Ah Cheng went home.

Daddy's not here.

It's time for him to go home, but he's not in, not in the kitchen, not in the bedroom, not at home.

Ah Cheng looked at the cold stove, a little in a trance.

Open the lid of the pot, which is left in the morning a little porridge, cool through, congealed into pieces. Daddy didn't even have breakfast.

Ah Cheng took out the cold porridge and mixed it with a cold dish for dinner.

Some have nothing to do.

A Cheng moved a bench and sat in the yard, watching the sunset.

The scenery is there. You can see it any day, but not all of you are in the mood to see it that day.

Ah Cheng is in a terrible mood.

He knew that his father looked down on the son, obviously, just like ah Cheng secretly despised his father as an old bastard immersed in his memory.

Many things, father and son are tacit.

Why does Father prefer to talk in pure land? Because you don't have to see ah Cheng.

Why does a Cheng like to talk in the college? It's also because you don't have to see daddy.

They hate each other. My father thinks it's fair that one life changes another. When ah Cheng comes to the family, his wife has to go.

Ah Cheng thinks that God is unfair. At that time, it was clearly his father who died. As a result, his mother died.

The same experience, but the fate of a completely different experience, there is hope in my heart, so I can tirelessly love the world. In fact, a Cheng's heart has long been as cold as ashes. He yearns for a life surrounded by people, but on the other hand, he is more adapted to the life of seclusion in the countryside.

Ah Cheng met the green love, and then gave up. Now he yearns for real affection.

Sometimes when he meditates at night, he feels that he is moving towards a wonderful empty place. He wants to be respected and become famous. He wants everything. He limits his greed carefully. Ah Cheng feels that he is understanding the road of gain and loss, insisting, exploring and putting it down.

Who doesn't want to be high these days?

Ah Cheng stares at the colder and colder sunset and sneers. Everyone thinks! Everyone will hold up his high airs, and treat himself as a decent layman! Ah Cheng saw through the so-called Dharma of shandaoxing, and he also agreed with it. OK, everyone loves each other. What's wrong? Just how many true gentlemen and hypocrites are there? In the end is a piece of ice, or a few private?

His father, who is delusional of being a hermit, stands up, bah, and wants to turn back to the house. He kicks down the bench and falls to the ground instead of picking it up.

He went into his compartment, opened the window, took off his shoes and socks, stripped his clothes, bare his arms, and left a pair of grey linen trousers. He lay in the back chair, put his feet on the desk, put his arms on his head, and looked at the sky.

Waiting for half an hour.

Daddy didn't come.

With a cold face, ah Cheng put on his coat and ran into the inner room to meditate.

After sitting for another hour, my heart was restless, and I woke up from my meditation several times.

He began to fight. The wind was strong and the things in the house were jingling and shaking.

The more angry he was, the faster he could get out of the palm, and the faster his internal power ran. Ah Cheng roared and hit the wall with his palm across the air. This time, the Qi in his body was trickling down, and his palm power condensed into essence, whistling through the air.


When ah Cheng saw the direction of the palm, he was shocked. However, he only had time to be frightened. The next moment, the palm smashed all the shrines on the wall.

A statue fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

It's the statue of Bodhisattva Luyuan that ah Cheng got by accident when chasing monkeys a few days ago.

Ah Cheng was terrified. His blood flowed back and his hands and feet were cold. After a while, he recovered.

It's like No one saw That's not Otherwise It's about beheading.

"Ah, ER! Oh A strange cry came from outside the house.

A Cheng looks at the window in a panic. A dirty face full of black mud and twitching unconsciously stares at him with more white eyes than pupils. For a Cheng, it's a face full of terror.

Outside the window is a tree in the village, a madman.

Now, let a madman see, ah Cheng fell the Bodhisattva statue.

Oh, although no one will believe the words of a madman, sometimes a word is more powerful than the person who speaks.

No one can reason with a madman, so rules, interests and threats can't influence the behavior of a madman.

At that time, someone listened to ah Shu's words and came to him to search, but there was only one and a half boy left in his absence. Who can rule on what to say and what not to say?

Ah Cheng is scared, and he stares at ah Shu's face. Looking at his face with a stubble beard, he faintly smells the smell of sweat and urine from him. Besides his fear, he has more disgust.

"Er, er, Ho..." A Shu's throat was filled with vague and low syllables. He looked very strange, as if in pain, as if in ecstasy, "Cheng Cheng, Ho, Bodhisattva... "Ah Cheng took two steps towards the window, feeling extremely tired because of exhaustion of internal Qi, and his legs were empty.

A Shu seemed to be frightened. He stepped back two steps and fell down. Without a hum, he stood up and went outside.

Behind the house is a small forest. Through the forest, you can see the rest of the houses in the village. There is a road around the forest. There are many people wandering in the evening.

Ah Cheng stood by the window, watching ah Shu disappear in the shade of the woods.


At night.

Ah Cheng went home.

Daddy's not here.

He still didn't come back, the wing room, the kitchen, the firewood room, without him.

A Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, threw the shovel in the wood shed, and went into the wing room to get the basin. He bailed the water in front of the river. He squatted down beside the river to wash his face. The moonlight was not able to penetrate the water, and a little pale red was stained in the white light.

Ah Cheng carefully cleaned the cracks of his nails.

Dad is not here, so he has to solve many things by himself, and the means are often not so interesting.

Back in the inner room, ah Cheng takes out the dustpan. The fragments of the Bodhisattva statue are just swept into the dustpan, but they haven't been buried yet. He bumps the dustpan, and the fragments hit the wooden pieces of the dustpan, making a loud sound.

It's just a very common statue, ah Cheng thought. But he looked at it carefully in the moonlight. There is a small square card in the fragments. It's simple and crude. It's the same as the other stones except for its regular shape.

He picked out the square plate and blew away the floating dust, revealing a complete shape. A square stone plate is small, half the palm is big, the edge is chamfered, very smooth, with Tan pattern on one side and smooth on the other.

It's a common stone tablet. He put it in his arms and planned to make a hole for the tablet in a few days, then put on the rope and hang it up.

Ah Cheng took another shrine from the warehouse and hung it on the wall of the inner room to cover his palmprint.

There was a loud bang outside.

It was the door that was broken open. Ah Cheng was startled.

He turned out of the window of the inner room, ran along the wall, went back to the front door and looked inside.

In the dark, a broad figure holding a woman in white.

It's daddy.

It's Ficus pumila.

Drops of blood fell on the ground, startling the moonlight.