"After all that, how much did you listen to?" The old teacher stood in front of Li dingxun.

He was old and thin. His clothes were fluttering and rolling. The atmosphere filled his muscles and bones. He stood in front of Li dingxun. He was a plump and tall man.

Li dingxun was kneeling on the ground. He didn't know why he was kneeling. It seemed that he was just facing his husband like this. However, in that case, he knelt like this to listen to what he wanted to say.

An old man, a child.

"Confucius seeks benevolence, what is benevolence?"

Li dingxun said nothing.

"The only man is heartless. Benevolence is the heart of heaven and the heart of the people. How do you find benevolence when you watch mountains and seas and spend time in the world? You have to be careful. "

"What measure?"

"Keep the balance." The old man muttered, "the doctrine of the mean is the principle of heaven, everything is in the middle, the cardinal of the change of yin and Yang. Leaning to either side will lead to retrogression, and only by defending the middle can we move forward. "

Li dingxun lowered his head and stared at the boots in the old man's robe

"Don't you agree? Then tell me what your Tao is Mr. Wang leaned forward, with a black beard and a white head, even with Li dingxun's black hair.

"The world is the world of the strong. The weak guard the middle, and the strong hold the middle. "

"The strong and the weak are nothing but a dispute of personal morale." Sir, I smile.

"When you fight with others, you are no better than a bully. Fighting against the earth is no better than a king. To fight against heaven is no better than a saint. " Li dingxun murmured, "I am a saint in the sky, and can be banished to the world of mortals."

Without waiting for Mr. Li to retort, Li dingxun stood up abruptly.

He is tall, with antlers on his head. He is dressed in plain clothes and flies like an immortal. His face is dignified and kind, and his eyes are picturesque, reflecting the world.

Lu Yuan Bodhisattva, Epiphyllum.

The old man looked up at the Buddha.

"Are you really ready?"


"Good." The gentleman was slow for a moment. "You are different from him. You are more like a roc bird, and he has been obsessed with Beiming and refuses to leave. "

"So you chose me instead of him."

"Oh, if you could not choose, there would not be so many distractions."

"The middle way is to choose again and again? Of course, the way of heaven is the same. We choose time and again. The old gives way to the new, and the wrong gives way to the right. "

"Get out of the way? give way. Well said... " Mr. Li chewed the word and began to smile. This was the tenderness that young Li dingxun had never enjoyed. However, Mr. Li had already left, and the man in front of him slowly stepped out of the boat and waded away, slowly disappearing in the subtle fog.


Lu Zhengkang returned to the island with several crew members who had fallen into illusion.

His image is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, when he stands in front of the crowd, ordinary people are like the grass blown down by the wind, low body, devout and respectful.

No one doubts whether the Bodhisattva is in front of us, because the palpitation of Epiphyllum seal is not fake.

The Buddha comes again.

Lu Zhengkang waved to them, so people threw themselves into his palm like birds. There was also a Epiphyllum there.

They all entered the real pure land.

At this time, all the people who have the Epiphyllum seal are shocked and look at the east one after another.

The grand body should manifest itself in the sky, like the scorching sun in the sky, and the light of Buddha shines on the earth.

Ordinary people kneel down to pray, martial people are obedient, and practitioners praise and salute in unison.

The body should not open the golden mouth, but the mind spread throughout the universe.

"The disaster of Xiangshu is approaching. At that time, heaven and earth will turn and the world will be destroyed. The mortal public can enter the pure land for protection. "

Should be dissipated, the world in an uproar.

Countless people know that the Buddha has come back!


The real pure land world can not be created out of thin air, but people are still overjoyed.

Because it can transmit objects through pure land.

Each Epiphyllum is a delivery site.

This represents the establishment of an instantaneous logistics network covering the whole world.

The incredible power, all thanks to the Bodhisattva!

Each of the seven chambers of Commerce in China has its own division of labor. Now, by taking this opportunity, they are merged into a huge commercial aggregate overnight.

Wenshan Shuhai Pavilion is responsible for writing products, Gongshu square is responsible for construction, Wuhu chamber of commerce is responsible for materials and sundries, dawukui firm is responsible for weapons, huichuntang is responsible for drugs and poisons, niubang is responsible for agricultural and animal husbandry products, and qihuozhai is responsible for Pianmen treasures.

Today, after the unification of tanhuasheng chamber of Commerce, it is a real giant.

The real pure land is boundless, which is also distinguished according to the three saints of good and evil. In addition to the saints, no one knows, the other two have the influence of the chamber of Commerce.

In the empty real pure land, countless buildings began to start, and people want to build new homes here.

The materials in Shandao's pure land are all free of charge. On average, an individual can get a share of resources supply as long as he participates in the construction of the pure land homeland. These are the blessings of tanhuasheng chamber of Commerce to the public.The belief of Bodhisattva has been brewing for 118 years, and it finally blossoms and bears fruit.

Good people can unite as a group, and evil people can change their ways.

Everything will return to goodness and purity.

Ordinary desire is suppressed because there is a pillar in people's heart - a Xumi.

One day, the Buddha was sitting on the high platform in the center of the pure land. His figure was shining all over the three roads. Around him, the three roads were connected. People with different temperament who could not meet each other could see each other. However, it was only a mirage, not a real contact entity.

Everyone knew each other for a while, murmured like a tide, then stopped and sat on the ground, looking up at the Buddha on the high platform.

The leaders of various sects and aristocratic families in the river and the lake, and the leaders of towns and villages, are surrounded by the innermost part, closest to the Buddha. The rest of the people sit in circles, and the world is silent.

Lu Zhengkang also knows that it's normal for people not to come here. It's just a short notice, and then let the public pass it on.

Fortunately, at least, everyone is here.

Buddha looked down at the leaders of Wulin in the inner circle, and Li piguang and his wife were among them.

He said softly, "there are 14 top sects in the world. They are good at each other, and they have their own grudges. Are you here to surrender forever? "

"We are willing to live forever and follow the Buddha." They spoke in unison, and no one objected.

Lu Zhengkang looks at those in power.

"Secular City, thousands of settlements, dwelling place of all living beings, are you willing to believe in it forever?"

"Xiaomin and others are willing to help the common people and support the Bodhisattva from generation to generation."

Apart from Buddhism, all are heretics!

Yes, Buddha can say that, he can make the world submit!

That's what he's in charge of, the world, the people.

Lu Zhengkang continued, but he began to tell a story.

Outside the world, before history, there was a huge universe.

There are immortals and Buddhas in the universe, and their power is infinite. Life and civilization flourished under the protection of these powerful and powerful people.

But all things, there are always withered and flourished.

The stars of the universe are dying out one by one, and the creatures of the old age are unable to adapt to the new age and are dying out.