It's a day's journey. Now it's less than two hours. Along the way, the mudflat is wet, full of gravel, high and low ups and downs, and it's rugged. If it's not enough for Lu Zhengkang's spring, you can't have your butt this time.

Because of the strong wind, the car would be executed.

The brake, the tire brake, the turbine stop working, this still glides out ten meters to really stop.

Lu Zhengkang jumped out of the car and bent over to look at the fender of the locomotive. The road condition was so bad that it was a headache. The mud filled the seams of the tires directly, and there was a thick layer on the fender. With a sigh, the troll threw the car into the sea to wash and pick it up, and then received it in the pure land. Let's walk the rest of the way.

This time, he delayed his departure for half a day, but arrived half a day earlier. He started in the evening. It was not midnight now. The tavern owner was very surprised when he saw him. Lu Zhengkang was even more surprised when he saw the situation in the tavern. There were so many people in the tavern in the middle of the night. Everyone was drinking and eating roast meat. When he saw the black robed troll, he immediately cheered.

Lu Zhengkang ignored the boring crowd and went to the counter to say hello to the boss. After asking why it was so busy, he learned from the boss that it was because he was going to spend the end of the month, and all the living people in Dongbao came.

As soon as he turned his head, the silent drinking Lord in the corner gave a smile to Lu Zhengkang. The troll nodded his head in return, and without chatting, he went to his own room to have a rest.

There was no sound insulation in the tavern at all. The noise poured into the room unreservedly. These drunken Nords were nothing more than denouncing the treachery of the Empire and denouncing the sinister villains such as Shenzhou SOMO. When they got drunk, they sang and danced in the hall. The troll sat on the bed, leaning against the wall, clasping his chest in his hands, quietly closing his eyes and taking a nap.

For him, whatever he wants to fall asleep is OK. He can treat everything that happens outside as nothing, but he didn't sleep too long and woke up a few hours later. Without opening his eyes, Lu Zhengkang was thinking about magic.

In the middle of the night, the tavern was quiet. After midnight, it was a new month. The owner of the tavern came and knocked on the door. Lu Zhengkang was already asleep, so he opened the door to welcome him.

"The next planting month is coming. The ninth holy spirit wishes you happiness forever. Let's have a drink

Lu Zhengkang said thanks, took the white iron wine cup, lifted the towel and drank a cup of good honey wine.

It's sweet and mellow. It doesn't prick the throat at all. It's better than usual.


After listening to this, the boss raised his glass and said, "black thorn honey wine is the best in the sky. Only Xueman winery can match it. It's hard to get that kind of honey wine. I only have one bottle."

Lu Zhengkang said with a smile, "I'll make wine later. I'll bring it to you to have a taste."

"My pleasure, Mr. gourmet."

They sat in the room and drank a bottle of honey wine slowly. During the conversation, Lu Zhengkang said that he would not stay for cooking today. Although the boss regretted, he didn't ask him to stay. When the bottle reached the bottom, he got up and said, "good night, good dream."

"Good night to you, too."

When the tavern was quiet, there was only a few low snores in the guest rooms. How busy it was just now, how depressed it is now.

Dongbao is a village shrouded by wind and snow. When you uncover the white, you can see the fiery enthusiasm of the residents. When you really go deep into the burning red, you will find that underneath it is really pale.

Decline, decay, bitterness, a model in a crystal ball, people burn their passion, use alcohol and songs as combustion aids, and strive to release a little light and heat, so that more people can see hope, even if it is insignificant.

Lu Zhengkang also wanted to save this once brilliant city, but he had no way. No one can conquer winter, so no one can save winter castle.

Unless a large number of immigrants move in, the old, weak, sick and disabled in Dongpu will not be able to survive.

This is what the Lord of Dongbao should worry about. It has nothing to do with trolls. In the final analysis, he is just an alien now.

The strength of the wine came and went quickly. Lu Zhengkang stopped running like a horse, got up and went out. He turned to the counter and saw that the boss was sleeping on it, snoring low.

The fire pool was filled with firewood, which was burning vigorously. The room was warm. Lu Zhengkang gently pushed the door open. The wind and snow poured in and rushed in from the gap of his robe, which made the trolls feel slightly cold. He tightened his tight clothes, stepped into the cold street, turned and took the door with him.

Today is the first day of planting month, winter castle is still cold.

It's a good night. There's no snow, but it's still windy. The stratus clouds were blown through a huge hole by the strong wind. Looking up, you can see the corner of mather and the whole picture of cekunda. It was still early now, so Lu Zhengkang found a stone by the side of the road and sat down to look at the stars for a while.

After a long time, suddenly the blue and purple Aurora came up behind the clouds. It was as beautiful as the flowing river of light in the sky, rippling and swaying back and forth.

After sitting for a while, it was almost time to calculate. Lu Zhengkang got up, patted his numb cheek and walked towards the college.

Jonas was waiting for him under the arch of the stone bridge, next to the conscientious falauda."Hello, mage." Lu Zhengkang said hello to the elf lady, took the boy's hand and walked out of the winter castle.

"Don't you go to the pub this time, sir?"

Lu Zhengkang said with a mysterious smile, "you've been in Dongbao for so long. Do you want to go around for a walk?"


Walking all the way down the mountain to the coast, Lu Zhengkang took out the necromancer. At a glance, the boy fell in love with his cold and punk appearance! What's this? "

"Motorcycles." Lu Zhengkang mumbled a new word. He patted his right hand on the skull of the sheep in front of the locomotive, and the number four rushed into the locomotive from the pure land. The dark blue necromancer could burn on the surface of the locomotive like a flame, and ejected two pillars of fire from the eyes of the sheep's skull, and then burned low.

"Wow!" Jonas was stunned.

"Come on, get in the car!"

The troll sat in the front, holding the horn in both hands, and the boy sat at the back, looking left and right.

"Hold my waist, or I'll fly for you!"

"What do you mean?" Jonas didn't know why he was thrown away, but he still stuck to Lu Zhengkang's waist. The troll almost didn't stop breathing by the boy's strong force. But he didn't say a word. The violent metal tire of the necromancer locomotive began to rotate. As the engine power increased, it became faster and faster. Within ten seconds, it turned into a brilliant thunder.

The boy watched as the mountain wall on his right side turned into a long fuzzy line, and the coastline of the sea of the dead on his left side kept twisting. Everything was quiet. Jonas could not help shouting.

For the boy, this moment, as if the body were scattered, the world reborn.

For trolls - he's strangled!