy to use and it's strong.

On the gray horizon of the tundra, a snowman in black sandalwood galloped toward the wolf colony resting place in a steam car.

Lu Zhengkang went out early to meet dilo, who is now an excellent forging and mechanic. Three years ago, he suddenly remembered Jonas. This time, he came to persuade Lu Zhengkang to take him to tianwai.