Chapter 126 - 126

Name:Bound To Him Author:StarySky96
Sara was in her bedroom, and she was getting sentimental. She had one cabinet dedicated to the gifts and tokens her fans had sent her over the years, keeping some of the unique items. 

She treasured them because they were her loyal fans, they never wavered in their faith in her. In a box, she found keychains that said 'I ♥ U.' 

Looking at another collection she remembered one of her fans sending her the keychain that had the letters of her name, he sent her three letters, S, A, and R. She was waiting for the last letter. This person said that he would reveal his identity on her birthday, and he would personally hand her the last keychain with an A on it. 

She was wondering who this person was, he would always send her small tokens and cute little gifts that she really liked. It was very intriguing, he would always put a smile on her face when she received his gifts. 'I wonder if he's as handsome as I imagine him to be?' she was lost in her thoughts when her phone rang. It was Blake.

"Hello, this is Sara," she said, answering her phone.

"Get ready at 6, I will come and pick you up," Blake commanded.

"Where are we going? I have a shoot in the afternoon," Sara said.

"I had it postponed and moved to tomorrow. We are going to a business party," Blake said. Usually, he went alone to these parties, but today he wanted to bring Sara with him to show everyone that Sara belongs to him.

"But I don't think that's a good idea," Sara argued, she was not very keen on showing up with Blake.

"Baby, let me decide that. Be a good girl and get ready. I have a meeting right now, and I don't have time to talk," Blake said, abruptly cutting the call.

"Hello... Blake …," she was fuming, why is he ordering her about? He didn't even give her a chance to ask what to wear.

"He is so frustrating! Ugh! Let me see what I have for this so-called business party," she said talking to herself. 

If Blake was invited to the party, it meant that it would be a high profile party. All the influential people are going to be there, so she better get herself pretty glammed up.

She chose to don a purple one-shoulder lace chiffon gown that hugged her body in all the right places. To finish off her look, she had selected a Swarovski diamond-encrusted clutch and her black Louboutin pumps.

Just as Blake scheduled his vehicle was outside her house at exactly 6 pm. She enthusiastically got in the car when she noticed that Blake was not there.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but sir Blake was held back at work and he would be meeting you at the party shortly," the driver said.

Sara nodded, she felt a little deflated. She didn't know why was so disappointed that Blake wasn't there.

"I'm fine. This is a fake relationship anyway, I shouldn't expect too much from him," she thought, not realizing that she was wearing a hurt expression.

When she reached the venue she thought that she made the right decision with her dress, this party looked like it was the toast of the town, anyone and everyone famous was here tonight, top businessmen, actors, actresses, and foreign dignitaries. 

Sara knew a few of the people that were invited and greeted them, most people went about their business, while the others talked behind her back, gossiping about her scandals.

Men were hovering around and flirting with her, it did not matter that some of them were married. They saw her as fair game, seeing that she did not come with anybody. Sara politely declined their advances, she was used to men trying to hit on her.

A few of them asked for a date, and one shameless man decided he wanted to propose to her on the spot, asking her to marry him.

Sara had rolled her eyes and told him that she was waiting for her boyfriend. He did not believe her, accusing her of making excuses to get rid of him. 

Sara went to the bar to get a drink, these men were trying her patience. Suddenly she felt somebody wrap their arm around her waist.

"Hey! Get…," Sara said, pushing away whoever it was.

It was Blake, staking his claim on her. 

As soon as she saw him, she relaxed, "You scared me! How long have you been here?"

"I just got here", Blake lied.

She felt that he had a very guarded expression but did not think to ask about it. Their relationship was not at that stage where they can question each other.

Blake ordered a drink and tightened his hold on her waist, she leaned into him, feeling his strength seep into her. All those men bothering her made her feel tired. 

His face relaxed when she leaned into him. He felt bad not being able to pick her up personally, something came up, and he could not put it off for tomorrow.

He was so attuned to Sara that he spotted her right away, his steps were hurried to try to get to her faster, all he thought about was to have her in his arms.

But he was taken aback when he saw how many men were milling around her. Then he overheard that idiot proposing to her. He wanted to strangle him, 'How dare you! Proposing to my woman, I'll show him,' he thought. 

Thankfully Sara rejected all of them, saying she already had a boyfriend. He was not sure if she told him that to keep him away or if she really thought of their relationship as real. 

He was apprehensive because he knew that most of the time, she did not like being associated with him.

Everybody was surprised to see that Blake, one of the Aristocratic heirs and a very eligible bachelor, had fallen for a model with lots of scandals associated with her name, but he was unfazed as he walked around the party with Sara in his arms. 

A few of them speculated that he was serious with her, while the rest said he was just dating her because she was beautiful and was probably giving him a lot of benefits.

Blake introduced Sara to everyone as his girlfriend. She was little concerned hearing him refer to her as such, so she forced a smile on her face and greeted everyone like nothing was wrong.

One of the businessmen had confided that he wanted to talk to Blake about a confidential matter, so she excused herself, but Blake did not want to let her go, he insisted that she should stay.

Sara felt good seeing that Blake trusted her, but she stood firm, saying that business was not her forte and would probably not understand what they would talk about.

Blake reluctantly let her go, he whispered, "I'll be right here, don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything okay."

Blake was talking to several businessmen while Sara found another woman to talk to, she seemed to be enjoying herself.

When she looked back to where Blake was, he had disappeared. It seemed that she was so involved with her conversation that she did not notice Blake move away.

Excusing herself, she went in search of Blake and found him on the patio on the second floor. He had been talking to someone earlier, and as soon as they left him, the women started approaching him. They did not care if he had Sara, they wanted him for themselves.

A woman wearing a very tight-fitting low-cut dress approached him, "Hey there handsome, all alone out here? I'll keep you company," she said as she leaned towards him, showing him her cleavage.

Before he could say anything, someone interrupted them, "He's with me," Sara said, pasting on a fake smile as she put her arm around his. The woman was embarrassed to get caught by Blake's girlfriend.

"Wear less perfume next time, so you don't suffocate the person you're talking to," Sara said innocently.

That lady clenched her fists and looked at Blake to see whether he would help her. But instead, Blake was looking at his girlfriend with an adoring look, he was trying to control his laugh. She would not be insulted like this, the woman thought, so she left.

Blake was surprised to see Sara's feisty attitude, he liked how she was asserting her rights. He could feel her anger, and all he could do was smile.

"What?" Sara asked, annoyed.

"Nothing," Blake chuckled. Sara narrowed her eyes, seeing the teasing look on his face.

"Are you jealous?" Blake asked with a smile.

"No…," Sara immediately denied. Blake smirked and gave her a disbelieving look.

"Why should I be jealous? I saw she was bothering you so I came to help you," Sara justified.

"Oh really? Who said she was bothering me?" Blake said, deciding to pull her leg and see if she would take the bait.

"You..," Sara punched him lightly.

"Okay, okay, she was bothering me," Blake accepted.

"See I'm not jealous, I'm helpful," Sara said, trying to prove her innocence, and the more she said it, the more she incriminated herself.

"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night," Blake laughed. She was about to argue when he pulled her to the stairs so they could go downstairs and dance.

The thing is, Sara did not like it when the woman was getting too close to Blake, she wanted to rip her head apart, but she could not understand why she was feeling all this animosity towards someone she didn't even know.