Chapter 135 - 135

Name:Bound To Him Author:StarySky96
Dimitri and Aiden were already at their usual meeting spot on the top floor of their private hotel, waiting for Blake and Tristan. They still haven't heard if Tristan was going to show up.

"Hey guys," Blake greeted them cheerily as he sat next to them on the couch.

"Oh here you are, we were thinking that you would probably ditch us too," Aiden said lazily.

"Why won't I come? I'm always here," Blake questioned.

"Now that you have a woman, maybe you'd forgotten us just like Tristan did," Aiden said. Blake narrowed his eyes at Dmitri, "This fool, I wonder if he told everybody about Sara?"

"Don't look at him like that, I don't understand why you and Tristan are trying to hide your woman. If I had someone, then I would just flaunt her everywhere," Aiden said.

"I haven't confessed my feelings to her yet. Once she agrees to my proposal, I will introduce her to you guys," Blake said as he poured himself a drink.

"Can somebody call Tristan? We haven't seen him since he came back from his honeymoon," Dimitri said. These days all Tristan wanted to do was to spend time with his little one, but surprisingly when Aiden called him, he said that he would see them in 15 minutes.

"So are you serious about your woman like Tristan or are you just fooling around?" Aiden asked, he was the most talkative person in the group, and that makes him the most intrusive as well, he loves to pry for details until he knows everything.

"Sara will be my wife, the future Mrs. Blake Anderson," Blake snapped. How can anyone think that he was only fooling around with her? They should know that she was the only woman who has touched his heart. He was going to give her a proper title and cherish her forever.

Dimitri chuckled and said, "Calm down, he is just trying to pull your leg."

"We never expected you to have a romantic bone in your body," Aiden said. Blake had a very short temper, and he was a little fickle-minded. 

"Does she know about your past flings?" Aiden continued to tease him. They all knew that he never dated anyone, and all his supposed to be flings were all rumors created by women who wanted to be popular.

Blake was grinding his teeth, "I have never dated anyone, and you guys know that."

He never clarified his past with Sara because it looked like she didn't care about it, plus she never bothered to ask about it, but if she asked about it then he'd tell her everything honestly.

"What if she says no to you?" Dimitri asked.

"I'm really not giving her much time to think about it," Blake continued.

"Huh! Following in Tristan's footsteps, I see," Dimitri said.

"Well they really are brothers-in-law," Aiden high-fived with Dmitri and they laughed out loud at the same time.

Blake snickered while watching their childish behavior, at the same time the door opened as Tristan entered the room.

"At last! We're complete again,��� Aiden said. 

Tristan was back to his old self, aloof and arrogant. He just stared at them like they were boring him. Ava was the only person he showed his caring and sensitive side to.

"Our bachelor club is turning into a doting and jealous husband club," Aiden commented.

"We haven't seen you since you left for your honeymoon. Didn't you miss us?" Aiden asked.

"Nope," Tristan said with a disinterested tone.

"Ouch! That hurts," Aiden said, clutching at his heart while everybody else rolled their eyes.

"Did anyone ever think Ava was your daughter during your honeymoon?" Dimitri asked.

"Oh, oh, oh… Did anybody ask Ava out?" Aiden joined.

"Anybody can see that Ava was my wife by looking at the ring on her hand. Nobody should dare talk to her in my presence," Tristan snapped. He was very possessive, and now after the wedding, it had increased tenfold. He held her hand wherever they went.

After the wedding, Ava had started to dress fashionably because of all the clothes that Tristan had purchased to fill up her part of their walk-in closet.

People always noticed that they were a very handsome pair when they went out. The tall, handsome, cold man and his very beautiful innocent wife. They didn't notice the age difference so much because of how they pampered each other. Some were even jealous and wanted a relationship like theirs.

"What do you mean about our bachelor club turning into a jealous husband club? Is anybody else getting married?" Tristan frowned, were they hiding something from him? He knew he was the only person in their group who was not a bachelor.

"Don't you know? Blake, didn't you tell Tristan?" Aiden looked at Blake questioningly, so Tristan waited for his reply.

"He had finally fallen in love. With a woman named Sara," Dimitri said dramatically. 

Tristan nodded at Blake, he was happy, his brother had fallen in love.

