Buddhists are still a simple group. For them, getting rid of samsara may be their greatest pursuit. Besides, fame and wealth can be put in the second place.

Perhaps their pursuit is too illusory, and it feels like a group of drowning people looking for straw, honing themselves in the poverty and pain day and night. Although their hearts are like stones, they are still lack of self-confidence and even full of fear.

That's why they believe in what their predecessors have said.

Without the shining words left by these sages, what can support them to go on? I'm afraid there's nothing left, just like a hollow puppet.

Faith, as the life standard of believers, has indeed solved many of their doubts. To a certain extent, it also reduces the burden on the soul. However, all the gold bodies with colorful decorations will become mottled and shabby because of their complacency.

They need someone to stand up and tell them that your pursuit really exists, even if that person is a liar.

Of course, Lu Zhengkang is not a liar, but he is not so capable as described in the Buddhist scriptures.

But even so, no monk is not obedient to him.

Lu Zhengkang said to Zen master Zixing, "all my Buddhist disciples who want to enter the pure land will recite my name and be sincere."

The abbot bowed deeply, "Bodhisattva is merciful."

Abbot rukong of Jingye temple is also very happy, "Bodhisattvas open the door of convenience, which is a blessing for all people in the world!"

Lu Zhengkang also said: "we should not believe all the classics of our predecessors. We should establish a new one, sort out the words, remove the turnips and save the turnips. After that, the thoughts of Buddhism will be handed down to the world."

"Amitabha!" All the monks chanted the Buddha's name in a pious manner.


The monks of Jingye Temple rush back to the temple with the mission entrusted by Bodhisattva. Their mental outlook is like a group of martyrs. But as Lu Zhengkang said, many people are moving themselves. Only those eminent monks will really give up their skins to spread the pure land of Bodhisattva.

The Buddha statue in the Pearl of pure land becomes the Ying body of Lu Zhengkang after receiving the blessing of the body. Ying body is also the virtual shadow of the Buddha and Bodhisattva when they preach.

Ying Shen is very helpful to his incarnation, such as manifesting the divine will, making all sentient beings feel the Tao, or turning it into the true meaning of his martial arts to frighten foreign enemies.

Those sentient beings who recite the name of Lu Zhengkang can be sensed by the body, and then they will establish the knot of the upper edge line. As long as they meet the requirements of Lu Zhengkang, they can enter the pure land.

And those sentient beings who see him should be able to come into contact with Lu Zhengkang's Retribution through visualization is a boundless magic.

Many monks are more or less trying to visualize Lu Zhengkang's body. For them, this is the incarnation of Tao. They hope to make their body and mind fit with Tao.

If you think about it, Tantric Buddhism is the most important one. Originally, Lamaism stresses the idea of becoming a Buddha by fitting his words, deeds and thoughts with Sakyamuni's, so as to copy the path of this sage. Tantric Buddhism has the method of body, mouth and meaning, which is regarded as the master of meditation.

Lu Zhengkang has no objection to this incident. He also wants to know what changes will occur after these monks react with him.

Hundreds of monks practiced day and night, but none of them succeeded.

It's May.

There are dozens of monks in the pure land. They are all monks of Jingye temple. It seems that abbot rukong and his party have returned to their own temple.

It can be predicted that there will be more and more members in the Pearl of pure land. In order not to mix up the pure land, Lu Zhengkang has also made some restrictions. First, only those who are sincere can enter, which is the most basic. If you can't meditate, you can't establish a bond. Second, you need to have the heart of sharing and the idea of giving, which means that you need people who are pure and good in nature to enter, those who are only self evil It's impossible to enter the evil ways of Yingshen. People's ideas in the pure land are original in Yingshen's eyes, so it's impossible to hide them from the world. Third, they need to conform to the way of heaven to enter. Here, the way of conforming to the way of heaven refers to the luster of the upper bead. For example, those who are covered with gray marks on the upper bead of demons like Yu Feng of xuexuan sect can't enter.

When different people come to the pure land, they appear in different places. The more pure hearted they are, the closer they are to Xumi mountain. Only those who get the Epiphyllum on Xumi mountain can get in and out at will.

More and more Shangyuan pearls are invested in the pure land pearls, and the growth of the pure land pearls is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Lu Zhengkang likes to take a look at the Pearl of pure land from time to time when he lives every day. People will feel happy when he grows up a little. This is the joy of his peers.


The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Lu Zhengkang has trained Luo Hangong to a great extent. He has become stronger and stronger, and he has a little more vigorous spirit. This is the external manifestation of King Kong's increased internal power. Now his Xumi gas mountain in his Dantian is also shining with gold, and looks very solid and thick.

It's not a big gain to continue to practice Luohan Gong. The effect of this skill on the growth of internal power is not inexhaustible. It's time to practice a higher level of internal power.

On the seventh level, the heart, mind and Qi are mixed. This is a kind of static skill. When you sit on the couch, you only work hard in your body. The essence, Qi and spirit are integrated into a group, and there is a strong force in the roar. Therefore, although the practitioner is sitting quietly, there is a faint roar of the wind around his body.Time was full and pleasant. Just when Lu Zhengkang was about to forget about the news, someone suddenly succeeded.

That man is no one else. That's why.

It turned out that although he didn't often go to the pure land, he prayed for Lu Zhengkang a hundred times every day. This kind of mind was so refined and pure that he not only established a deep bond with the pure land, but also made the lofty Baoshen noticed him.


Ben was sitting in his own room.

As the most promising new generation in the temple, he has his own room, but he still lives with two elder martial brothers who take care of him.

Since he made a great success in the two temples, all Shaolin monks have been very pleased with him. All his performances are considered to be of great wisdom.

In fact, I know that many times, he seems to be in a daze, that is, he is in a daze. He is not really experiencing Buddhism.

The best way for him to send time every day is to chase the inner breath given by Lu Zhengkang. In his dark body, there is a little star light, like a flying spirit, which is like a lost child and a natural prodigal son. He only pursues the beautiful things, but never goes to find his hometown.

When he has had enough of playing and has nothing to do, he will think of his days in other hospital. It's a long time ago. Even his memory is vague. He can't even be sure whether it's his own fantasy or the real history.

But the figure of that person is so clear.

I saw him a few days ago. Now he is like an ordinary bhikkhu, but he grows very fast.

He is a powerful and compassionate Luyuan Bodhisattva among the monks, and also a bosom elder brother of the children in other schools.

Ben you wished him all the best. As for what he would do in the future, Ben you thought that he would help Luyuan.

But he didn't dare to see Lu Zhengkang.

Buddha has always been so far away from him. So much so that he is used to looking at Lu Yuan's outstanding figure in the corner where no one pays attention to him.

He didn't want to go to the pure land. He was also afraid of the burden he would bring to Lu Zhengkang. He thought that as a boat operator, the number of people he could carry on the boat was always limited. At this time, one less person would be easier and safer.

I never forget Lu Zhengkang.

He recited the name of Lu Yuan silently, just like a faint echo in his heart.

He felt himself rising.

There is a sun in the world of mind!

Everything is bright and fuzzy, the light is bright and gentle.

Ben felt a great heart connected with him. They shared all their thoughts, just like two sides of the same person.

Ben realized the great wisdom of that will. He felt like a feather on the Mirs, a spark beside the torch.

But when every drop comes together and rivers flow into the sea, one day, a higher will of unity will emerge, which is the spirit of all living beings and the power of countless people!

Merciful Bodhisattvas have boundless wisdom all over the world.

Ben burst into tears.