The sword Dharma meeting of evil sword fairy was a grand event. After the news was spread, Yuzhou became lively. Jianghu people everywhere, together with the people in the surrounding towns, came to listen to the Dharma regardless of the heavy snow.

The streets of Yuzhou are full of pedestrians, and the heat dissipates three feet of snow. Half an hour after the beginning of the Dharma meeting, these people poured into the monk temple, and the streets of the city were empty.

Jingtian and his disciples went to the lecture on time every day. For the first seven days, the evil sword fairy taught the Dharma himself. Later, his disciples did it on his behalf. Although they still have magical skills, they are ordinary people. They only know how to pick up people's teeth and parrot their words, which is not taken by the true cultivation of the Tao.

On the eleventh day of the Dharma, also on the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, a homicide occurred in Yuzhou City. A friar who used to commit crimes broke into the empty door, plundered countless possessions, and killed a couple. The offender ran away. The people gathered in the lobby of Yuzhou. They were angry and wanted to discuss a countermeasure. Finally, they decided to drive the evil sword fairy outside the city to preach the law and not allow foreigners to make trouble in the city.

But the evil sword fairy was no longer in the city at this time. The people couldn't find it all over the city, so they drove his disciples away.

Jingtian and his wife were already bored. After hearing about this, they took the initiative to hunt down the fugitive. Although they boasted that they were not famous detectives, they learned many side skills in the divine sword sect, including several tracking and positioning methods. They can chase the murderer thousands of miles away by taking the resentment of the dead as a guide. Jingtian cast a spell and went out of the city with Tang Xuejian.

They were poor for three thousand miles, went down the river and finally killed the thief in an unknown barren mountain in Huaiyin.

"We've been out for nearly a month. It's new year's day in the door. It's better to go back early." Jingtian simply collected the thief's body, so as not to expose the body in the wilderness. He was so excited that he suddenly returned to his mind.

"Jingtian, you see, we have nothing left or right. It's better to go to Yangzhou to play." Tang Xue was in a good mood when he saw that the blood on the sword was blown away. He pretended to coax him with a charming voice. Jingtian's cheeks flushed, so he half agreed.

Yangzhou has been a gold-plated land since ancient times. Countless clouds pass through the eyes. The two of them soar their swords and look at the city from a distance. They really have countless pavilions and pavilions. The scenery in the world is prosperous and live up to their reputation. They are more magnificent than that small Yuzhou.

Although they have learned a proud skill and have a very high vision, they have lived in the same place since childhood. They have not seen the world. They have little experience and are young habits. Therefore, they easily hook their souls for the Huaiyang scene and linger here for a few days. He also drunk in the immortal building, fought swords and joked with green shirts, sang songs along the river, learned sword sect, baked new wine in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, traveled with his partners, and became a duke in the same year.

When traveling in the world, longkui is unwilling to be lonely. He often appears with Jingtian. He doesn't leave all day. He's so reserved and loving that he can't give up. If it weren't for this good sister to stir up the situation, Tang Xue saw that he wanted to stay in Yangzhou until new year's Eve. Now he angrily wants to return to the sect.

Jingtian couldn't beat her, so she had to fly her sword. Just when they quarreled in the sky, they went to Yangzhou for only three or four miles, but there was a long funeral team walking along the official road, with White Damask and white flags, and endless sorrow and joy.

"What happened there? How did so many funeral teams get together?" Tang Xue saw Yun's eyes and looked carefully. There were hundreds of coffins in the team. Many were big coffins with small coffins. It seemed that a family was buried together. Such a rare scene must be a tragedy.

They pressed the sword light from a distance, and Yungong rushed to the nearest place to inquire. They heard that 147 people from nearby Dingzhuang were buried in the coffin, and they were the people of the neighboring village. They couldn't bear to expose the bodies of their neighbors and share food for wild dogs. Therefore, they invested and contributed to their funeral.

"What's going on? Is it a plague?"

"Alas, where is the natural disaster? It is obviously a man-made disaster. Their bones are as dry as firewood. At first glance, they know that they have absorbed all their essence and died suddenly because of the evil spirit."

"Is there such a thing?"

Tang Xue saw and heard the place where Ding Zhuang was located. They went together. They saw that there was no voice in the village. When the wind blew, the red lanterns in front of each door swayed gently. Such a scene made the viewer creepy. Jingtian said angrily, "it's hard to die if you only know how to kill people and practice Kung Fu!"

"Our divine sword sect adheres to the right way in the world. How can we sit idly by? It's better to send a brocade calligraphy sword amulet and report the case to the sect. It's not too late for you and me to pursue the bandits." Tang Xuejian suggested.

It's not too late. After the brocade book is sent out, they will use the magic method to pursue the murderer.

However, it is said that the evil Xiu of the Tu village was originally a group of water bandits in Hongze Lake. On weekdays, he committed crimes around and robbed pedestrians. Anyone with a royal sword flying over Hongze Lake must be blocked by the air trapping array set for them. If he drives a boat to the lake, he must dig a boat for the demons in the water to sink into the water.

The fishermen and farmers, who are good at pretending to be honest, have been free for more than ten years and have not attracted righteous chivalrous men to encircle and suppress them. These thieves have no ambition, but they have been active frequently in recent months. They have gathered evil demons around them and gradually formed a magic cave. However, they are still hidden and do not appear. People all over the world do not know its harm.

