Chapter 78 - 78

Name:Bound To Him Author:StarySky96
Ava opened her eyes and saw that Tristan was not next to her. 

It looks like he got up early and went to the gym to exercise. 

It was only 7 am, but Ava did not feel like going back to sleep. She walked over to the gym, but it was empty. Tristan was not there. 

She thought of checking the study next. 

She entered the study without knocking. 

Ava had full freedom in the house, and she roamed wherever she wanted.

Tristan was talking on the phone with a business associate. He got up early since the investors were from abroad. It was 2 pm for his associates.

Ava lazily went and sat on the sofa, waiting for Tristan to finish his call. Tristan's eyes softened, seeing Ava. He liked how she always followed him.

He saw that she was wearing her slippers this time. She was still in her nightwear. Her hair was a little messed up, and because of the cold weather, her face puffed up.

When Tristan finished with his call, he stared at her.

"You should have slept some more," Tristan said. Since it was her vacation, he did not want her to wake up too early.

"I'm not sleepy anymore," Ava got up from the sofa and came near his desk.

"Just a few more minutes, then we can go to the garden," Tristan said, remembering how much she liked sitting on the swing.

"Uhm-hmm," Ava said as she sat on his lap. Tristan was happy to have her in his arms.

Tristan went back to reading his documents. After a while, Ava got bored and decided she wanted to be mischievous. She was wondering if it would work. 

She started drawing circles on Tristan's chest with her fingers.

Tristan ignored her and continued doing his work.

After some time, she started kissing his neck. Tristan's hand tightened on the mouse. Ava kissing him was awakening his desires.

Ava got bolder when he started breathing heavily. She started licking his neck.

"Little one," Tristan murmured, groaning.

Her actions shook his existence. It was like a current passed through his whole body. 

Ava did not mind his warning and bit his neck. 

She gave him a love bite. 

This mark will show everyone that Tristan belonged to Ava. She was marking her territory. 

Tristan was entirely and solely hers.

"Okay enough!" Tristan's little brother came alive after she bit his neck.

Tristan pushed all the documents and the laptop aside and made space on the table. He laid Ava on the table. Staring at her like a hunter was looking at his prey.

Tristan's face showed pure lust, something raw, and very dangerous. He was abstinent his whole life, and now here she was, a holy maiden, asking him to worship her.

Ava's eyes had the surprised look of a deer caught in the headlights. 

She gave him the look of uncertainty and excitement all in one. She was anticipating what could happen. She couldn't wait.

When she saw the dark desire in Tristan's eyes, she did not get scared. She was thrilled. She wanted him to unleash this side of him.

"Little one, you just marked me as yours," 

Tristan slowly started tracing his finger on her forehead, nose, and it stopped at her lips.

"Where should I mark you?" Tristan asked softly.

Ava opened her mouth and sucked on his finger.

"Someone is being naughty," Tristan removed his finger and chuckled.

Tristan can see the anticipation on Ava's face. She was thrilled with what she started.

Tristan took both her legs and wrapped them around his waist.

Ava's heartbeat increased, and her mouth went dry. She was speechless.

"I found the place," Tristan said, looking into her eyes.

He trailed his finger on her collarbone and slowly opened her shirt's first button. As soon as his cold hand touched her warm skin, she shivered.

She could not look away. She was hypnotized. It was like some magnetic force was pulling her towards him.

Ava just lay there and let him do whatever he wanted.

Tristan removed the buttons slowly as if opening an expensive gift, as if too much force may break the gift.

He opened her shirt wide open. She had a thin bralette. She felt like a breeze came through, so she squirmed. Tristan was looking at her body as if seeing the most beautiful creation in the world.

She had milky white skin, and her breasts were just the perfect size. Her stomach was flat, without an inch of extra fat, and she had the cutest navel.

It was getting difficult for him to restrain himself. He wanted to feel every inch of her skin. He wanted to take her right there and then.

But he loved Ava very much. So even if it was difficult, he stopped himself from going over. She was very precious to him. It was her first time he wanted her to feel good about it.

He took her breast in one hand and squeezed it. 

Ava bit her lower lip. Her eyes were getting clouded with desire. 

His hand on her breast felt so good. She couldn't describe what she was feeling. 

It was the first time she let someone touch her so intimately.

Ava has been sheltered her whole life. Aside from her dad. She's never held a man's hand before she met Tristan. 

He slowly and sensually caressed her. He wanted Ava to enjoy this just as much as he was. He took his other hand and caressed her other breast. Rolling both thumbs over her nipples.

"Ahh," Ava moaned and arched her back toward his hands. 

Hearing her moan added fuel to his desire.

Ava was very sensitive. Every little touch heightened her desire.

Tristan looked at her face and bent his head. He kissed the valley between her breasts. 

"Tristan," Ava whispered.

Tristan licked her, then gave her a love bite. Ava let out a soft cry. She wanted Tristan to continue what he was doing.

"This is my mark," Tristan whispered.

He wanted to mark her at a place where only he can see. He wanted to mark her whole body. But he thought, now was not that time.

The things he wanted to do Ava was so sinful. But this cannot be where she has her first time. It has to be special. 

Tristan laid his head on her chest. It was so damn soft. 

It will be his favorite pillow from now on.

He rubbed his face on her chest and tightened his hold on her waist.

Ava ran her fingers through his hair. Whatever she was experiencing right now was glorious. Tristan's touch was making her feel hot.

Tristan slowly lifted his head and stared at her flushed face. Her cheeks were tinted red from self-consciousness because she wanted him to touch her again.

He always thought she was beautiful, like a porcelain doll, but now, with her cheeks flushed, she was breathtaking.

He was feeling possessive. This look, lust, if you may call it, should be reserved only for him. She can never look at anyone else like this. 

"I will kill anyone who even takes a look at her,��� he thought. He wanted to hide her from everyone's prying eyes. 

"Yes, he was dominating, obsessive, controlling, call it what you want, but Ava is mine," he thought.

Day by day, he was falling so deeply in love with her. Her smile, her laugh, the way she stands, the way she looks when she thinks, everything about her, even the way she breathes was special to him. 

His little one.

He just wants to keep her with him at all times, hide her if he must. This overwhelming feeling was exploding from his chest. 

"I love you so much," Tristan said, kissing her gently.

His eyes were full of love. Each time he said it, it had an intensity to it. But this time, it was different. There was a longing in his tone.

"I love you, Tristan," Ava finally confessed.

Tristan was stunned for a moment. Even though Ava said she wanted to be with him, she never said I love you.

Hearing her say I love you was the sweetest thing he ever heard. He finally attained what he always wanted. Ava had completely fallen in love with him. Ava confessing was proof that she loved him as much as he loved her.

"I love you beyond everything. I love you more than you can imagine. I love you more than words can say," Tristan happily declared. He wanted to shout it out loud to the world. He wanted everyone to hear.

Ava had a broad grin seeing Tristan so jovial.

"I love you for all eternity," Ava softly said.

He couldn't get over this overwhelming feeling he had every time she declared her love for him. She said it twice now, and it left him flabbergasted.

Ava declared her love for eternity. She wants to live her life with me forever. Tristan couldn't contain his happiness. He hugged her tightly, slightly crushing her bones. 

Ava loved the intensity of his hug, and she hugged him back, just as tightly.

After a few minutes, Tristan broke the hug and buttoned her shirt. He ran his fingers through her hair and straightened them. He kissed her passionately one more time.

After checking that Ava was presentable, they went downstairs for breakfast.

Tristan and Ava were in heaven. Each moment spent together was as sweet as honey.

Somewhere else, someone's countdown started. You can never avoid the fruit of your evil deeds.