"You will not want to be my hostage when you arrive. You will not want your husband and your father to be threatened by me. In case you choose to commit suicide, will I not give up all my efforts? " Prince Qi stared at AI with black eyes and said softly.

Little Evan smiled: "no, you think more. Now I have lovely children, loving husband, parents and relatives. How could I give up my life so easily? Moreover, you threaten my husband and my father with me as a hostage, which is not a dangerous thing for them to do. "

"I will not end my life because I don't want to be a hostage. I've suffered so much since I was a child. I'm not easy to have today. I'm not easy to wait until you let me go home in the future. "

"And now, I hope you can become the king of country D, not the queen or Gu Jing," she said with a brilliant smile

"Why?" Prince Qi asked AI.

Little AI couldn't tell him that she suspected the queen would be bad for him, too.

"You are mean, insidious and ruthless. But at least at this time, you are willing to take into account the relationship with your mother. " Said AI.

"That doesn't mean anything." Said Prince Qi.

"When you are king, at least you will not kill me!" AI's black and white eyes are aligned with the prince's trust.

Maybe during this period of time, she slowly understood the prince Qi, who was ruthless, cruel and insidious on the surface.

Maybe it's because Prince Qi came forward and saved her from the gardener's gun.

Prince Qi listened to Xiaoai, and he smiled.

"Indeed, if I were king, I would not kill you. I may also have a good relationship with you. After I put you back, at least let your husband and your father stop worrying about me taking you hostage. " Said Prince Qi.

AI drooped her eyes and smiled: "no, as long as I go back safely, I will persuade my husband and dad. One more thing is better than one less. Everyone will be safe in the future. "

Prince Qi nodded and promised her, "OK, I promise you. When you have a baby, I will send your two children to your husband safely."

Finally heard his promise, AI is very happy.

Although we know that every step in the future may be full of variables.

Now he has promised her prince Qi, and he may lose faith in the future because of some sudden things or sudden changes in the situation.

But now she would like to believe that one day her two children can return to jominh safely.

"Let's work hard for that day. I will cooperate with you well in the future." AI said to him.

Prince Qi smiled and nodded: "well, it's hard!"

After Xiaoai prepared the poison, she didn't apply the poison to the cat's paw herself because of its strong toxicity.

Give the cat an antidote in advance. AI doesn't want the cat to be harmed by her poison.

Prince Qi himself went to poison the cat's claws.

Xiaoai said that the toxicity is very strong, as long as a drop into the blood, there will be very serious consequences.

Prince Qi is very careful when applying poison.

After painting, directly put the remaining poison in a small bottle and hide it in a secret place.

"Are you going?" AI came downstairs and saw Prince Qi asking the Secretary to hold the cat.

Prince Qi nodded: "yes!"