Chapter 98 - 98

Name:Bound To Him Author:StarySky96
Ava felt relieved after hearing Tristan's words. 

She was sitting at the dining table, having lunch with her parents when they heard the doorbell ring. 

A few minutes later, standing in front of them was the one and only Tristan Ambrosio. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley was shocked upon seeing Tristan come to their house uninvited.

"Tristan…," Ava went and hugged him, forgetting that her parents were there in the same room. Tristan smiled at her but did not hug her back. He did not want to disrespect Ava's parents.

"Ava, come here," Mr. Wesley raised his voice. He did not like how his daughter acted as soon as she saw Tristan.

Ava broke the hug but stood right beside Tristan. Mr. Wesley grimaced. Looks like his daughter was not willing to obey him anymore.

Seeing the tense situation, Tristan thought of making the atmosphere a little calmer.

"Mr. Wesley, I am sorry to visit you without prior notice, but I have a few things to discuss with you," Tristan stated.

Mr. Wesley kept silent. His wife saw that he was not in a mood to entertain guests, so it was up to her to diffuse the situation.

"Mr. Ambrosio, let's sit and talk," Mrs. Wesley smiled.

"Please call me Tristan aunty," Tristan said.

Her mouth was agape. 'This man was surely shameless. They just met and he's already establishing the relations,' she thought.

Tristan nodded at PA Jack. Within a few minutes, the Wesley's living room was filled with gifts. Tristan wanted to impress his in-laws, so he got all the expensive and customized products from all over the world.

"This is so much..., there was no need for all these Mr. Ambrosio," Mrs. Wesley was speechless.

"Aunty, I could come empty-handed, coming to your house for the first time. Treat me like son, so please call me Tristan," he said.

"Okay, I will,' she said, embarrassed. 'Son? Seriously this man was too fast. What if he calls her mother-in-law by the end of the day?' she was flustered.

Mr. Wesley was getting angrier by the minute. He was prepared to talk to Tristan tomorrow morning. But Tristan had come to the house himself, uninvited.

He had confronted and scolded Ava in the morning, and Tristan had come in the afternoon. He did not think it was a coincidence. 

'Did his daughter call and informed Tristan about his decision? Why did he come immediately? How overprotective was he of his daughter?' he thought, clenching his fists.

Tristan sat on the sofa with Ava right beside him.

"Mr. Ambrosio tell me why you wanted to see me so eagerly?" Mr. Wesley hissed.

"I know you learned about my relationship with Ava. Uncle, I really love Ava and I want to marry her with your blessing," Tristan said politely. Ava innocently nodded her head, affirming Tristan's statement.

"No, I do not agree that you should be together," Mr. Wesley snapped.

"Uncle, please tell me what seems to be the problem?" Tristan asked, in a calm manner, it was not the time for him to get offended. He needed to assuage his father-in-law's fears. Ava, on the other hand, was nervous and held onto his arm.

Mrs. Wesley was getting a headache following her daughter's actions. First, she hugged him, and now she was sticking to Tristan like glue.

She knows her husband will get angrier seeing Ava's behavior.

"Ava, sweety, come and sit here with mama," Mrs. Wesley tried to coax her daughter.

"No," Ava said stubbornly.

"Little one, go and sit with your mother," Tristan said softly.

"Nope, I want to sit with you," Ava pouted.

"Okay," Tristan nodded, agreeing to her request.

Mrs. Wesley was thinking, 'Is this really my daughter? She doesn't even want to get separated from Tristan. What has he done to my innocent daughter?'

Mr. Wesley was trying to control his anger. If it was anyone else he would never have let them enter his house. But Tristan was a capable businessman and an aristocratic heir. He has done business with Tristan, and he knew his operations, so he was wary.

"Mr. Ambrosio, you and Ava, and have such a huge age difference. You're an aristocratic heir. You cannot be serious about my daughter.

I will never let you play with her feelings. She is still studying and has a lot of opportunities ahead. Ava is not like Sara. She is naïve and innocent. She easily trusts people and gets hurt as easily.

We all have pampered her from childhood, and to me, she is still my child. Ava going to the dorm was a big deal for us. So You should understand that I cannot risk Ava's happiness by letting her be with you.

I have done business with you, and I know you are a cold and aloof person. I don't think you match my daughter," Mr. Wesley explained.

Tristan patiently listened to what his father-in-law was saying.

"Uncle, I understand that you love and care for Ava very much. But please give me a chance.

Ava and I don't have a problem with the age difference. I don't think age is a problem when we truly love each other.

As for the aristocratic title, that does not mean I am playing with your daughter. I am 32 years old, and I have never been associated with any woman.

If I really wanted to play, I could have done it before I met her. There was no shortage of women. 

As for her career, I will support her with whatever she wants to pursue. If she wants to work after getting married, then so be it.

I know Ava is innocent and naïve. That's what made me fall in love with her. I have never loved anyone 'til now, and I love Ava more than myself.

Being an aristocratic heir, I can bring her all the riches, her life will be full of luxury. Trust me, I will never let Ava shed a single drop of tear. I am going to guard her with my life. She will be my responsibility from now on, and I will never let you hear a single complaint.

I know people say that I am a cold and dangerous person. It's only because we should be that way in the business world to survive.

You are a businessman, and you know that the business world is a battlefield. Only the strongest survive. All my love and care will be given to Ava," Tristan said.

"Yes daddy, Tristan truly loves me. He is a very good person, and he always listens to me," Ava tried to convince her parents. She wanted them to know that Tristan was the best.

"Daddy, once you get to know my Tristan, you will also like him," Ava was acting like a witness in court, giving her testimony.

Mrs. Wesley thought it was true, once a daughter finds her husband, she will be like cooked rice, she cannot be undone. Guess their daughter was not theirs anymore.

Mr. Wesley knew what Tristan said was true. He had never heard of any scandals regarding Tristan, and he was very thorough with his deals.

Regarding his cold behavior, he needed to behave like that in the business world.

Tristan sounded like he really loved his daughter. As a man, he was convinced, but as a father, he was hesitating. How can he give away his precious daughter like that?

Ava was his youngest daughter. The thought of her marriage has not even crossed his mind. She was still a baby for him.

He could not tolerate it every time he sees her supporting Tristan. It gives him a headache when she sings his praises. What will happen if she marries? Will his daughter forget him?

No, that cannot be possible. He will try to delay this marriage as much as possible.

"Okay, I will agree to you both dating, but we will think about marriage later," Mr. Wesley said, resigned.

Tristan was satisfied with his answer for now. He will worry about getting married later.

"Daddy, It's either I'm going to marry Tristan, or I'm not getting married at all," Ava threw a tantrum.

Mr. Wesley, for the first time, felt that he should not have spoiled his daughter endlessly.

"Ava sweety, why don't you tell me how Tristan takes his coffee so I can tell the chef to make it," Mrs. Wesley tried to divert the topic.

"Tristan likes his coffee with less milk and one spoon of sugar, and oh..., forget it, let me go and tell the chef myself," Ava said as she made her way to the kitchen.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley looked at each other, thinking that things had gotten out of their hands. Guess there was no turning back now.

PA Jack was impressed by his boss's convincing skills. 

One day he will also face Kelly's parents, and he will be ready to convince her parents as Tristan did. He was eager to marry Kelly, but he knows that she was not ready to get married yet.

He doesn't know when his good days will come, but he was happy that at least they were in a relationship.