There was a tragedy in Dingzhuang today, but one of the water bandits in the 18th stronghold of Hongze Lake, the evil Xiu of the blood family, couldn't stand killing, so he ran all the way to eat with blood. Most of them drained people's blood essence. All the father and son, mother and baby, the elderly and even chickens, dogs and livestock were spared. There were also many corpses that could not be found all over the world. They were greedy for the evil demon.

Poor people in Dingzhuang have enjoyed the pleasure of Taoyuan, but they have suffered this disaster. Jingtian and his wife were furious and their faces were as heavy as water. They followed their grievances and landed in Hongze village. Seeing the simplicity of the villagers here, they asked each other in a warm voice. These villagers were originally disguised as evil Xiu. Seeing that the descendant of the divine sword sect was handsome, handsome and extraordinary, they secretly had a bad intention and looked respectful. They repeatedly hosted a banquet for wine and invited them to stay in the village house. But Jing and Tang secretly heard from each other, and they saw that these villagers were abnormal. Longkui sword said frankly that there was a great deal of evil around them, so they all kept their eyes open. Whenever wine and rice were sent, they used magic to hide in their sleeves, didn't really eat and drink, pretended to be drunk, hugged each other and slept on their beds. Seeing that the meat ticket had been taken, the thieves couldn't help laughing. They pulled out their swords and rushed into the house. They were about to be slaughtered, but they saw a white light burst. Jingtian set up a bravery magic sword. The sword was vigorous for three feet, and the meat was as thin as nothing. When the sword light subsided, the house fell and the thieves were divided on the spot. Tang Xue saw that he was unwilling to follow. The imperial sword soared into the air and practiced the formula of blazing sun sword. In a moment, the sun fell to the ground, and the spirit of fire in heaven and earth was restless. The golden fireball rolled like a hill, and the house collapsed when it was pressed. For a moment, Hongze water bandits cried for their father and mother, and those who could not escape would be burned as burnt wood. The descendant of the divine sword was very powerful. One day, he moved to the 18th stronghold of Hongze Lake to kill all the evil demons and thieves here. Finally, he left a few questions about his family. Seeing that the array was broken and the enemy was out of trouble, the water bandit quickly ran away. However, the sword light in the sky suddenly disappeared, but all the martial brothers of the divine sword sect rushed to catch the thief's head. The eldest martial brother also caught the thief easily, "because his sword light was turbid and there was a smell of blood." "elder martial brother, these people's sword skills are not bad." Jingtian covered the wound in his waist and his face was pale. "Well, the younger martial brother's swordsmanship is obvious to all. He was hurt by these leftists. There must be a reason for the so-called leather pants over cotton pants. These demons are arrogant, and I don't know what benefits they have." the eldest martial brother cursed Jingtian to heal his wounds. While winking at a tall martial brother, the man tied up several prisoners and took them away. About half an hour later, Jingtian and Tang Xuejian described in detail what they had seen and heard during the trip. The senior brother interrogated came back and told the reasons for the arrogance of these bandits. It turns out that this matter is related to the immortal Zhaobi in Jimo. Over the years, some people have learned the sword skill from the immortal Zhaobi. Therefore, it is a treasure land that practitioners all over the world yearn for. These thieves and bandits disguise themselves as tourists to understand it every year. However, they do not know why they have participated in many evil skills that harm others and benefit themselves. They practice according to the formula. They do not realize that their magic power has greatly improved, so they have the hope of handling rivers and mountains and only hope to kill the world, Turn all living beings into food. "It's said that people in today's human world are integrated in form and spirit and have abundant vitality. If they are refined into great medicine, they can best improve their accomplishments... Such heresy and demon theory is by no means left by master Yun in those years. It must be that an evil demon secretly tampered with the intention of the God of Zhaobi and spread these demons all over the world. Junior brother Mingming and junior brother Quanhe, you two go back to Jiangu and report this to the sect leader. Junior brother tie Chao, Wang Han, Qu Qing and yufengshuang, My contemporary chief disciple has instructed you four to summon the disciples of divine sword from all ages to monitor the trend of evil. Jing Tian and Tang Xuejian, you two can go to the old place of Liufu in Shouyang to invite the descendants of contemporary Qin Xin to go out of the mountain and return to the sect together after the event is completed. I will go to Jimo to explore the change of the ancestral mirror wall. If you find anything, contact them with brocade book. It's not too late. Let's go. "They took the order, Each sword flies away. Jingtian and Tang Xuejian stay here for half a day to deal with the corpses of thieves so as not to breed epidemic gas. If it is still complete, it will be buried nearby, and the broken meat and limbs will be burned and thrown into the lake. Just as she was about to go, Tang Xue saw that she went to find another piece of bluestone and cut the imperial sword into a stone tablet. The inscription said: "today, the disciples of the divine sword sect exterminated the Hongze water bandits and reported the blood revenge of the 147 people and travelers in Dingzhuang" in front of the tablet. They mourned the dead soul and couldn't help wringing their wrists and weeping. "After this, it's time to go to Shouyang to find the successor of the Qin heart." the two sword lights suddenly soared into the sky and ran away from the clouds in an instant, leaving only the eternal lake light and the stone tablet by the lake silent.