Lu Zhengkang looked down at her blood lineage. She was lying on the ground. She had a huge figure standing on the ground. Now she looked at it. It was no different from the rags on the ground. She looked ugly and pitiful in a small stand.

The spirit of the troll of the tiger man is transformed into a distorted phantom in the extreme anger. Under the resonance of the magic power, it even shows an illusory form behind her.

Lu Zhengkang nodded to himself. Yes, he can activate the blood magic from his ancestor right away. We have to work harder. Lu Zhengkang looks at the tiger Troll's shape and has a tendency to retract the cost body. This is not good. Without the troll's resilience, she will really die.

When one foot steps on the left shoulder and breaks the bones, the tiger man utters a painful whine, sharp and crazy. The spirit of the tiger Troll suddenly punches Lu Zhengkang, and is blocked by Lu Zhengkang's raised palm.

"Not bad!" Lu Zhengkang was surprised to feel this power. It was a real energy body, not a spirit body at the level of spirit and will. Anyone could see clearly that the spirit of tiger demon was a white shadow, and there was a burst of brownish red magic wave on the surface.

The tiger robber looked up with fierce eyes.

"Very good, stir up the anger in your heart, hear its roar, the power emerging from your body and soul, don't resist, blend into the beast, or you will die."

The spirit of the tiger devil shook his arms and launched a frenzied wave at Lu Zhengkang. It was like a red whirlwind rushing towards him. Lu Zhengkang laughed and scolded: "what, a double attack? It's no use fussing! " He punched the big steam waves of the urn jar with his fist, and hit the tiger devil's body to pieces.

The tiger devil roars and flies back to the main body as a light spot.

The body of the thief on the ground suddenly glowed with golden light, and a pinch of golden hair on the top of her skull quickly spread to her whole body. She felt a continuous stream of physical strength emerging, and her broken internal organs and bones immediately returned to their original position. The golden tiger man's limbs touched the ground and jumped up, like a piece of ejected wood, flying straight up to three feet high. Then he waved his claws. The sharp fingernails protruded from the tips of the tiger man's thick and short fingers, an inch, like a small dagger, stabbed Lu Zhengkang's eyes.

It took only half a second for the storm to start. Everything in the tiger man's field of vision was still. She looked at her opponent's stagnant body in front of her. I'm afraid he didn't have time to respond to the lightning attack?

The sharp claw is getting closer and closer to Lu Zhengkang's eyes. There are three eyeballs, three fingers, and tiny iron thorns on the fingertips. The twinkling cold light hits the retina like stars. When the tiger heard her breathing, it was steady and powerful, and her heart beat rapidly. She felt the tremor of blood gas rushing into the skull cavity.

To win, she murmured in the bottom of her heart. There was a poison bag in the iron thorn on her fingertip, which stored the top-level poison of galingen. After a certain amount of pressure, the poison bag would burst and go deep into the enemy's blood with the fragments of the iron thorn. This was her trump card. When she used it last time, she directly killed the traitor Moser of the thieves' Union.

For a moment, or even without a moment, the tiger man saw a huge fist passing through the gap between her hands, covering all her eyes.

Bang -

the tiger man's head split a little, just like a cracked tomato baked by charcoal fire.

Lu Zhengkang threw out the five son chain link to bind the thief. It's enough. Now that she has activated the blood magic of rapid regeneration, she is qualified to preserve her blood.

The tiger robber fainted for a while, then opened his eyes and found that he was captured again. This time, he couldn't even play.

"Who are you?" The tiger man hissed and asked, "why do you have Troll blood?"

Lu Zhengkang blew the blood on his face. "You are a member of the thieves' Union. Didn't Calia mention me to you?"

"Are you Mr. Baishi?" Tiger blinked, she is now dying of pain, but affected by paralysis, every inch of the trunk muscles are stiff up, want to ease it can not.

"Kitten, why are you here?"

"Would you please let me go first?"

Lu Zhengkang raised his hand, and the five child chain link flew back to his palm and disappeared in the illusion of Epiphyllum. "When you tiger people talk, don't you always like to use your own name instead of" I "

"For a thief, his name is as precious as gold, hehe." The tigress's figure retracted. "I didn't expect to meet you here. Calliato, I say hello to you."

"Here is the room I reserved. What a coincidence!"

"During the day, I saw the umbrella behind you. Is that your musical instrument? It's amazing. Can I enjoy it? "

"It's a good character for a law-abiding citizen to be alert to every tiger. You thieves, you should take care of yourself How many trolls are there now? "

"Well, that's quite a lot. All the old members of our guild have joined this big family. Hehe, although Ms. noktunar is dissatisfied with this, we promise that we will always be loyal to her. That's to say, we're sorry for your dear Mr. Helsing, roar."

Lu Zhengkang turned his mouth, clapped his hands, and raised two wooden chairs on the ground. It's still a long night. We can talk about it again. "

"Magic, you are a powerful The patriarch. " The tigress forgot the pain when she got rid of the scar. She showed strong greed when she spoke, and her eyes were always bright."Stop being wild, kitten, and feel my blood with your heart. You still have a long way to go."

"Yes, just now the power, too fascinating. Can you tell me, what else can I do in my blood? " The tigress is smiling and squinting, just like a big cat full of food and drink, which makes people feel good.

Tiger people, or kagit, are a very magical race. Their appearance is closer to that of cats than that of human beings. According to their own opinions, they have more than 20 shapes, depending on the lunar phase at birth. Generally, we see suthay raht, tall and thin, with a cat's head and body. His wisdom is the same as that of ordinary people. He can be regarded as the representative of tiger people.

The tiger bandit in front of Lu Zhengkang is also suthay raht. Looking at the color of his hair, he looks like an orange cat, but he's thin, so he's a good material for a sneaker.

After a fight, the tiger people were much more honest. They talked about things for a while. Lu Zhengkang felt that the cat's words were obscure and meaningless, so he took the initiative to end the meaningless conversation.

"Remember to say hello to Carlia for me. You go."

Tiger people squint and grin, "don't worry, I certainly remember, what else do you want me to convey?"

"It doesn't matter, but I don't allow you to eat human flesh. Tell all trolls that they are not allowed to use Troll's power to harm human compatriots, no matter they are Nords, Imperials, Brightons, elves or orcs!"

The tiger man tilted his head, "otherwise?"

"No, otherwise, you don't need to know how I'm going to get this blood back." With Lu Zhengkang's increasingly sophisticated tuning technique, he is now sure to peel off the troll's soul. Not long ago, he was able to peel off serana's vampire power, which is an opportunity for him to break the spirit revelation.

"Oh, of course, of course, we'll see you again." The tiger man chuckles. The Nightingale's cloak suddenly expands and wraps her up. In a strong purple light, the thief turns into a pool of black water and evaporates in the blink of an eye.

Is this the favor of Lady shadow? Fantastic shadow magic.