Chapter 142 - 142

Name:Bound To Him Author:StarySky96
"Sis, why did you suddenly want to talk with me in private?" Blake asked in an impatient tone.

"Blake, your girlfriend will be safe in our house. You don't need to get worked up like that," Nina said, irritated by her brother's behavior.

"Let me guess, you don't like Sara," Blake stated matter of factly.

"You guessed it right. How can you fall in love so quickly and bring her to meet our parents?

I was absent for six months, and so much has happened. She is a model, and we both know how people from the entertainment industry can be, some of them have questionable backgrounds.

She might be with you only for your money," Nina said, unloading everything in her mind.

"Sis stop! You are my sister, but I cannot let you disrespect her like that. Since you don't know her, I will forgive you this time, but remember there are no second chances, I will not go easy on anyone, even you," Blake said sternly.

"Are you threatening me?" Nina asked angrily. This was the first time her younger brother talked back to her. He only met this woman six months ago, why is he being so insolent?

"What are you going to do if I am?" Blake raised his eyebrow.

"The only reason I'm doing this is that I care for you. You were there when that guy almost destroyed my life. I'm watching out for you. I just don't want you to get hurt," Nina said. Blake was her younger brother, and Nina will always be protective of him because she loves him.

Even when many of her friends expressed their interest in Blake, she would not let anyone near him. She knew about their intentions, and she blocked any of their advances. Just like her, they only wanted Blake for his money.

Blake's face softened when he heard Nina talking about her past. It was a very painful part of her life, and he still blames himself for not protecting her enough. But he knew that no matter what happened, Nina had his back, she just cared for him too much.

So he decided to tell her everything about Sara, so Nina would welcome Sara just like his parents had.

"First off, you have to give me credit, you know that I do not get into any relationship with anybody. 

So, Sara's full name is Sara Wesley, she is the daughter of Mr.Wesley, a very respectable businessman. You've heard of him, he's famous. She did not get into modeling because she needed money, it's her passion, and she was trying to follow in her mother's footsteps.

Then you know Ava Wesley, Tristan's wife. She is Sara's younger sister, and I met her during their wedding," Blake explained.

Nina was stunned, she did not get Sara's background checked, so she did not expect that Sara came from a well to do family like theirs. She felt bad judging Sara so quickly. She should not have doubted her brother. He knew what he was doing.

Blake did not say anything about his deal with Sara, and the most important detail, which was Joaquin's involvement in their lives, was a private matter, and nobody would know about it unless it was necessary. It was not Sara's fault, and he did not want anyone to judge her.

"So please treat her well," Blake said. His woman should be respected by everyone, including his family.

"Don't worry, I will be her best friend from now on," she said, smiling.

"Good, that's a promise, and don't forget it," Blake said as they both walked out of her bedroom.

In the meantime, Sara was in the living room with Mrs.Anderson.

"Sara, since they left us behind, how about I show you my closet?" Mrs. Anderson said with sparkling eyes. Sara had nothing to do, and she was with her future mother-in-law, there was no reason to say no.

"Sure," Sara smiled.

Mrs. Anderson showed Sara her closet, which was way bigger than her mom's closet. Her mom was a former model that loved to dress up a lot, always trying the latest trends, and she shopped like she was going to run out of clothes, but this closet was definitely bigger.

She looked through the different clothes and saw that there were some brands that she wasn't familiar with, and some of them were from the tailors from the royal family.

"Wow, these are so pretty. I can get lost in your closet," Sara was in awe, she was just like any other girl that loves fashion and gets excited when they see beautiful clothes.

Mrs. Anderson giggled, Sara just had the reaction she was looking for. She feels the same way every time she comes into her closet too.

"What do you think about trying some of them?" Mrs. Anderson asked.

"No… it's okay, looking at them is enough for me," Sara declined.

"Oh come on, you are so pretty, I would like it if you would try some of them, I think we might be the same size, some of these will definitely fit you," Mrs. Anderson said, trying to pick out a dress. 

