"I found his body!" With her keen sense of smell, Serena traces Lu Zhengkang's tracks. Finally, she sees a shuttle shaped, black crystal like soul sapphire standing in the wilderness, in which the white mountain is trapped.

As soon as she got two steps closer, Serena felt that her energy was being taken away uncontrollably, turning into a pale silk ribbon and flying into the gem. She stepped back quickly, a hundred feet away from the gem to be safe.

Berelica arrived and took out a soul pod. "Eat it. Without this, it's a dead end to be near Jihun gem."

Soul pod is a kind of gray white plant. Its edible part is the roll shaped leaves. It tastes very dry and has the charm of seaweed, but its taste is very light with a little sweetness. It can be used as a good snack.

After eating, Serena feels the comfortable warm air flow like gossamer in the empty body expansion, close to the skin, where is the soul rift, the gap between body and mind, such a protective film can cut off the Soul effect.

"It's said that there are always antidotes beside poisonous herbs. Although it's not a common truth, sometimes there is such a coincidence. Fate is really magical." Serena couldn't hear her through the vicissitudes of her voice.

Garna stood in the distance and couldn't get close, so she sipped the soul pod extract in her hand.

Serena and bereika walk to Jihun gem with the hammer picked up by the roadside. The gem floats about three inches from the ground. The troll is very tall. Now they show their pure body, ugly Troll face, three eyes closed. Through the light crystal color, the two vampires can clearly see the countless detailed runes on Lu Zhengkang's body surface, just like a picture Just like a small eye, it is cold and precise, with a kind of carved beauty.

"It turned out to be a beast like man. What's the sign - Troll?" Serena murmured to herself, "well, you white mountain, you're accusing me of being an alien, but you're also an alien!"

Berelica smiles. "Serena, don't forget how his mother is, how can he identify himself as a troll more than a human being? Besides, look at the runes on his body. He or his companions must be a profound enchanter. Wise people always want to get rid of blindness and ignorance. "

Serana turned her lips and looked back at Garna in the distance. After all, she didn't argue, "let's break this broken stone. It's better to break this bastard together."

With one hammer down, the surface of Jihun gem is slightly cracked, but Lu Zhengkang's shape is also slightly fluctuating like a submerged stone.

"Stop it first!" Berelica exclaimed, "it's not good. His body is spiritualizing!"

"You mean he's becoming a ghost?"

"It's a state between the living and the dead. Now he's like a soul pod. You can even eat him!"


"To eat?"

"Yes, eat."

"What to do? How can I help him? "

"He has to be born again." Berelika explained, "in the aspect of life, he is dead, but in the aspect of mystics, he is still alive. The particularity of the soul grabbing gem makes him maintain his present state. This situation only exists in my imagination. After all, no soul can be stored in the soul grabbing gem. After all, this thing is actually the egg sac of the soul grabbing worm, that is, the master of truth ——The reproductive system. "

Serena: --

Berelica ran up to Garna and told her the story. "What can I do for my children?"

"Fortunately, we have a part of his soul. You need to implant this part of his soul into your body and re conceive it. I'll use rituals to inhale his" dead "part into your fetus, so that his" life "part..."

Before the words were heard, a sharp and crisp explosion rang out, and Serena exclaimed, "the jewel is broken!"

The huge soul absorbing gems split like petals. The troll turned into a warm orange candle. A drop of tears flew out of it. Young Garna walked up to old Garna. The two women looked at each other. One was vigorous, the other was resolute and peaceful. They crossed the barrier of time and memory. They met.

The elder Garna seems to see something. Her tears can't stop flowing down. She can't say anything more. She moves forward step by step, leaving behind a dull man's soul.

The two Garna turn into one and each gets the memory of the other. One sees the story of meeting and falling in love with tuliano and giving birth to a boy on the run. The other sees the scene of a little boy with brilliant blonde hair accompanying him to chat every day.

My love, my child, separated for a long time, the family finally reunited, how happy, how sad?

Tuliano was silent, and the little skull on his waist flew out into the fire.

The candle was burning and slowly turned into a tall human figure, from which Lu Zhengkang walked out intact.


Garna stroked his cheek. "My son, you're OK. Mother is happy."

"Yes, you gave me life, and I'll give you back Peace, rest. " Lu Zhengkang pursed his mouth, and his ugly face was wet with tears from his three eyes."Don't cry, son. Nord's man has no tears. We only have iron and blood, laughter and song. You should remember that you should live well in the future when your father and mother are away." Garna showed a look of wisdom, "don't trust others, you have to learn knowledge, only wisdom is the eye to see through the fog, never, never stop walking."

Lu Zhengkang closed his eyes and nodded in pain.

Mother's spiritual quality is weakening, because her wish has been completed, there is no regret.

At this time, a Mara talisman flew out of tuliano's soul, sprinkling a little light and rain. Garna and tuliano could not help flying up. In the mid air, they looked at each other and laughed, and slowly disappeared.

The filthy fool looks up to the flowers of love.

- what he once had.

- he will never give up until he dies.

- in the deep darkness,

- there is the bloody key to the dead.

- when the truly loved ones meet,

- the sorrowful soul will rest in peace.

- go to the endless garden of God together.

take a breath The blood ghost mother and daughter watched the whole journey with a kind of surprised and frightening eyes.

Lu Zhengkang dried his tears, closed his eyes, inhaled deeply for a long time, and exhaled slowly.

Serena came up and kicked him. "You put on your clothes first."

Lu Zhengkang opened his eyes, "you don't have to say, and please turn around."

"Cut, what's the big deal."

When Lu Zhengkang looked around, he suddenly saw the Mara amulet on the ground not far away and ran to pick it up.

"This friend, you beat my crazy husband, didn't you?" The vampire mother has a gentle tone.

"Yes, you want revenge?" Lu Zhengkang brought the talisman into the pure land and put it in the ice peak, where he used to store tears.

"No, I have to thank you. Besides, I have an invitation."

Lu Zhengkang rubbed his face and calmed his mood. "Well, I'm sorry. Just now my wording is too emotional and impolite. This lady, please ask me, but I don't have to answer."

"How did you free yourself from the captivity of the Lord of truth?"

"I don't know. In a word, he told me to choose my mother or myself. I chose my mother. By rights, I was already a dead man."

Lu Zhengkang is at a loss. He really doesn't remember what he chose. Now he is still alive. Did he ever choose himself?