Aiden looked at Tristan and knew that he didn't understand that the Sara they were talking about was Ava's older sister. When Dimitri said Sara, he had assumed that she was just another woman named Sara.

"It's Sara Wesley, your sister-in-law," Aiden said.

"What?" Tristan choked on his drink.

"Yeah, she's my Sara," Blake said, a little guilty.

"When did this happen?" Tristan asked curiously.

"I met her at your wedding," Blake said.

"Hmm…," Tristan nodded. He had no problem with them being together, they were both adults and both knew what was good for them, plus Sara was a very respectable, honorable, and very lovely woman, he knew that Blake had chosen wisely.

"There must be something about Wesley sisters, see both of you fell in love with them," Aiden joked.

"Well my Ava is the best," "My Sara is the best," Tristan and Blake said in unison.

"Looking at both of you, I'm getting encouraged to take a wife. Tristan do they have any other sisters?" Aiden asked. Tristan shook his head no.

"Maybe your father-in-law has another family somewhere?" Aiden said jokingly.

"My father-in-law believes in monogamy, he is the most honorable man I know," Tristan said sternly.

"Surely, marriage has changed you," Dimitri said. He said this because Tristan never cared about anyone before, and now he was defending his father-in-law.

"Tristan when are you coming home?" He could just imagine the whiny voice of his little one, and it made him smile. 

He had to go to the office very early that morning, and he did not say goodbye to Ava because he didn't want to disturb her. She thought he was coming home soon and did not know that Tristan was with his friends.

"I'll be home soon," Tristan texted back.

"Look at you, smiling at your phone like a crazy person, is it your wifey?" Aiden teased him. 

"Yeah, he cannot be separated from her long enough to spend time with us," Dimitri said, fed up. What he didn't know is that he was going to be next. He was going to meet the love of his life sooner than he thinks.

"I miss you!" Ava sent her message with the kissing emoji. And that's all it took for Tristan's defense to crumble. He got up and said, "I'll see you later guys," he was out of the room before the others could even respond.

Blake missed his baby and was envious that Tristan was going to see his wife.

"I'm leaving too," Blake said.

"What? You too? Now that you have a lover you don't need your friends anymore?" Aiden asked. Blake smiled and waved goodbye.

"Well I guess it's just you and me now," Dimitri said. He remembered when they used to stay the whole night, drinking, smoking, and talking, but now they couldn't stay, even for an hour.

Blake went to Sara's photoshoot and texted her that he was waiting for her outside. She was excited when she saw the message and had a spring in her step as she came out to meet him.

As soon as they were inside the car, Blake hugged Sara and inhaled her sweet fragrance, she liked it when he rubbed his face on her neck, so she hugged him tighter.

"Baby, let's go out today," Blake said caressing her waist.

"Really? Where are we going?" Sara nodded like a kid, thinking of all the nice places he could take her to.

She noticed that Blake was driving away from the city, "Are we going for a long drive?" she asked.

"Yeah, so just relax and enjoy the ride," Blake nodded and put on some soothing music. 

Sara had opened the window and let the cool breeze come in and tousle her hair, she closed her eyes, thinking this was going to be a very nice date.

Blake had looked over at her and smiled.

After a while, Blake stopped the car on the side of the road and got down.

"Why did you stop here?" Sara asked and looked around, they were in the middle of nowhere, and there was nothing there.

"Turn this way," he said, pointing to her side, she was surprised to see a pond with lots of lotus flowers floating about, and the pond was surrounded by a small garden and a few benches.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here, how did you find this?" she said as she ran towards the pond. He was happy that she liked it. He was starting to know more about her, and he knew that she would enjoy this.

"I brought you here to see the sunset," he said as he stood next to her wrapping his arm around her waist. She loved that he troubled himself to take her out here to see something as simple as a beautiful sunset. 

"He's a very sweet guy, she thought," as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Sara had her eyes glued to the wonderful sunset unfolding in front of her, it was coloring the bright blue sky with the most vibrant purples, oranges, and reds.

"It's so beautiful," she says, looking at the sunset.

"It is very beautiful," he says staring at her the whole time. 

"What can be more beautiful than my beloved," he thought.

They looked like the perfect painting of two people in love.