Four heads, neat, Lu Zhengkang twisted his neck, this time, issued a click - he was very satisfied!

Keep going.

Through the corridor is a vast cavity, surrounded by no longer ice walls, but rocks, it seems to be a hollowed out hillside, with a hole in the top, penetrating strong light.

"Mr. Troll!" Jonas crept in, hiding from any bulge on the wall like a little monkey.

Lu Zhengkang kicked the troll's head at his feet like a ball. The boy looked at the ferocious skull rolled to his feet, with a piece of vertebra still attached. He looked like a top on the ground. He looked down for a long time, and then began to kick it as a ball.

Lu Zhengkang smiles. He's behind the scenes. His courage is really good.

"You killed them all? You're very good Jonas watched as the blood dripped from the silver hair of the troll before his eyes, finally spotless, and could not help but exclaim.

Lu Zhengkang looked around, this familiar environment.

There are three such holes. The biggest one lives in two trolls, and the other two live in one.

After so many years, there used to be ten trolls here - if last night's dream was right.

It doesn't matter.

[task: explore the surrounding]

Task 1 (completed): explore the human activity sites in the pass of Western tundra mountains.

Task 2 (unfinished): explore the ancient ruins in the southeast tundra.

Task 3 (finished): explore the coastal Troll cave.

It's full of human and animal skeletons, but it's all on the scale of years.

There is also a strange place, a headless male skeleton is placed upside down on the top of a hole in a pile of bones, and an Epee is lying not far from the ground.

Lu Zhengkang also vaguely remembers that this strange skeleton has some symbolic significance, but it's hard to recall the past without going deep into it.

There is nothing interesting in the cave. It's freezing when the wind blows. Most of the relics of the dead are damaged and weathered. After collecting for a long time, we only found a pile of money and a huge axe.

Lu Zhengkang raised the axe, waved it a few times, and was quite satisfied. He threw the sword and shield to Jonas on the spot, and left the cave with his rusty axe.

Alas, a good day, Lu Zhengkang vaguely heard a troll roar, as sad as happy.

Returning to the resting place of the wolves, the unreliable ice wolves follow the leader and live like dogs.

Winter days are short. After the sun slowly falls to Chongshan in the west, Lu Zhengkang sighs and carries a pile of firewood back to his house.

There's enough food. It's been counted over and over again.

After that, Lu Zhengkang stopped for a while. Besides going back and forth to the fishing pit every day, he practiced sword and meditation.

Jonas studied very hard, but his character was too lively. Although Wudang Dan sword was the skill of pure Yang, he paid attention to his poise. His good moves were played like monkey's play, and Lu Zhengkang shook his head.

Well, choose another sword skill.

Jonas was fierce, cunning, flexible and aggressive. He was a boy of this age. It's best to learn a fast sword.

Jieqing fast sword.

The moves are simple, changeable and tricky. They are good martial arts for those who are familiar with them.

Jonas really likes Jieqing fast sword. Seeing that the troll's body is like a ghost on the snow and the sword is like a ghost attacking his life, his momentum is really amazing. He applauded as he watched.

But when he really began to learn, Brayton boy immediately missed Wudang Dan sword.

He was too impatient and too hasty in practice, and often tripped and humiliated.

Lu Zhengkang is not stingy with ridicule.

It's 4e184, Xiaoyue.

The southern part of the sky should slowly begin to warm up, but the tundra is still dominated by the cold frost wind.

Lu Zhengkang is more and more adept at absorbing magic power. However, the magic blood and the pure land in his palm plunder his painstaking achievements faster and faster. Originally, the magic power could be stored in his head for a while, but now it's just empty. In this case, the mage is out of blue, and it's also extravagant to want to cast.

If this situation continues, it can be imagined that in the future, Lu Zhengkang will have to directly shape the original magic power to cast the magic, instead of using the magic power to pivot the energy in the brain.

It is because of his strong mental strength that he has the conditions to do so. Otherwise, he can say goodbye to Faye all his life.

There is no progress in the task of exploring magic, because Lu Zhengkang has not really touched magic so far, and there is no easy way to go. Fortunately, he thought about magic in his meditation every day. This week, he thought hard and got a lot.

It is obvious that magic power needs to be endowed with attributes in order to show magic effect, and the process of bestowing attributes is a kind of resonance.

Magic is like music, and will is the hand that plucks the strings.

Resonance needs media, maybe runes, maybe incantations, gestures, objects In short, Lu Zhengkang needs media.A difficult problem is often not solved, followed by Cliff style failure.

Lu Zhengkang doesn't worry. He has a backup plan. In a few years, he will send Jonas to Dongbao mage academy to learn magic, and then come back to teach himself. Simply, even if the boy betrays, he can learn it when he grows up in human form.

In this way, he immediately relaxed. Every day, he walked the wolf, practiced his swordsmanship, and laughed at the clumsy braytons.

But sometimes, if you don't look for opportunities, they will come up.

With the passage of time, Lu Zhengkang felt that his Troll's blood was growing. It was like a hot tree root growing in the spinal cord, bringing pleasure and pain. Gradually, his skin was burning. He imagined that he was a pile of firewood, burning, fire in snow, gold in fire.

The discomfort lasted for three days.

At midnight on the 23rd of the morning moon, the light of mather and sekunda falls from the stone window and shines on the troll's body.

The boy was surprised to see that the troll's head lit up a golden flame - like a golden fog, a little bit of its whole body were dyed into brilliant colors. But its three eyes are closed tightly, on the surface looks like the pain, looks like the happiness.

"Mr. Troll! Mr. Troll! You are on fire

Lu Zhengkang suddenly opened his eyes. There were three silver flashes in his dark eyes. His eyes turned into silver plated gray, just like pearls.

Here comes the resonance!

Lu Zhengkang looked around, but his vision had already surpassed that.

Above the sky, the stars are shining. Beyond the stars, there are two moons and eight stars circling. They wander in the deep sky like whales. Where they pass by, the magic power from aetherius ripples. They are floating waves and the syllables of the world.

Resonance - resonance with a tune!

Blood magic - high speed regeneration!

Lu Zhengkang took a deep breath. Everything in front of him seemed to be the simple colors on the dark canvas. The light turned into gold in resonance. For a moment, the meteor fell from the dome above his brain, like a rain without beginning or end. Magic was always there, just the eyes to be found. Trolls bathe in light, enjoy warmth, feel vigorous vitality, and surpass heaven in an instant.

A golden Troll stands tall, gazing at the unfocused void.

The boy is afraid of this kind of it, high above it, controlling the wild and divine, but it has no human nature

when the light and fog close up little by little, the golden hair fades away, and there is only a wisp of spirit on the top of his head. In the eyes of the troll, the emotion flows back. He blinks and smiles at Jonas.