Green took a amulet from his arms and handed it to Lu Zhengkang.

Lu Zhengkang took a look.

It's a Q version of green.

This talisman is called the son of green.

Green straightened up and turned around, still with his back to Lu Zhengkang.

"My relatives are scattered all over these lands, collecting us The essence of race is the flame of dreams. Find my kin, collect their flames and bring them back to me. We can work miracles together. " He chuckled hoarsely. "Don't worry, kid. You won't do this alone. My children will guide you to find the flame and suck the essence of the fire into its body. He turned his head slightly, his scarlet eyes showing joy. "Like you, this child is also very important in the task. Only when it is by your side will the flame and my kinship appear to you. "

With these words, he suddenly shrunk, red smoke exploded around, disappeared.

Lu Zhengkang set up the amulet in his hand and had some ideas.

Turning his head to leave, he saw bloom on the road. He vigorously pulled the insect instrument with exaggerated movements, which made people worry about whether the grub in his hand would break. However, he said to Lu Zhengkang calmly: "flame. Look for it. For your honor. For our family. Yeah. "

Lu Zhengkang steps out of the tent in a hurry, and the insects in the carnival will take the initiative to say hello when they see Lu Zhengkang, but their smiles are a little hypocritical with masks between them.

There is a sense of shrewdness everywhere in this troupe. Lu Zhengkang decided to let the experts take charge.

He went into the station and took the antler to the Queen's garden.

Along the way, the antler is very silent, but he obviously has something to say. He gasps all the way, sometimes he stops suddenly, and then continues to gasp.

The pause of this kind of interval seems to have a kind of embarrassed emotion in it.

After arriving at the station of Queen's garden, the antler finally asked, "another little guy, why doesn't he come? Did you go by tram? It's unreasonable that there are insects sitting in that cold monster! "

" Oh, he? He just went home. "

the antler bug was stunned.

"Oh Home? "He chewed the words carefully." go home "

Lu Zhengkang felt strange, so he used the dream nail to steal the dream language of the antler bug.

"It's getting more and more painful. Maybe I'm old? Maybe I should go back to my nest and die? The new people have broken their shells. The mission of antler bug will have successors "

Lu Zhengkang sighs. Sure enough, an old worm is homesick, that is, the flightless evening bird. It's time to fall below the horizon with the setting sun.

"Take care, old friend." Lu Zhengkang gave a blessing and left quickly.


See Mrs. white again.

She heard the footsteps and murmured, "it's coming. The familiar smell is that strange little guy. You've made it, and the terrible smell that hangs over your head has dissipated. It's a great undertaking. But, you know, it's not the end of him. The source of light is still there

Lu Zhengkang was stunned.

Radiation is not dead?

He quickly asked: "so how to solve the future trouble? "

Mrs. white shook her head." only his family can know the secret. You should go to the prophet. "

" but the prophet has gone to heaven! "

" she's bound to leave a message, but you haven't found it yet. " Lady White knows the prophet's appearance.

Lu Zhengkang nodded slowly and decided to do the business first. "Please feel this talisman." He presented Green's son to his wife.

"Oh, I feel the smell of fire, so familiar Scarlet heart did succeed. And ironically, he's trying to use my creativity to fuel his own

Lu Zhengkang said with a smile: "so this green is a liar!"

White lady shook her head again, "don't belittle nightmare's people, he is a very capable worm, at least, he learned my skills."

"Can green make containers?"

"The people of nightmare are everywhere. Be alert to them. Be careful to get lost in their dazzling performances. "

Lu Zhengkang thinks of those Carnival white faced insects. Are they enslaved by the masks made by green? It seems that Green's career is very successful. "

in the original work, these white faced insects are only spectators in the stands, and in fact they are only puppets. Now they are living. It seems that some inexplicable changes have appeared.

White lady said: "maybe you can get the inspiration you want from nightmare. Their combination is impressive, and the light can't penetrate the scarlet field. "

Lu Zhengkang nodded, took out his two amulet slots, stuck them on the Amulet of Green's son, and then put them on his chest.

A little bit of light, a bug appeared in the air, Green's head, but a pair of big eyes are black, behind the two pairs of ribbon like wings gently fan, short maggot like body, looking very cute.Lu Zhengkang raises his hand and grabs the little guy.

Green's son squeaked, but he couldn't break free.

Lu Zhengkang pulls out the nail of dream and gently cuts Little Green's body.

The dream language appears.

"Rituals, flames, powerful tools. "

this little thing is really something.

Lu Zhengkang continued to pry into the dream.

"Collect flames, masks "

" enslavement, wom's creation is terrible and practical. "

" what's hidden in worm? So deep, it should be the perfect container. "

" the light dissipates and the flame lasts forever! "

is more and more interesting.

Greene's son seems to be Greene himself, and he is still a baby, with plenty of memory but not enough mind.

"Crystal refracts light, but not fire! "

" great nightmare, Lord of scarlet As long as we unite, we can build an eternal kingdom! "

" WAM's attempt was a shameful failure. He chose that road and indeed suppressed the darkness. "

" it's nice to be back here. "

Lu Zhengkang is addicted to it. He waves the nail of dream tirelessly. For a moment, the white lady's noble room turns into a nightclub.

After being peeped at for many times, Green's son's black eyes began to turn red, and the burning flame started from him. Lu Zhengkang had to fix it with a seal first to swing the nail at ease.

"Enough! Shameless thief! The scarlet will cannot be humiliated! "The majestic voice rang through my ears and began to nag.

Lu Zhengkang snorted coldly, pulled out the bone nail, and pointed his sword to the big head of Green's son.

That very arrogant voice, like a mute button, suddenly silent.

"Cut. I think you have a lot of backbone! “