She loved to play dress up and now that Sara is here, she will take advantage of her because Nina was tired of her antics. Nina did it for her in the beginning, but she got tired of modeling and posing for her mom because her mom was very demanding when it came to taking pictures.

"But …," Sara stammered. What was she supposed to do? She did not want to upset her.

"Just try this one, just so we can see how it looks," Mrs.Anderson pleaded with a soft tone. How could she say no?

"Oh okay, let me try it then," Sara said, trying a very flowy floral gown, it was very soft on her skin.

"Wow! Look how pretty that is. Let me take some photos.

Oh, and then go to the end of the hall and walk towards me like you're on the catwalk.

Oh, you are so good. Okay now try this dress and those shoes with this jewelry," they went on and on, Sara modeling and Mrs. Anderson taking pictures. She did not need to tell Sara what to do, she was a model, so she knew what to do, unlike Nina, so she enjoyed herself more. 

Several dresses later, she was in a very sexy black backless dress when Blake walked in. The maid had told him that his mom had dragged Sara in there with her. He had never seen her in something so sexy before, and if his mom was not there he would have kissed her hungrily and peeled that dress off of her.

Sara blushed when she saw Blake's hungry gaze. He had the same look whenever he wanted to kiss her. 

"Blake, don't you think Sara looks very beautiful in this outfit?" his mom asks.

He rakes his eyes over her body slowly, "Yes, she looks very beautiful," he says in a husky tone.

"Go and change, it's time to go home," Blake said, but his eyes said something different like he wanted to take her somewhere and ravish her instead.

"But Blake, you can't go home yet, Sara hasn't tried the other dresses," his mom pleaded.

"Mom, Sara will come back again, don't worry," Blake consoled his mother as Sara changed her clothes.

Mrs. Anderson gave Sara her favorite Chanel customized handbag as a gift. Then she tried to give her some jewelry too, but Sara begged off that it was too much, so she said maybe next time. 

Nina was waiting for them in the living room, she was glad that her mom did not bug her to play dress-up with them. "It was nice for you to come and see us today, but we didn't really get to talk. Maybe we should hang out next time, just us," Nina said smilingly.

Sara was stunned by the sudden change. Nina was totally indifferent a few hours ago, and after she talked to Blake, her demeanor took a complete turn.

"Sure, let's fix something up," Sara smiled as they exchanged numbers, she was glad that meeting Blake's family turned out well. She was expecting them to be hard on her. She was, after all, dating an Aristocratic heir. Things are finally looking up for her.

After a few days, Emily called Sara to hang out at the city's newly opened club, so Sara thought of inviting Ava to go with them, it would be more fun with more people. 

"Hey, Ava! There's a new club that opened in X place, come hang out with us, yeah?" Sara said as she called her sister.

"But sis, Tristan doesn't want me to go to the club anymore after what happened before. He will be angry with me if I don't listen to him," Ava answered.

"Ava, my dear sister, you are so naïve. You don't need to listen to your husband all the time, sometimes it's better to let loose and have fun," Sara said.

"But sis …," Ava argued. She did not want to make Tristan angry. He was mad with her that one time she went to the bar, and she doesn't know what will happen if she goes against his wishes, she doesn't want to get punished. Tristan was pretty liberal with her and will let her do anything, but when it came to her safety, he was very strict.

Ava always listened to Tristan because he took care of her very well and there was no way she could say no to her husband, but then again he always punished her in bed, and just thinking about it made her blush. Her punishments didn't really feel like they were punishments, so maybe going out was okay.

"Ava bring your friend Kelly and come with us. No more arguments," Sara said in a determined tone.

"Okay sis," Ava agreed and proceeded to call Kelly.

Kelly just finished her recent photography assignment and was taking a break for the next few days, so she agreed to come.

Emily, Sara, Ava, and Kelly were dressed up in their killer outfits. They reached the club, and from the moment they stepped in, men were on high alert, they were ogling and staring at them openly like they were fair game.

The aristocratic heirs were still at work and had no idea that their women were out that night. This night was surely going to be a roller coaster ride.